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Persuasive paper Should dog owners receive a citation if their dog is tied up for longer than 10hours per day?

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive paper Should dog owners receive a citation if their dog is tied up for longer than 10hours per day?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive paper Should dog owners receive a citation if their dog is tied up for longer than 10hours per day?

2 Brainstorm Pros/Cons of topic (students do independently) Create a video the day before with 1 R/D/F synonyms for common words Bubble Outline Rough Draft Final Draft

3 Prompt Animal activist groups are pushing for new legislation regarding the treatment of dogs. They argue that it is inhumane to chain dogs up for longer than 10 hours per day. Does leaving dogs on chains create problem behaviors? If these new laws are passed dog owners could be fined if they are caught treating their pets this way.

4 Dogs chained up get ticket Creates Aggressive dogs (However) Social problems Animal cruelty Owners have certain responsibilities -- not safe for public -- owners are fined /dogs put to sleep -- bite kids, attack cats, eat the mailman -- chain cuts into necks -- causes dogs to turn mean --nails grow long and hurt paws due to lack of exercise --weather cold/hot -- neglect leads to starvation -- feed it --train it --bond with dog --chose to make time to train or not get the dog --teach them to protect and then the dogs can’t do their job -- walk the dog --why people don’t get as mad over child abuse --media influences what we hear about -- animal groups fight for animals rights -- animals deserve to have a good life they can’t control what happens to them

5 Creates aggressive dogs Owners have certain responsibilities Animal cruelty However many people think America has many other social problems than just abuse towards animals -- not safe for public -- owners are fined /dogs put to sleep -- bite kids, attack cats, eat the mailman -- feed it --train it --bond with dog --chose to make time to train or not get the dog --teach them to protect and then the dogs can’t do their job -- walk the dog -- chain cuts into necks -- causes dogs to turn mean --nails grow long and hurt paws due to lack of exercise --weather cold/hot -- neglect leads to starvation --why people don’t get as mad over child abuse --media influences what we hear about -- animal groups fight for animals rights -- animals deserve to have a good life they can’t control what happens to them

6 Rough Draft Pick transitions Start to turn the outline into sentences Order the paragraphs logically Proofread Create final draft


8 Rough Draft In my opinion dog owners should not chain their dogs up for longer than 10 hours per day. This can cause many problem behaviors. Many dogs may become aggressive. Could this treatment of dogs be considered animal cruelty? Also, when you get a dog you have certain responsibilities toward that animal. First, when dogs are not socialized they may become mean. If a dog turns mean the public may be in danger. When a dog bites a little kid it could cause permanent damage. If your dog scares the mailman, he may not deliver your mail and you wont get your important letters. If the dog catcher is called the owner will get a ticket or the dog will be taken away and put to sleep. Second, if you decide to get a dog you have to realize there are certain responsibilities. Dogs need to be fed every day. They also need to be walked and played with; you have to train your dog to go to the bathroom outside. If you do not have time to spend with a dog then you should not get one, it is not right to keep them locked up outside on a chain all day. Third, when dogs are left on chains that are to short you may get a ticket for animal cruelty. Without the opportunity to run around and play the dogs nails will get really long and grow into their paws. This will make it painful to walk. If you neglect your dog by leaving it on a chain you might forget to give it food and water and then it might die. Dogs don’t ask to be anything but a member of the family, so you should make sure you want it before you get it. However many people think that it is wrong to abuse animals, but do not get as mad about abusing people. If a child is found hurt you might see one news story on that person, when something happens to an animal you hear about it over and over. I think it is wrong to abuse animals, but I also think it is wrong to not get mad at people that abuse other people too. That is why I think it is wrong for people to chain their dogs up for longer than 10 hours per day. If you have to chain them up because you don’t have a yard, you need to try extra hard to spend time with them. I think that having a dog is good for kids and all kids should have a dog. But you have to remember to take care of them.

9 Final Proof read Look for capitalization Look for punctuation Rewrite so it is PERFECTO Writing is like laundry unfortunately it is never done!!!!

10 IDEAS Letters to the editors Books President Obama Action Magazine Editorial Cartoons Issues in your own school Suggestions/Questions Thank you!!!!!

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