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LCS talk 5: LOVING GOD. GOAL: To live Christ by living the first and greatest commandment.

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Presentation on theme: "LCS talk 5: LOVING GOD. GOAL: To live Christ by living the first and greatest commandment."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCS talk 5: LOVING GOD

2 GOAL: To live Christ by living the first and greatest commandment.

3 A. To live Christ is to live out the two greatest commandments:

4 That of loving God and loving neighbor, That of loving God and loving neighbor,

5 A. To live Christ is to live out the two greatest commandments: That of loving God and loving neighbor, That of loving God and loving neighbor, On which the whole Law and the Prophets depend. (Mt. 22:40) On which the whole Law and the Prophets depend. (Mt. 22:40)

6 A. To live Christ is to live out the two greatest commandments: That of loving God and loving neighbor, That of loving God and loving neighbor, On which the whole Law and the Prophets depend. (Mt. 22:40) On which the whole Law and the Prophets depend. (Mt. 22:40) And by which we inherit eternal Life. And by which we inherit eternal Life. (Lk 10:25) (Lk 10:25)

7 A. To live Christ is to live out the two greatest commandments: That of loving God and loving neighbor, That of loving God and loving neighbor, On which the whole Law and the Prophets depend. (Mt. 22:40) On which the whole Law and the Prophets depend. (Mt. 22:40) And by which we inherit eternal Life. And by which we inherit eternal Life. (Lk 10:25) (Lk 10:25) In this session, we look first at what it means to love God. In this session, we look first at what it means to love God.

8 B. The Christian ideal of loving God.

9 1)Ideals are important to move us on.

10 B. The Christian ideal of loving God. 1)Ideals are important to move us on. a)Goals direct our human behavior and plans for life.

11 B. The Christian ideal of loving God. 1)Ideals are important to move us on. a)Goals direct our human behavior and plans for life. b)Money? Position? Fame? Our goals become our ideal of life, influencing and directing our lives.

12 2.As Christians in the world, what should be our ideal?

13 a)Even if we pursue good goals(e.g., work for a better society), but if loving God is not OUR ideal, then we fall short.

14 2.As Christians in the world, what should be our ideal? a)Even if we pursue good goals(e.g., work for a better society), but if loving God is not OUR ideal, then we fall short. b)God wants us to make loving Hi our highest ideal. Thus God made it into a commandment of the highest priority.

15 Mark 12:28-30 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

16 3.Some people try to express love for God in different ways:

17 a)Psyching up pious feelings.

18 3.Some people try to express love for God in different ways: a)Psyching up pious feelings. b)Pursuing humanist or philanthropic endeavors.

19 3.Some people try to express love for God in different ways: a)Psyching up pious feelings. b)Pursuing humanist or philanthropic endeavors. c)Acts of piety.

20 3.Some people try to express love for God in different ways: a)Psyching up pious feelings. b)Pursuing humanist or philanthropic endeavors. c)Acts of piety. These are not wrong actions, but they are also NOT adequate expressions of loving God.These are not wrong actions, but they are also NOT adequate expressions of loving God.

21 C.So what does it mean to love God with ALL our heart?

22 1.First, understand what Jesus meant by “heart”.

23 C.So what does it mean to love God with ALL our heart? 1.First, understand what Jesus meant by “heart”. a)Modern understanding of heart = connotes feelings or emotion.

24 C.So what does it mean to love God with ALL our heart? 1.First, understand what Jesus meant by “heart”. a)Modern understanding of heart = connotes feelings or emotion. b)Biblical understanding of heart – the seat of intelligence and decision. Our “will”.

25 c)The kind of love God requires is not dependent on feelings which are changeable, but rather based on total commitment and decision to love.

26 d)It is similar to the commitment we make in marriage.

27 c)The kind of love God requires is not dependent on feelings which are changeable, but rather based on total commitment and decision to love. d)It is similar to the commitment we make in marriage. e)It is a commitment to seek the Lord first and foremost, i.e., to be loyal to Him and place His will and interest above our own.

28 3.How do we put the Lord first in our Life?

29 a)It requires a DECISION to obey Him.

30 3.How do we put the Lord first in our Life? a)It requires a DECISION to obey Him. John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commands.”

31 3.How do we put the Lord first in our Life? a)It requires a DECISION to obey Him. John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commands.” b)We need to develop a personal relationship with Him.

32 3.How do we put the Lord first in our Life? a)It requires a DECISION to obey Him. John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commands.” b)We need to develop a personal relationship with Him. A relationship that is dynamic and alive, not legalistic or lukewarm.A relationship that is dynamic and alive, not legalistic or lukewarm.

