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ITGS Networks Based on the textbook “Information Technology in a Global Society for the IB Diploma” by Stuart Gray.

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1 ITGS Networks Based on the textbook “Information Technology in a Global Society for the IB Diploma” by Stuart Gray

2 Networks Due to computer and smart phone growth, networks are becoming increasingly important due to the wireless options. Computer networks exist in many places; small = at home with a few computers; large = companies with thousands of computers.

3 Network Components Clients and servers Shared devices
Hubs, routers and switches

4 Network Architecture The way computers are organized on a network and the role each takes. Thin Client Network – computers rely heavily on a server not only for storage but to run software. Peer-to-peer Networks – Every client has equal status and there is no central authority or server.

5 Firewalls Hardware or software that determines which data is allowed to enter and leave a network. Personal firewall – when a software firewall in installed on a desktop computer versus a server. IP Addresses Domain Names Protocols and Ports Application Program

6 Proxy Servers Middle step between 2 computers – usually between a computer on a LAN and a web server on the internet. Caching – Process used to speed up activities such as web browsing.

7 Server Types Local Area Network (LAN) – confined to 1 geographic area ex: home, school campus; can be wireless LANs Personal Area Network (PAN) – when mobile devices are connected to a computer Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) – Covers large areas ex: cities or large campuses

8 Server Types continued
Wide Area Networks (WAN) – Connecting many computers and LANs together ex: internet Storage Area Networks (SAN) – Dedicated to storing data Virtual Private Networks (VPN) – Uses encryption over a public network; Virtual LAN (VLAN)

9 Network Connections Wired – Fiber optic cables, cable internet access, Dialup, Ethernet Wireless – Wimax, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G and 4G NOTE: Network speeds are measured in bits per second.

10 Network Communication
MAC Addresses (hardware address) – each is unique. Protocols – Set of rules on how to do something. IP (Internet Protocol) – how devices on the internet are identified and info is routed. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) – Deals with if data is sent and received. Ports – Identify the services available on networked computers.

11 How are IP Addresses Assigned?
All IP Addresses are managed by IANA – the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Dynamic – changes each time you connect. Static – remains the same each time you connect. Geolocation – implications for privacy – impossible to maintain anonymity on the Internet. IP Address Future – 243 million are assigned a year – new standard adopted IPv6 (128 bit addresses).

12 The Internet The Internet Backbone – series of high speed links which connect major geographical areas. Data routing – infrastructure of the Internet. Domain Name System (DNS) – responsible for translating domain names when people type in their web browsers into IP addresses.

13 Internet Protocols Hypertext Transfer Protocols (HTTP) – governs communication between web servers and web browsers. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (https) – Designed to keep communication secure through encryption. TLS SSL

14 Internet Protocols continued
When data is transferred between computers: Asynchronous Transfer – the sender and received are not synchronized in terms of time. Synchronous Transfer – the sender and receiver agree on a transfer rate before the start of a transfer = faster data transfer.

15 Web 2.0 Web sites that allow users to contribute information as well as view it. Sometimes called read/write web: Blogs or microblogs Wikis Social bookmarking Social networks RSS Podcasts and Vodcasts Web 3.0 – the next evolution – what will it look like?

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