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By Linda Kolmel October 2013. Good Teaching is harder than Bad Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "By Linda Kolmel October 2013. Good Teaching is harder than Bad Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Linda Kolmel October 2013

2 Good Teaching is harder than Bad Teaching

3 Not all teachers have the same skill set.

4 All good teaching does not look the same.

5 Small changes can make a big difference.

6  Not teaching 2 or more curriculums  Class unity lost with separation  Standards Guide Instruction  CCSS builds knowledge systematically  NGSSS overlap in some areas  Plan with the end in mind; KUD  Know  Understand  Do

7  School Calendar  Using pacing guides, write topics into calendar  Color code for each grade  Integrate Cross-Curricular Lessons  Goals  Routines

8  Useable Strategies  Transfer  Have a good time

9  Model, Teach, Counter, Practice  What should it look like?  What should it sound like?  “What do we do when that happens?”  Reflect

10  Start of Day  End of Day  Questions  Finished with Work  Turn in & What to do  Classroom Paths

11  Direct Instruction  Guided Practice  Independent Practice

12 Academics will move slower in the beginning because you are teaching routines.

13  Read to Self  Work on Writing  Read to Someone  Listen to Reading  Word Work

14  Comprehension  I understand what I read  Accuracy  I can read the words  Fluency  I can read accurately, with expression, and understand what I read  Extend Vocabulary  I know, find and use interesting words

15  Differentiation  Content: Varied materials & resources used by all students as they work to meet the same standards  Process: Varied activities students participate in to process or make sense of the content  Product: Varied ways for students to shoe what they understand, know and are able to do  Discovery Education

16  Whole Group  Read Alouds  Vocabulary  Small Groups  Reading Text Selections  Leveled Readers  Reading Foundations/Skills orientated  Strategies & Skills overlap along learning continuum  Instruct Reading in Content Areas  Workstations

17  Activity Guides  Van de Walle Teaching Student Centered Mathematics  AIMS Activity Books  Super Source  Envision Animated Videos  Workstation Activities

18  Note Pacing Sequence (High, Moderate, Low)  Body of Knowledge Areas  Nature of Science  Life Science  Earth Science  Physical Science

19  Pacing Guide  Integrate in Reading  Brevard Website; Elementary Programs

20  The Daily Five by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser  The CAFÉ Book: Engaging All Students in Daily Literary Assessment and Instruction by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser  Practice with Purpose: Literacy Work Stations for Grades 3-6 by Debbie Diller  Math Work Stations: Independent Learning You Can Count On, K-2 by Debbie Diller  Maximize Tier One by Pat Quinn

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