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Roy Sharples The art of hustling and gun slinging within the customer-oriented culture.

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2 Roy Sharples The art of hustling and gun slinging within the customer-oriented culture

3 Today’s expectations for the CIO Security and risk Legislation & Compliance Compliance Cost and complexity reduction Just in time delivery Outsourcing and off-shoring Performance measures Growing shareholder value Alignment and collaboration Differentiated products and services products and services Growing talent Governance and funding Business integration CIO Squeeze

4 Managing IT as an integrated enterprise CIO Setting and maintaining IT leadership and direction. Centrally managing the IT organization and its specialist groups as an integrated business. Generating maximum value from IT investments. Planning & managing the IT business Facilitating and integrating internal IT operations to increase productivity, efficiencies and synergies. Optimizing the IT supply chain Optimizing the IT supply chain in the extended Maximizing its partner eco system, ensuring value for money and just in time delivery of products and services from its supply base. Optimizing the IT customer experience Optimizing the relationships with IT customers, and increasing product and service effectiveness. Copyright Microsoft 2008

5 Microsoft’s advisory services to the CIO IT Strategy Innovation Management Governance & Alignment IT Transformation Value Realization Enterprise Integration Copyright Microsoft 2008

6 The IT challenges for eCommerce retailers Inventory Orders Financials PIM Content CRM Head Office Inventory Orders Financials PIM Content “P & L” Barrier”

7 Solution trends for eCommerce retailers Inventory Orders Financials PIM Content CRM Enterprise Data Commerce Data eCommerce Website eCommerce Website

8 Web 2.0 Service Providers Evolving ecommerce architectures.Com Customers Enterprise Infrastructure Services Business Services Transport Channel Enterprise Application Services User Experience Recommendations Search & Browse Products & Services Orders/Transactions

9 Case Case study

10 Transforming IT into an enterprise leader

11 Managing and governing the architecture CBG Purpose: Set overall direction and align business and IT strategy and agree funding for future opportunities, Key activities include; Enterprise IT investments, IT policies, IT services, budget/chargeback structure, ROI/value determination, IT mandate/priorities. Membership: CIO & all LoB Directors/Leads. Chaired by CEO. Frequency: Quarterly. Enterprise Governance Body IT Strategy Governance Global IT Spending Targets Enterprise Governance Body IT Strategy Governance Enterprise Governance Body IT Strategy Governance Executive IT Steering Group Governance Financial Governance Target Spending Guidance Architecture Review Board Functional Governance Body (GEC) Program/Project Governance Enhancements & Support Business Process R & D Architecture Competency Centre Purpose: Alignment of architecture with business and IT plans, architecture principles, policies, patterns and standards policies, architecture implementation, project & operational management practices and development methodologies. Membership: Enterprise Architects, Domain Architects, Portfolio/Project Managers, Service Managers. Chaired by CTO/Head of Architecture. Frequency: Bi-Weekly. Purpose: Serves as the day to day stewards and custodians of enterprise and domain architectures as well as supporting policies, principles, processes, roles & responsibilities, collateral & enabling toolset. Membership: Enterprise Architects, Domain Architects. Chaired by CTO/Head of Architecture. Frequency: Weekly.

12 Better alignment and integration of IT. Clear roles and responsibilities for allocating resources. A basis for evaluating new proposals and projects. Improved quality of choices for investments. Reduction in the cost and complexity of IT. Improved management understanding of the role of IT. A mechanism to surface and evaluate the impacts of IT change. Benefits

13 Simple common language that everyone can understand. Business organizational buy-in and change management. Foster innovation and creativity. Effective prioritization. Collaborative approach. Ensure integrity and quality. Constant journey, not a destination! Keys to success

14 Thank you

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