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Presentation on theme: " Humanity is our Identity ‘Service to humanity is service to God’ Started in 1991 in a small village in AP Registered NGO in India, UK,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanity is our Identity ‘Service to humanity is service to God’ Started in 1991 in a small village in AP Registered NGO in India, UK, USA 7000+ volunteers including 3000+ blood donors Arise! Awake! Act now for good cause

2 Manavata’s Mission is to create a Healthy, Happy and Harmonious (3H) world

3 Secret of Work Physical Help Intellectual Help Spiritual Help Helping for basic Needs - Feeding the hunger - Give Clothes to poor - Assist for shelter - Assist for self employment Share the Knowledge - Guide for self development - personality development - Create awareness for better living - Help to create good environment - Guide for employment Developing Spiritual Wisdom - Guide yourself - Meditation - Spiritual Study - Peace practices Different levels of Help: Sri Swami Vivekananda defined Help in three levels

4 Principles Purpose of our life is to serve others (Use body, mind, money & time for a good cause without any attachment) Follow simple life style (lessen or avoid any harm to nature, own health or any being) Humanity is our identity (treat all beings equal without any discrimination and maintain non-violence) Service to humanity is service to God (God is omni present – see God in every being) Empowerment is our approach (Knowledge/skill makes human to take care of themselves without any dependency) Eat to live but not live to eat (follow knowledge rather than senses and lead more purposeful life)

5 Friendship Selfish Time pass Mutual Benefit Self-less Highest level of Friendship (purposeful & long standing). I am for you & you are for me, we both work together for society Give and take relationship For the sake of engaging themselves They look for only their benefit

6 Services HealthEducationEnvironmentHelp Needy Healthy living / awareness camps & Yoga camps Alternative Medicine, Nutrition, Hygiene Homeopathy centres & Medical camps Personality Development Value based Education Self Employment training for under privileged youth / Women Plantation Natural / Organic Farming Promote cycling (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) awareness Orphanage / Manavata Ashram Support for treatment/critical surgeries of poor patients Blood DonationEnergy Conservation Clothe distribution to poor Food distribution Immediate help in natural calamities Manavata Services

7 Manavata Programs www.CharityAtH www.CharityTog Blood Donation Global Youth Movement Green Belt Movement Help Needy Healthy living, simple living, save nature attitude Values based education / MAHE Eco-friendly lifestyle/ home garden Building leadership Sustainable development Empowerment Helpline Campaign for Donors’ database Blood donation camps Personality Development MYLIP Plantation Drive Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Natural Farming Serve poor 15/08/2015 www.manavata.org7 Manavata Programs View

8 Overview of Manavata Programs Bharat kisan (To help farmers and to encourage sustainable & natural farming methods) Blood Donation Program Charity @ Home (To promote best practices at home) Charity Together (To facilitate collaborations in self-less service) Food & Clothe Distribution to poor Global Youth Movement (To build good citizens & to encourage youth to involve in social development) Orphanage (Manavata Ashram) Manavata Green Belt Movement (to promote plantation) Mobile Seva Kendra (To create awareness in health & education) Homeopathy Help needy Patients (funding & co-ordination)

9 Unity is our Strength and Synergy is our Strategy An initiative that is targeted to unite charities to achieve effectiveness & synergy in self-less service. It is a consortium of charity organizations which can help each other in bringing excellence...through the propagation of best practices, governance rules, knowledge sharing, courses, and workshops on enhancing skills and techniques Aimed at creating an efficient framework for various charity organizations to work together and help each other in contributing for a good cause

10 Charity Together Conference in London, Hyderabad and San Francisco helped us to bring 400 Organizations together

11 Cycling For Humanity Manavata Chaitanya Yatra Cycling Events along with Service activities * Education: Personality Development Programs * Health: Health awareness and medical camps * Environment: plantation drive * To inspire every one towards humanity For More Details & to join us @ http://www.charityTogether.org Save Earth & Be Healthy

12 Charity Together Unity is our Strength and Synergy is our Strategy An initiative that is targeted to unite charities to achieve effectiveness & synergy in self-less service. It is a consortium of charity organizations which can help each other in bringing excellence...through the propagation of best practices, governance rules, knowledge sharing, courses, and workshops on enhancing skills and techniques Aimed at creating an efficient framework for various charity organizations to work together and help each other in contributing for a good cause

13 Service to Man is Service to God Help needy Donate blood to save lives Feed hunger, donate clothes, provide shelter Build responsible citizens Respond to natural disasters

14 Service to Man is Service to God Help needy Donate blood to save lives Feed hunger, donate clothes, provide shelter Build responsible citizens Respond to natural disasters

15 Education Promote true education Build good characters Empower youth and women

16 Health Adopt best practices Sound Mind in Sound Body Yoga & Right food

17 Environment Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Act now to Save Nature Promote Plantation Promote Organic Farming

18 eGroupsMembersChaptersMembers Other Orgs Members Owner Moderator President Vice President Secretary Joint Secretary Treasurer Chapter Activities Organizing activities Co-ordination with local Members Web admin to manage information on web/emails Planning & Review Communication with other chapters / steering committee Accounts / Budget Committee s Members Web Team Members Activity Organization / Initiatives Co-ordination with local & Members Web admin to manage information on web/emails Planning & Review Communication with chapters / members / web team Accounts / Budget Supporting Chapters for their activities Steering Committee Members Memberships: Web Members Patterns / sponsors Life Members General body Members eGroup members Chapter Members Committee Members

