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Mechanical Ventilation: The Basics and Beyond
Presented By: Diana Gedamke, BSN, RN, CCRN Marion College - Fond du Lac Masters of Nursing Student
Module 3 Ventilator Wave Forms
Positive Pressure Ventilation
Two Main Types of Ventilators with Positive Pressure Volume-cycled ventilation – With a set volume of air delivered per breath; Pressure to deliver breath will vary Pressure-preset ventilation – With a set volume of pressure to open airways; Volume delivered will vary
Volume-cycled Ventilation
Delivers a preset volume of gas with each machine breath—airway pressures increase in response to the delivered breath Airway pressures are higher in patients with low compliance or high resistance—high pressures indicate risk of ventilator-induced lung injury
Spontaneous Breathing vs. Positive Pressure Ventilation
Volume-cycled Ventilation
Assist Control (AC) Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
Assist-control (AC) Most widely used mode of MV
Delivers a minimum number of fixed- volume breaths Patients can initiate extra assisted breaths (will get full set volume with each effort)
Pressure-time Tracings Assist Control Mode
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
Delivers preset number of fixed-volume breaths Patient can breathe spontaneously between breaths (rate and depth determined by patient) Patients often have trouble adapting to intermittent nature of ventilatory assistance
Pressure-time Tracings SIMV Mode
Pressure-preset Ventilation
Delivers a predefined target pressure to the airway during inspiration Resulting tidal volume (VT) and inspiratory flow profile vary with the impedance of the respiratory system and the strength of the patient’s inspiratory efforts Includes pressure-control (PC) and Pressure support (PS)
Pressure-control (PC) Ventilation
Delivers a preset gas pressure to the airway for a set time and at a guaranteed minimum rate Patient can breathe in excess of set rate Tidal volume achieved depends on pressure level, lung mechanics, and patient effort Inspiratory flow rate variable
Pressure Support (PS) Delivers preset airway pressure for each breath
Variable parameters: Inspiratory and expiratory times (respiratory rate), flow rate, and tidal volume (VT)
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) + Pressure Support (PS)
A set number of Mandatory breaths are delivered per minute. Remainder of patients breath are at his own rate and volume Spontaneous breaths allowed in SIMV are assisted by PS
New Modes of MV New modes often introduced
Involves nothing more than a modification of the manner in which positive pressure is delivered to the airway and of the interplay between mechanical assistance and patient’s respiratory effort Goals: enhance respiratory muscle rest, prevent deconditioning, improve gas exchange, prevent lung damage, improve synchrony, foster lung healing
Ventilator Settings Respiratory rate Tidal volume FiO2
Inspiratory:Expiratory (I:E) ratio Pressure limit Flow rate Sensitivity/trigger Flow waveform
Inspiratory Flow (V) Waveform
Square waveform Decelerating Waveform (constant flow) (decelerating flow)
Inspiratory Flow (V) Waveform
Square waveform: volume of gas is evenly distributed across inspiratory time. Has highest peak pressure and lowest mean airway pressure. Ideal for those at risk for autopeeping due to short inspiration time
Inspiratory Flow (V) Waveform
Decelerating waveform: Volume of gas flow is high at the beginning of inspiration then tapers off toward the end of the breath. Has lowest peak pressure and highest mean airway pressure. Increased inspiratory time; useful in ARDS.
