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Blood pressure - procudure

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Presentation on theme: "Blood pressure - procudure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood pressure - procudure

2 Equipment – mercury sphygmomanometer
Cuffs Watch and thermometer Stethoscope Measurement tape Stop watch Something to elevate the device

3 Equipment – automated device
Watch and thermometer Measurement tape Cuffs Measurement device

4 Exclusion criteria Blood pressure is not measured if a participant has
Both arms amputated Cast on both arms Open wounds/sores on both arms Rash on both arms Malformation on both arms preventing to place the cuff Lymph node malfunction in both arms

5 Setting up the measurement site
Room should be Quiet Comfortable temperature No disturbance Measurement device placement Measurer has clear view Participant cannot see the results If mercury sphygmomanometer is used, mercury column at the eye level of the measurer

6 Instruction to the participants
Before blood pressure measurement, participants should abstain from Eating Drinking (except water) Smoking Heavy exercise Taking drugs that affect blood pressure for one hour before the measurement

7 Position of the subject
Back supported Feet resting on the floor, not crossed

8 Position of the arm Right arm, resting on the desk Palm is facing up
In line with heart

9 Removal of clothing Remove constrictive sleeves
Sleeves rolled up, not constrictive

10 Selection of the cuff The bladder of the cuff should be
Width: At least 40% of the arm circumference Length: At least 80% of the arm circumference

11 Measurement process Participant is asked to sit still for 5 minutes
Participant is asked not to talk during the measurement Arm circumference is measured and cuff selected Cuff is placed 2-3 cm above antecubital fossa

12 By automated device After the cuff has been placed, follow the instructions of the used device Measure blood pressure 3 times, one minutes between measurements

13 By mercury sphygmomanometer (1)
The radial pulse is palpatated and the pulse rate is counted for 60 seconds Record 60 sec pulse count and whether or not the pulse was regular

14 By mercury sphygmomanometer (2)
Determine the peak inflation level The brachial pulse is located and the bell of the stethoscope is placed Not touching the cuff, rubber or clothing Inside the bicep muscle tendon

15 By mercury sphygmomanometer (3)
Inflate the cuff rapidly to the peak inflation level Deflate at the rate of 2 mmHg/second Systolic blood pressure: Korotkoff Phase I Diastolic blood pressure: Korotkoff Phase IV Record measurement to the nearest 2 mmHg Wait 1 minute Repeat measurement two more times

16 Quality assurance – mercury sphygmomanometer
Daily Shape of the meniscus Rise of the mercury Zero level of the mercury Cracks in the glass tube Screw at the tops of the calibrated glass tube Air tube for cracks and tears Weekly Cuffs Material Condition Stethoscopes Device Air leaks

17 Quality assurance –automated device
Daily AC adapter cord of the device is securely plugged in or Batteries have power Air tubes for cracks and tears Secure attachment of the tubes Weekly Under consideration

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