33 3.How do we put the Lord first in our Life? a)It requires a DECISION to obey Him. John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commands.” b)We need to develop a personal relationship with Him. A relationship that is dynamic and alive, not legalistic or lukewarm.A relationship that is dynamic and alive, not legalistic or lukewarm. A personal experience arising from our relationship as His sons and daughters.A personal experience arising from our relationship as His sons and daughters.

34 c)We need to spend time with Him regularly in prayer and in reading the Word of God, the Bibles.

35 D. What it means to love God with all our mind.

36 1.God created us, able to think so we can figure out how to love and serve Him.

37 D. What it means to love God with all our mind. 1.God created us, able to think so we can figure out how to love and serve Him. The question is NOT so much how best to develop our mind, but rather how our mind can fulfill its main purpose – to love God.The question is NOT so much how best to develop our mind, but rather how our mind can fulfill its main purpose – to love God.

38 D. What it means to love God with all our mind. 1.God created us, able to think so we can figure out how to love and serve Him. The question is NOT so much how best to develop our mind, but rather how our mind can fulfill its main purpose – to love God.The question is NOT so much how best to develop our mind, but rather how our mind can fulfill its main purpose – to love God. 2.To love God with ALL our mind means to serve Him with the use of our mind, or simply to make available our minds for His purposes.

39 3.Our mind can have incredible consequences for society.

40 a)It can be applied to contribute to world progress (e.g., science, medical field).

41 3.Our mind can have incredible consequences for society. a)It can be applied to contribute to world progress (e.g., science, medical field). b)Or it can become an instrument for destruction (e.g., the nuclear bomb, terrorism).

42 4.How do we love serve God with our mind?

43 a)Keep our mind clean and holy, i.e.:

44 4.How do we love serve God with our mind? a)Keep our mind clean and holy, i.e.: Free of all evil thoughts.Free of all evil thoughts.

45 4.How do we love serve God with our mind? a)Keep our mind clean and holy, i.e.: Free of all evil thoughts.Free of all evil thoughts. Matthew 5:29 “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

46 4.How do we love serve God with our mind? a)Keep our mind clean and holy, i.e.: Free of all evil thoughts.Free of all evil thoughts.

47 4.How do we love serve God with our mind? a)Keep our mind clean and holy, i.e.: Free of all evil thoughts.Free of all evil thoughts. Free of uncharitable thoughts.Free of uncharitable thoughts.

48 Matthew 7:1-5 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

49 4.How do we love serve God with our mind? a)Keep our mind clean and holy, i.e.: Free of all evil thoughts.Free of all evil thoughts. Free of uncharitable thoughts.Free of uncharitable thoughts.

50 4.How do we love serve God with our mind? a)Keep our mind clean and holy, i.e.: Free of all evil thoughts.Free of all evil thoughts. Free of uncharitable thoughts.Free of uncharitable thoughts. Be discerning in use of TV, the internet and other media.Be discerning in use of TV, the internet and other media.

51 b)Let our mind be preoccupied with the things of God.

52 By thinking how we can be holy, not just how to become rich.By thinking how we can be holy, not just how to become rich.

53 b)Let our mind be preoccupied with the things of God. By thinking how we can be holy, not just how to become rich.By thinking how we can be holy, not just how to become rich. How we can please God.How we can please God.

54 b)Let our mind be preoccupied with the things of God. By thinking how we can be holy, not just how to become rich.By thinking how we can be holy, not just how to become rich. How we can please God.How we can please God. Fill our minds with thoughts of God by reading the Bible and other Catholic and Christian books that can help form or reform the mind.Fill our minds with thoughts of God by reading the Bible and other Catholic and Christian books that can help form or reform the mind.

55 c)Use the mind according to God’s truths and not according to the world.

56 Our decisions and choices must be guided by God’s word in the Bible.Our decisions and choices must be guided by God’s word in the Bible.

57 c)Use the mind according to God’s truths and not according to the world. Our decisions and choices must be guided by God’s word in the Bible.Our decisions and choices must be guided by God’s word in the Bible. Keep our minds free of worries, because God promises to provide and care for us.Keep our minds free of worries, because God promises to provide and care for us.

58 d)Use our mind actively for God’s purpose.

59 In our work, family, peer group, parish, etc.In our work, family, peer group, parish, etc.

60 d)Use our mind actively for God’s purpose. In our work, family, peer group, parish, etc.In our work, family, peer group, parish, etc. In Christian service.In Christian service.

61 E.What it means to love God with all our mind.

62 1.This means making all our resources available to God – time, money, energy, possessions, gifts, abilities.

63 E.What it means to love God with all our mind. 1.This means making all our resources available to God – time, money, energy, possessions, gifts, abilities. a)God created us and everything else. What we call “ours” is not really ours but His.

64 E.What it means to love God with all our mind. 1.This means making all our resources available to God – time, money, energy, possessions, gifts, abilities. a)God created us and everything else. What we call “ours” is not really ours but His. b)We must not set limits on our giving.

