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Blind Vision Carlos Taylor Adaptive Computer Technology Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Blind Vision Carlos Taylor Adaptive Computer Technology Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blind Vision Carlos Taylor Adaptive Computer Technology Specialist

2 Perceptions Blind

3 Perceptions

4 Definition With best correction in place, if the eye with the best acuity is 20/200 or worse, the individual is legally blind

5 Statistics More than 20 million Americans report experiencing significant vision loss There are approximately 9 million Americans 45 to 64 years of age who have vission loss National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey, 2006,

6 Fears In the United States blindness follows only cancer and AIDS as the biggest health fear by the public (

7 Daily Tasks How can I cook? How can I eat? How can I read? How can I walk safely? How can I manage my money?

8 Social Barriers How will my family view me? How can I meet new people? How will old friends view me? How will I be viewed by society?

9 Myths Blind people have special gifts. Blind people feel other people’s faces. All blind people can read Braille.

10 Misconceptions All blind or visually impaired people are alike. Blind and visually impaired people are limited to certain tasks. Blind or visually impaired people can hear and feel things that no one else can; they have a sixth sense. ( /misconceptions.htm)

11 Language

12 Vocabulary Did you listen to the basketball game last night? Have you ever heard the movie Friday 13 th ? Are you going to listen to Wheel of Fortune tonight?

13 Adaptations Training Accommodations Technology Creative Thinking

14 Training Many agencies and services are available to assist a person adapt to blindness.

15 Technology Talking computers Talking or braillewatch Global Positioning System (GPS) Talking caller id

16 Offering Assistance

17 Conclusion People who are blind can lead active and productive lives Blindness is a characteristic

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