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Transition Metal Pigment Lab

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1 Transition Metal Pigment Lab
Shera Casseus

2 Purpose of Lab The purpose of the Pigment/Paint lab is to create pigments for painting using transition metal compounds.

3 Vocabulary Pigments- Used for coloring paints, ink, clothing and food. Pigments gets their color from transition metals. Filtration setup- Filter paper inside a funnel that is placed on top of a beaker in order to drain the liquid from it. Distilled Water- Water that has had many impurities removed from it. Bunsen Burner- Equipment that produces a single open gas flame. Solidifies- Make or become hard or solid. Egg Binder- The eggs job to hold every other ingredient together, coagulating.

4 Why Pigments Have Color
The metal atoms determines the color of the pigment. By the properties and compounds that make up of the substance used to make the pigment. How the substance properties reacts differently to the non-metal elements. Transition metals tend to be brightly colored. Pigments have color because of the reflected light as a result of wave-length.

5 Malachite Pigment This pigment was made by dissolving 6.2g of copper(II)sulfate in 25ml of water. Then dissolved 2.5g of sodium carbonate in 10ml water. The substance was stirred, then the sodium carbonate solution was added. We then set up the filtration setup and drained the liquid from the paint. The transition metal that gave the Malachite its color was Copper, Cu.

6 Cobalt Yellow For this pigment, I dissolved .5g of Cobalt (II) Chloride in 10ml of distilled water. Then 1ml of concentrated acetic acid was added to the solution. Then we dissolved 4g of potassium nitrate in 10ml of water. The potassium nitrate solution was slowly poured into the beaker with the cobalt solution. We mixed It and it formed a solid. After letting it sit, we prepared a filtration setup to drain the liquid and we was left with a yellow paint. The transition metal that gave Cobalt Yellow its color was cobalt.

7 Cobalt Green Using a .6g of cobalt (II) chloride in a mortar; adding 3.0g of zinc oxide, then using a pestle we mixed the two powders together. We poured the mixture inside the test tube. With the mixture inside of the test tube, we heated it until it turned black, waited for it to solidify, then used to the pestle to grind it. The transition metal used to give Cobalt green its color was Cobalt, Co.

8 Why was the egg needed? For all the pigment, we needed egg to act as a binder, to hold all the ingredients together with allowing the solution to dissolve which would have happened if we used water.


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