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Classroom Procedures CHAMPS
Agenda for today Procedures for the classroom
Attention signals Classroom Guidelines CHAMPS Entering the classroom Aim Now & Do Now Getting supplies Work time Clean up Exiting the classroom Late assignment & follow procedures cards. Tour of classroom Practice Disclosure statement I’m going to teach you how to be successful in this classroom.
Classroom Guidelines Guideline #1
Be in your seat & working on your aim now do now assignment when the tardy bell rings You will be marked absent and sent to the office for a tardy slip if you are not in your seat and working when the bell rings. Classroom Guidelines
Classroom Guidelines Guideline #2
Bring all Materials and work for class and take it with you or put it in your portfolio when you leave. Always, Always, Always bring a pencil to class. Bring anything I asked you to bring from home and any work that is due that day. Take all of your belongings with you when you leave the classroom. If you bring anything valuable to my class, it is at your own risk. I will not be searching everyone's personal baggage for your stuff so if you feel it is not safe don’t bring it. Classroom Guidelines
Classroom Guidelines Guideline #3
Treat each person in the room with dignity & respect. This means no derogatory remarks will be tolerated in my classroom. We will be critiquing other peoples works of art and we will do this with productive criticism. Classroom Guidelines
Classroom Guidelines Guideline #4
Follow all directions the first time that it is given. I need each and every one of you to follow any instruction I give you the first time I give it. This will allow for more time to complete our assignments in class eliminating the need for homework. Classroom Guidelines
Classroom Guidelines Guideline #5
Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the BLHS and Ogden City Schools handbook. Classroom Guidelines
Classroom Guidelines Guideline #6
This Classroom is a “No Whining Zone.” That means that there will be no whining for any reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please respect the “No Whining Zone” this semester. Now this does not mean that you can not vent about things in your reflection journals or come to me with concerns that you have about the class. Following these guidelines will create a stress-free learning environment which is good for all of us. Classroom Guidelines
Teacher raises hand and says I need your attention please
Student take out headphones, put down what every they are working on and look at the teacher with “0” voice for instruction within 5 seconds. Mr. Becherini is a retired Marine and I’m a military brat, but when the Marines were under attach and needed everyone to pay attention quickly they would say zero, indicating everyone should freeze and wait for instructions. When I need your attention I will raise my hand and say zero. This means I will be giving you information you need so freeze with eyes and ears towards me. Attention Signal
Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation CHAMPS
Conversation Voice Levels 0 = No Noise 1 = Whisper 2 = Inside Voice
3 = Presentation Voice 4 = Outside Voice I will display what the voice levels should be during different procedures. Conversation
Help Asking for Help During individual work time you will…
first look for your answers on the board of steps. Second you will ask everyone at your table or at least 3 people in the classroom for the answer. Third if you have not found your answer with the first two steps, raise your hand and I will come to your table to help. Always refer to the Champs poster for the activity procedures on asking for help. Help
Help Asking for help During demonstration or presentation
Wait for teacher to ask if there are any questions or concerns than raise your hand. Wait for teacher to call on you than ask question. If it is an emergency it is ok to raise your hand during the presentation. Help
Help Asking for help During Aim now Do now time
First read smart board & chalk board Second ask students at table or at least 3 people in the room. If you are still not able to find the answer come talk to me at the door. Help
Activity We will have many different activities in this class
Group activities, individual activities, and teacher run activities. Movement is not allowed during activities only during individual work time. Show example of champs activity on board. Activity
This is the portion that will indicate if it is appropriate to move around the room.
Many activities will allow for certain types of movement. Movement entails Using a hall pass Sharpening your pencil Retrieving supplies Putting supplies away Putting portfolios away Retrieving papers Show example Movement
Movement is only allowed during individual work time and when the teacher instructs otherwise.
For example when the teacher instructs it is clean up time, you are allowed to put supplies and your portfolio away than return to your assigned seats. Movement
Individual seat time is the only time you can ask to use the hall pass, sharpen your pencil, or be retrieving supplies. Movement
Participation, indicates if you should be raising your hands, holding up your marker board, or some other form of participation in the classroom. During individual work time participation involves using the only the supplies designated for the assignment. If you have not been instructed to use the equipment or supplies leave them be. Students found using supplies they have not been authorized to use or in areas that they are not supposed to be in will be removed from the classroom for the safety of themselves and the class (other penalties will apply). Participation
Success This means you have followed all the appropriate procedures.
When procedures are followed, rewards are not far behind. SCOT’s (Students caught on task), will be rewarded for their efforts. Success
You must fill out this card and sign it if you are not turning in your assignment on-time.
Assignments will have due dates & I expect students to turn things in on time. I also know that things happen and sometimes we need to turn in our assignments late. You will be docked one point per day (A day and B day are one day) that the assignment is late unless you turn it in with a late slip explaining why it is late. Late work Card
Reminders to Follow Procedures
If you get one of these on your desk it means you are not following one of the procedures or guidelines. You will need to sign it and follow the instructions on the bottom. The first time you are not following procedures I will give you a reminder check. If I have to give you a second slip you will have to meet with me after class to discuss how we can improve & possible have a re-training of the procedures. If you refuse to sign the procedures reminder slip the first time you will be immediately moved to level three disciplinary action where you will be written up for your offence. If you refuse to stay after class for the re-training or meeting you will be written up and an administrator will be called to escort you from my class. Reminders to Follow Procedures
Now everyone get up it’s time for a tour of the classroom.
Pay attention I will testing you on these facts throughout the semester. Tour of the Classroom
Disclosure Statement We are going to read this together.
Their will be a quiz on the information in your disclosure statement, so pay attention. It needs to be signed and returned to me for 20 points. This is our first assignment on our assignment logs and is due next time in class. Disclosure Statement
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