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Skillful writing and prevention of plagiarism with Turnitin Orientation material for teachers 21.1.2014 Minna Vänskä, Educational Developer Strategic Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Skillful writing and prevention of plagiarism with Turnitin Orientation material for teachers 21.1.2014 Minna Vänskä, Educational Developer Strategic Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skillful writing and prevention of plagiarism with Turnitin Orientation material for teachers 21.1.2014 Minna Vänskä, Educational Developer Strategic Support for Research and Education

2 Contents What is plagiarism? How to support writing in own words and prevent plagiarism? Turnitin as a tool Guidelines of using Turnitin in Aalto University When to use Turnitin – during the course & during the degree program? How to create the Turnitin return box? How to inform students? Interpreting the Originality Check raport What if plagiarism suspected? Grading with Turnitin (Grademark) Formative feedback with Turnitin Let students check themselves – peer assessment Check your own texts Questions and support

3 What is plagiarism? Autoplagiarism Reusing one’s own earlier work in new study attainments or publications Plagiarism = unacknowledged borrowing. Common forms: Quotations or word-for-word citing without clear indication Minor changes to the source text Inadequate citing or referencing Copy and paste from an online source Direct translation without quotations Collusion – co-workers are not mentioned or peers’ work is included in an assignment that should have been produced independently Source and detailed information: Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Violations Thereof Chapter 3.

4 How to support writing in own words and prevent plagiarism? (1/4) Information acquisition and academic writing are skills and therefore need to be trained –exploring sources and reading yourself –collecting sources and references into a reference manager –thinking and writing in own words (not copy-pasting and modifying) –training writing as a process and making the most of feedback (instead of a last-minute act) Training along the studies, also in small portions

5 How to support writing in own words and prevent plagiarism ? (2/4) Instead of one DL, let students practice writing in phases. A writing assignment DLDL DLDL D L1 D L2 D L3 A writing assignment DLDL DLDL D L1 D L2 D L3

6 How to support writing in own words and prevent plagiarism ? (3/4) (3) Write drafts and have them reviewed (2) Decide on your purpose, and devise an approach that will connect with users and is approved by your company/supervisor (1) Examine, evaluate, and interpret your material Rework, replan and redraft for final review and approval The finished document (1) Work with the ideas and information (4) Evaluate and revise the document (3) Draft the document (2) Plan the document The Writing Process for Technical Documents (Source: Lannon, J. 2006. Technical Communication.) Grading, including originality check, in Tools for writing and assessment Originality check and feedback in Collecting source material and annotating with reference manager Citing and bibliography with reference manager

7 How to support writing in own words and prevent plagiarism? (4/X) Types of writing tasks –the kind of writing students will be doing in the future –requires synthesizing information –…..

8 Turnitin as a tool submitting of assignments (Turnitin return box instead of email) originality check of texts against comparison databasesoriginality check –web pages –student papers and –library databases and publications. Note: originality check is not perfect! originality check raport has to be interpreted –report identifies similarities and shows similarity index % –report does not identify plagiarism feedback and grading – GradeMark, QuickMark, PeerMark –student – tutor –peers Save time in mechanical handling and use it for guiding Students become aware of avoiding plagiarism before submitting Students are treated equally Use assessment criteria and phrases effectively

9 Guidelines of using Turnitin in Aalto University Inform Inform students of using Turnitin Guide and grade Turnitin can be used for both guidance (mainly) and grading Treat equally Use Turnitin equally for study attainments of all students of the course. Students can not refuse to use Turnitin if they wish to have their study attainment graded Let students check It is recommended that students can check the originality before submitting for grading and have a chance to hear teacher’s interpretation of it Late checks possible Turnitin Originality Check can be used for an individual study attainment if plagiarism is suspected, in spite of not using it during the course. Checking originality is a part of the evaluation and grading Always interpret Always interpret the originality check raports (the similarity% is not enough for conclusions) If suspected, follow the procedure If plagiarism suspected, follow the procedure of handling the violations of academic integrity. ”It is recommended to go through the originality raport with the student before contacting the investigator.” Source and detailed information: Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Violations Thereof Chapter 5 (Turnitin referred as “Aalto University electronic system”)

10 When to use Turnitin during the course? During the course/thes is process Assignment Instructions Guidance during the study process Grading of an assignment or a thesis Turnitin return box(es) for submitting(s) established assignment instructions assessment criteria can be shown for students (the same to be used in grading in Turnitin) Turnitin QuickMark and Peermark for giving feedback originality check can be practiced (before final grading) originality check not necessarily needed in every phase of writing or in every sub assignment Submissions into Turnitin return box originality check and grading in Turnitin (Moodle)

11 When to use Turnitin during the degree program? 1. year course, a writing assignment in a Candidate program Other candidate level courses with writing assignments Candidate’s thesis 1. year course, a writing assignment in a Master program Master’s thesis 1. year course, a writing assignment in a doctoral program Doctoral thesis

12 Creating the Turnitin return box (1/3) To create a Turnitin return box, you need a course workspace for it either in Moodle or in https://turnitin.aalto.fi Which one to use? –It is recommended to use Moodle. It is a common, interactive learning environment for all courses in Aalto. It is familiar to many students already. It is easier to manage Teacher rights and co-operation in the Moodle workspace – can be used in addition to Moodle, if you want to see a list of Turnitin return boxes of all of your course workspaces. Note! Before using Turnitin via Moodle for the first time, log in to with your Aalto account and password and log out (This is a technical issue which is not needed after March 2014. You have to do this only once). Log in to Moodle with your Aalto account and password. Request a workspace for the course by filling in the form (Service/Help > Workspace Request) with a mention of “Turnitin return box template” to the field “name of the workspace you would like to copy”

13 Creating the Turnitin return box (2/3)

14 How to inform students

15 Interpreting the Originality Check raport

16 Interpreting the Originality Check raport – how much is too much? Picture of an example of interpretations: Seppo Mallenius Just OK, but be aware Not good att all, FAILED Unforgivable, FAILED OK

17 Interpreting the Originality Check raport

18 What if plagiarism suspected? Follow the Aalto University procedure of handling violations –Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Violations ThereofAalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Violations Thereof –see a flow diagram version of the process (including explanations)

19 Grading with Turnitin (Grademark)

20 Formative feedback with Turnitin

21 Let students check themselves – peer assessment and self assessment

22 Check your own texts As an instructor you can also check your own texts with Turnitin –User information > Allow quick submit: Yes There is another product for researchers, iThenticate, without “course features”)

23 What if plagiarism suspected? > Code of Academic Integrity Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Violations Thereof –in Into portal (Turnitin part of the code in Finnish only at the moment)in Into portal –how to use Turnitin as a tool –process of handling violations

24 Turnitin support pedagogical and technical support: –ask for a Turnitin workshop –request consulting for course development with Turnitin –questions if plagiarism suspected, contact the investigator of your School (Head of Academic Affairs)

25 Reference managers saving references by “one click” during information searching citing aid creation of bibliography by “one click” annotating a reference text portfolio of references sharing of references. Several software: RefWorks (supported by Aalto Library), BibTex, EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley etc.RefWorks BibTexEndNoteZoteroMendeley

26 Turnitin is not perfect Original drawing: Silpiö 2013 Plagiarism Plagiarism discovered with Turnitin Plagiarism discovered with Turnitin Violations against the Code of Academic Integrity Plagiarism in studies

27 Objective To develop practices and teaching practices of skillful writing and prevention of plagiarism. * oman alan kirjoittaminen,

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