19 CEO - Program Directors (Global) o Program Managers (Country) Program Coordinator (Location) Volunteers Representatives from each chapter or member organizations Volunteers Project Managers Project Team - Chapter Presidents o Chapter Executive committee Vice President Secretary Joint Secretary Treasurer Executive Members Members - Steering group o Finance Manager o Resource Manager o Campaign Manager o Legal Adviser o Collaboration Manager - Technology o Web development Manager Content Writers Developers Support Engineers o Engineering Solutions o Health Experts o Educational Experts o Agricultural Experts o Environmental Experts - eGroups o Moderators Members - Advisers

20 Organize an initial meeting with a few like minded people Brief them about Manavata and it’s services Invite every one to share their ideas to address local problems & identify areas of work (eg. Blood donation, personality development, etc) Elect an executive committee with minimum of 5 members (President, Vice President, Secretary, joint secretary, Treasurer & executive members) based on interest (check roles and responsibilities in overview slides) Set goals & distribute responsibilities among members based on skill set and interest Maintain self-lessness in service Ask other chapters for any guidance Start with a small project and regularize activities Use online easy to use tools to organize members, events and activities

21 Local chapter activities Blood Donation Camps Personality Development sessions Yoga camps Sessions on Healthy life style, food habits Environmental awareness / Plantation Knowledge sharing sessions (Tech & Mgt) Charity benefit sports events

22 Major Mile stones & achievements 1991: Manavata founded in 1991 and continuously expanding it's reach and services with consistent and sustainable social development activities. 1997: Self employment project started to empower under privileged youth in Hyderabad. 2000: Online Blood donation website started and expanded blood donation services to different regions (Kakinada, Rayavaram, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad and etc) 2001-03: Manavata Singapore/ asia pac and other international groups initiated 2003: Manavata UK chapter started 2004: Manavata US Chapter started 2005: Manavata Ashram started in Lolla to care for orphan children 2006: Charity Together & Charity At Home programs started. Started supporting disabled home/blind school in Ramachandrapuram 2008: Manavata Ashram started in Hyderabad. Started supporting Dump-deaf school in Srikakulam 2009: Manavata Ashram support extended to old age people, Homeopathy despensary started in Ashram 2010: Manavata Austria chapter started

23 Idea Plan Execute Review Discuss social issues Ideas shared among members Steering group evaluates ideas Brainstorm to finalize idea idea formulates to a project Preparation of project plan identify resources Estimate budget Team building Fund raising Procurement Set timelines and milestones Implementation of project steps Regular reviews Audit project Review project deliveries Submit review report to steering group Methodology

24 Event Management Discuss idea with EC Initial plan (Objective, budget, resources, number of people) Identify venue & time (booking) Initiate campaigning (email, posters, local libraries, offices, volunteers representing in corporate to invite) Plan & procure resources (Banners, Pamphlets, stalls, chief guests, speakers, cultural events etc) Reminders Prior event progress review & planning meeting/call (distribute responsibilities, content writing, pictures, presentations, media) Conduct event Event review / update lessons learnt log / update web & email for members

25 Project Management Discuss idea with EC – issue project brief Initial plan (Objective, budget, resources) Go-noGo meeting Define roles and responsibilities Identify team / resources Detailed project plan Follow the project management process Regular reviews in each stage of the project Regular updates to be circulated to team (email / web) Post implementation review / update lessons learnt log

26 Better farming for better future To bridge the knowledge gap To create awareness to farmers with better farming techniques and market information To motivate both people and government to make initiatives successful

27 Donate Blood to Save Lives 19 years of service: Manavata Blood donation program serving needy through Helpline, Online & Camps

28 Charity At Home Be the Change which you want to see in the world A program to directly help in ‘transforming’ the lives of 2000 families worldwide in its initial wave....through the propagation of best practices, knowledge sharing, courses, and workshops on enhancing skills and techniques Aimed at creating a healthy, happy and harmonious life for the participating families

29 Charity Together Unity is our Strength and Synergy is our Strategy An initiative that is targeted to unite charities to achieve effectiveness & synergy in self-less service. It is a consortium of charity organizations which can help each other in bringing excellence...through the propagation of best practices, governance rules, knowledge sharing, courses, and workshops on enhancing skills and techniques Aimed at creating an efficient framework for various charity organizations to work together and help each other in contributing for a good cause

30 Global Youth Movement To channelize youth powers towards self and social development. To create better awareness among youth about their social responsibility & self development To promote true education through personality development programs To create employment through skill development

31 Sound Mind in Sound Body Yoga Manavata Yoga & Health Camps in India & UK

32 Youth & Women Empowerment 350+ women & 100+ youth trained and self employed Manavata Personality Development Programs

33 Manavata Ashram for Children Living in peace and tranquillity nature Yoga & Meditation Education Personality development

34 Mobile Seva Kendra This program is combination of all services (Health, Education and Environment) An effort to serve more number of needy people To create awareness in different social activities To involve more people in humanitarian work

35 How can you involve? Be the change which you want to see in the world Organising health and environmental awareness camps Fund rising events (why? : to support child, old, needy) Managing sponsorships Content writing Managing accounts, funds and tax exemption etc Managing communication with Charity commission Member Management and communication Team building Project Management Organizing team events Preparing educational material Organize regional groups by initiating local chapters

36 They alone live who live for others. The rest are more dead than alive. Thanks for Volunteering Thanks to everyone for contributing and working together for the cause of humanity

37 Salute to Volunteers We appreciate all your time spent for self-less service You work best when you work for others.

38 Keep up the Good work Let us continue working together and inspire our brothers and sisters to work for self-less cause and direct them towards humanity Think not that you are poor; money is not power but goodness, holiness

39 Keep Inspiring Keep building responsible citizens Promote simple and healthy life style Conserve energy and save earth

40 Join Us Join and work together If you are new to Manavata and would like to join hands please send us a mail to or Register in

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