65 1.What are the concrete ways we can love God with our resources?

66 a)Money..

67 1.What are the concrete ways we can love God with our resources? a)Money.. Develop proper attitudes towards money.Develop proper attitudes towards money.

68 1.What are the concrete ways we can love God with our resources? a)Money.. Develop proper attitudes towards money.Develop proper attitudes towards money. God is interested in our money, not because He needs it, but in order to see the condition of our heart.God is interested in our money, not because He needs it, but in order to see the condition of our heart.

69 Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

70 1.What are the concrete ways we can love God with our resources? a)Money.. Develop proper attitudes towards money.Develop proper attitudes towards money. God is interested in our money, not because He needs it, but in order to see the condition of our heart.God is interested in our money, not because He needs it, but in order to see the condition of our heart.

71 1.What are the concrete ways we can love God with our resources? a)Money.. Develop proper attitudes towards money.Develop proper attitudes towards money. God is interested in our money, not because He needs it, but in order to see the condition of our heart.God is interested in our money, not because He needs it, but in order to see the condition of our heart. Concrete steps we can take:Concrete steps we can take:

72 Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God.Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God.

73 Mal 3:7-10 Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the L ORD Almighty. “But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’ 8 “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the L ORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

74 Concrete steps we can take:Concrete steps we can take: Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God.Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God.

75 Concrete steps we can take:Concrete steps we can take: Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God.Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God. Resource sharing. This is lending to others without charge.Resource sharing. This is lending to others without charge.

76 Concrete steps we can take:Concrete steps we can take: Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God.Tithing. This is giving 10% back to God. Resource sharing. This is lending to others without charge.Resource sharing. This is lending to others without charge. Almsgiving. This is an outright dole out.Almsgiving. This is an outright dole out.

77 Concrete applications:Concrete applications:

78 Seek God’s direction as to how you are to spend your time Seek God’s direction as to how you are to spend your time

79 Concrete applications:Concrete applications: Seek God’s direction as to how you are to spend your time Seek God’s direction as to how you are to spend your time Examine what you do with your free time. Movie, novel, sleep? These are not wrong, but time can be better spent (e.g., Bible, Christian books). Examine what you do with your free time. Movie, novel, sleep? These are not wrong, but time can be better spent (e.g., Bible, Christian books).

80 Concrete applications:Concrete applications: Seek God’s direction as to how you are to spend your time Seek God’s direction as to how you are to spend your time Examine what you do with your free time. Movie, novel, sleep? These are not wrong, but time can be better spent (e.g., Bible, Christian books). Examine what you do with your free time. Movie, novel, sleep? These are not wrong, but time can be better spent (e.g., Bible, Christian books). Volunteer to do Christian service. Volunteer to do Christian service.

81 F.Loving God with all our soul.

82 1.We are to love God with our whole being- emotional, spiritual, mental, physical. The love of God must engage the total person.

83 F.Loving God with all our soul. 1.We are to love God with our whole being- emotional, spiritual, mental, physical. The love of God must engage the total person. Luke 10:27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

84 F.Loving God with all our soul. 1.We are to love God with our whole being- emotional, spiritual, mental, physical. The love of God must engage the total person.

85 F.Loving God with all our soul. 1.We are to love God with our whole being- emotional, spiritual, mental, physical. The love of God must engage the total person. 2.We are God’s creation, called to be Holy, intended by Him to spend eternity together with Him. While in this world, we are to love God with all our soul.

86 G.Loving God is a very high deal. Jesus showed us the way. Jesus is our model in loving God.

87 1.He was dedicated to accomplishing his mission.

88 John 4:34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of the One who sent me and to carry out His work.”

89 G.Loving God is a very high deal. Jesus showed us the way. Jesus is our model in loving God. 1.He was dedicated to accomplishing his mission.

90 G.Loving God is a very high deal. Jesus showed us the way. Jesus is our model in loving God. 1.He was dedicated to accomplishing his mission. 2.He was obedient unto death.

91 Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but your be done.”

92 G.Loving God is a very high deal. Jesus showed us the way. Jesus is our model in loving God. 1.He was dedicated to accomplishing his mission. 2.He was obedient unto death.

93 G.Loving God is a very high deal. Jesus showed us the way. Jesus is our model in loving God. 1.He was dedicated to accomplishing his mission. 2.He was obedient unto death. 3.He was constantly seeking the Father’s will.

94 Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

95 Matthew 14:23 After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. Later that night, He was there alone,


97 CONCLUSION 1.Loving God is not as vague and impractical act. Rather, it involves specific, practical actions, decisions and commitments.

98 CONCLUSION 2.It is not easy. We cannot do it on our own strength. We need the power of the Holy Spirit!

99 Group discussion How have I loved God in a concrete way?

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