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Taglines FVP12. What is a Tagline? A tagline is a type of branding slogan used in marketing. Ideally a tagline is a memorable phrase (one or two sentences,

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Presentation on theme: "Taglines FVP12. What is a Tagline? A tagline is a type of branding slogan used in marketing. Ideally a tagline is a memorable phrase (one or two sentences,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taglines FVP12

2 What is a Tagline? A tagline is a type of branding slogan used in marketing. Ideally a tagline is a memorable phrase (one or two sentences, at the most) that sums up the tone and premise of a brand or product (like a film), or to reinforce the audience's memory of a product. Most movies use taglines, particularly as part of the movie's marketing poster. You will examine the taglines of several of your favourite films and analyze their effectiveness (or lack thereof).

3 Dazed and Confused Dazed and Confused (Flashback edition 1993) It was the last day of school in 1976, a time they'd never forget... if only they could remember.

4 Platoon (1986) The first casualty of war is innocence.

5 Our Idiot Brother (2011) Everybody has one

6 The Godfather (1972) I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse

7 Psycho (1960) A new- and altogether different- screen excitement!!!

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