Patient-Ventilator Synchrony
Check for: Symmetric chest inflation Regular breathing pattern Respiratory rate < 30 bpm Synchrony between patient effort and machine breath Paradoxical breathing
Patient-Ventilator Synchrony
Inspiratory effort expended by patients with acute respiratory failure is x normal Don’t eliminate respiratory effort: causes deconditioning and atrophy
Patient-Ventilator Asynchrony
Possible causes: Anxiety or pain Ventilator settings may not be appropriate: check ABG and alert individual responsible for ventilator orders Auto-PEEP Pneumothorax
Ventilator Alarms and Common Causes
High Pressure Low Pressure Low Exhaled Volume Kink in tubing Patient biting ETT Ventilator disconnected from ETT Pressures exceeding high pressure limit Secretions Cuff leak Coughing Extubation Ventilator disconnected Bronchospasm Foreign body
Definitions PEEP – positive-end-expiratory pressure applied during mechanical ventilation CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure applied during spontaneous breathing
PEEP Improves oxygenation - increases functional residual capacity (FRC) above closing volume to prevent alveolar collapse permits reduction in FIO2 Reduces work of breathing Increases intrathoracic pressure - decreases venous return to right heart - decreases CO Titrate to least amt. necessary to achieve O2 sat > 90% or PO2 > 60 mm Hg with FiO2 < 0.6
Auto-PEEP Auto-PEEP/intrinsic PEEP (PEEPi)/inadvertent PEEP/occult PEEP - positive end expiratory alveolar pressure occurring in the absence of set PEEP. Occurs when expiratory time is inadequate.
Assessing Flow Waveform for Presence of Auto-PEEP
Resistance and Compliance
Definitions Peak Airway Pressure (Ppk)
An increase in Ppk indicates either an increase in airway resistance or a decrease in compliance (or both). Plateau Pressure (Ppl) - end- inspiratory alveolar pressure
Airway Pressure Analysis
Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury
High volumes and pressures can injure the lung, causing increased permeability pulmonary edema in the uninjured lung and enhanced edema in the injured lung Alveolar overdistention + repeated collapse and re-opening of alveoli
Mechanical Ventilation in Obstructive Lung Disease
resistance to expired flow results in air trapping/hyperinflation hyperinflation may result in cardiopulmonary compromise Goal: meet minimal requirements for gas exchange while minimizing hyperinflation Allow increased time for expiratory flow
Increasing Time for Exhalation
Decrease inspiratory time Increase flow rate Square waveform Decrease minute ventilation (VE) RR x TV
Monitoring Patients with Obstructive Lung Disease Requiring Mechanical Ventilation
Monitor plateau pressure: in general, Pplat < 30 cm H20 to decrease risk of hyperinflation and alveolar overdistension Permissive hypercapnia
Respiratory Failure Due to Asthma
Watch for overventilation post intubation High Ppk common May require sedation to establish synchronous breathing with ventilator Avoid paralytics Ventilate as stated above (Increase exhalation time by decreasing RR and TV, increasing inspiratory flow rate, and using square waveform) May want to use SIMV
Respiratory Failure Due to COPD
Ppk typically not as elevated as in asthma; when it is, think other pathologic processes Many patients with COPD have chronic hypercapnia; ventilatory support titrated to normalize pH and not PCO2 Small levels of set PEEP may decrease WOB May try NIPPV
Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV)
Cooperative patient Functionally intact upper airway Minimal amount of secretions Done by full face or nasal mask Watch for gastric distension; may increase risk of aspiration May use standard ventilators Monitor patients closely for decompensation and need for intubation
ARDS: A Three Lung Unit Model
Normal Non-recruitable Recruitable
Respiratory Failure Due to ARDS
Refractory hypoxemia Avoid ventilator induced lung injury pressure-limited approach keep Pplat < 30 cm H20 small tidal volumes (6 ml/kg) permissive hypercapnia Avoid O2 toxicity; apply moderate levels of PEEP
ARDS May need to increase inspiratory time
Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) I:E > 1:1 May require sedation/paralysis Use as second-line strategy if PEEP fails to improve oxygenation
Mechanical Ventilation in Patients with Neuromuscular Weakness
Present with acute or subacute respiratory failure, usually with hypercapnia progressive neurologic dysfunction (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscular dystrophies, Guillain-Barre, CNS dysfunction due to head injury or drug ingestion) usually ventilated without difficulty unless RF is complicated by secondary conditions (atelectasis or pneumonia) lung compliance and gas exchange remain relatively normal
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