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Me Puzzle Feel free to complete your child’s puzzle about themselves!

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Presentation on theme: "Me Puzzle Feel free to complete your child’s puzzle about themselves!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Me Puzzle Feel free to complete your child’s puzzle about themselves!

2 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Presented by: Miss Mandola Cerritos, A Leadership Academy You have brains in your head, You have feet in your shoes, You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. Dr. Seuss

3 Before I forget…. O White papers are for questions. O There is a piece of paper on your child’s desk that you can write a note to them for tomorrow morning. O Feel free to take the Me Puzzle with you.

4 Meet Miss Mandola O Bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University O I love to play and watch all sports, and in the fall I coach volleyball at Altadena. O Avid movie watcher! O Family


6 Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff… O Birthdays: No birthday treats please, or invitations at school. O Dress Code: District Handbook O Snacks: Limit to one snack please. Students can bring water into the classroom, but please stick with water (even for snack). O Transportation Changes: Please call the office, if the change needs to be made during the school day. O Lunch Money: Pay online or send money in an envelope to school. Lunches are $2.50.

7 Classroom Schedule O Lunch will be daily from 11:20-12:00. We have recess from 11:20- 11:40, and eat from 11:40-12:00. O I will be picking the students up from outside at 7:40, and we will begin our learning at 7:45. It is very important that your child is on time to school to maximize their learning. We do a lot of community building, and it is important for all students both academically and socially to be able to share and make connections. O Uninterrupted Times are: Math: 8:00-9:30 daily Language Arts: 12:30-2:20 (M, T, TH, F) 10:30-11:20 (W) O Our Class Schedule is as follows: Monday: Computer Lab Tuesday: Art with Ms. Rogers Wednesday:PE with Mrs. Martin Thursday: Music with Dr. Van Oostrom (Dr. V) Friday: Library with Mrs. Nordahl (BOOKS DUE!)

8 Classroom Management O Positive Reinforcement will be used on a daily basis. O Working towards goals O 7 Habits language and leadership will be used O Everyone is a leader in something!leader O Guiding the children to feel and be successful! O Class Dojo

9 Contacting Miss Mandola O By phone: (480) 541-2362 O Email: O Weekly Newsletter/Note through email on Friday. O Class Website Class Website

10 White Binders O Check your child’s agenda and binder every night. Please sign their agenda. This shows that you’ve seen what the homework is. O Please do not take anything out of the binder that isn’t in the back pocket!

11 Book Orders O Book Orders will go home at least once a month, but the books can be looked at online at any time. O All orders will be placed online, and please use MBHMN as a passcode, so that our class can get bonus points for free books. O Any books that you order will be delivered to school, and I will pass them out O Any books ordered online, and purchased through our class code, gives our class points, and I can purchase books for our class.

12 Reading O We will be working to create a balanced literacy environment. O We will use Harcourt Trophies as our main focus in curriculum, this includes books for all learners. O We will also be focusing on all genres of literature, and comprehension of the different genres. O Independent work will include: literature response journals, publish writing, grammar activities, S.Q.U.I.R.T., spelling, and vocabulary activities. O Group work will include: Paired reading, reading groups, cooperative learning. O Points For Pages: Students will read books each month and respond to literature questions.

13 O Grammar – Students will have daily practice in applying their knowledge of language skills. O Writer’s Notebooks –This is a place for students to do some personal writing, write poetry, create lists, etc.. This is a place for seed ideas, connections, and crafting techniques. O Writing Everywhere: Writing will not just be done during writing time, but all of the time. We will work on different writing concepts and genres, and we will focus on writing skills through the common core standards. O Conventions Tests- Students will take a weekly conventions test on Wednesdays using their spelling words, and different grammar skills. Writing

14 O Dictation sentences will be given for spelling. O Spelling words will be taken from the Harcourt series adopted curriculum. O Basic sight words will also be used in the sentences, and students will be expected to use them properly. O Old spelling words will be used the future weeks to help promote learning and not memorizing. O This practice will be used because it relates to the 4 th grade writing standards. Conventions/Spelling

15 The Power of Math O Scott Foresman is lesson based, and encourages critical thinking. O Investigations will be used to reinforce and guide math concepts. O Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) will promote problem solving. O Math facts are critical!!! ( addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division ) Please encourage practice! O We will be discussing all areas of the fourth grade common core standards place value, number theory, number connections, long division, problem solving, multi-step multiplication, geometry, algebraic concepts, fractions, etc.

16 Science, Social Studies, and Technology O Science concepts: Scientific Method, Water and Weather Cycle, Electricity, Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources, and Animal Classification and Adaptation. O Social Studies concepts: ARIZONA! O Technology: PowerPoint, SHARE, Pixie, Google, Microsoft Word, PBL units, SMARTBoard, etc.

17 Homework or Home Practice O Homework will be assigned nightly, or there will be something for the students to work on nightly. O Read nightly for 20-30 minutes (some nights may be more). O Math homework must be turned in the next morning, and I will check for completion, and then we will go over it as a class. O Homework will not count as a part of a “grade,” but will be reflected on the behavior section of their report card. O The students will write the homework in their agendas each night, and the agenda needs to be checked/signed each night. O Students are responsible for completing their homework. It is not intended to be homework for you.

18 The Seven Habits Cerritos, A Leadership Academy

19 O Based on the work of Stephen and Sean Covey What Are the 7 Habits? We only get one chance to prepare our students for a future that none of us can possibly predict. What are we going to do with that one chance? ~Stephen Covey

20 Why a Leadership Focus? We believe that every child possesses leadership skills. We believe that every child will serve as a leader in some way, either in their careers or with family and friends. We believe that character education is essential. We believe that students must be taught how to collaborate with others. We believe that leadership training will have a positive impact on student achievement.

21 What Does the Data Say? O Each student in the class will have a data passport, and reflect in their passport on a daily/weekly basis. O SMART Goals will be created by the students to achieve O We will be making weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals. O There will be academic goals, as well as personal goals. O Fall and Spring Conferences will be student led, and this is a time where you will get to see your child’s progress and data.

22 The Year of Letter Grades O Letter grades will be assigned this year for each subject, and each subject will also include a behavior grade (P, D, AC) O Grades will be updated on the Parent Portal on the Kyrene Website. The students will also have access to their grades, so that they can be responsible to look. When you go on the website, you can get a code from our technology department. I do not have those for you, nor does Cerritos.Parent Portal O Grades will be updated on a regular basis, and I would recommend checking your child’s grades on Monday, but I do update throughout the week, especially after an assessment.

23 A Little Classroom Housekeeping O Don’t forget to sign up for ListservListserv O Please email me with any emails that you would like to receive classroom information with (if you haven’t done so yet). O A copy of this presentation will be shared on our class website. O Add the nurse’s phone number and the front office to your phones, so you have them all of the time. Office-541-2200 Nurse- 541-2220 O AND-please add Cerritos remind to your texts O Visit O Or text: @cerri to 520-834-8343

24 Always stay positive!

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