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The Contemporary Magazine/. With thanks to Wooden Horse Publishing m.

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Presentation on theme: "The Contemporary Magazine/. With thanks to Wooden Horse Publishing m."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Contemporary Magazine/

2 With thanks to Wooden Horse Publishing m

3 The Masthead  Publishing  Editorial

4 The Masthead/Publishing  PUBLISHER Oversees the overall profitability of a publication by setting the direction editorially and visually, determines target markets, manages staffing and production, and controls resource and budgets.

5 The Masthead/Publishing  ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Oversees advertising operations at a magazine; magazine may have a national office in NYC and regional offices.

6 The Masthead/Publishing  CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Directs and coordinates the circulation, fulfillment and production departments and develops policies.

7 The Masthead/Publishing  MARKETING DIRECTOR Oversees the marketing group (covering circulation, advertising, promotion, research and public relations) and sets goals and monitors implementation of policy. Helps division managers evaluate publications and new opportunities.

8 The Masthead/Publishing  PROMOTION MANAGER Plans promotional programs in aid of the sales objectives. Creates, produces and distributes sales tools. Conceives, writes and supervises production of sales aids (advertising, direct mail booklets, sales kits and multimedia). Sets the promotion budget; is responsible for keeping promotion costs under control.

9 The Masthead/Editorial  EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/EDITOR Oversees all editorial direction and policy, including content, editorial page, budget, goals and staff.

10 The Masthead/Editorial  EXECUTIVE EDITOR Oversees daily copy quality and deadline compliance.

11 The Masthead/Editorial  MANAGING EDITOR Sets and carries out editorial policy with the Editor-in-Chief, manages the editorial staff, plans the content and layout of each issue and decides which material will be published. Oversees expenditures for art, manuscripts and reprints, and helps prepare the budget, while also assuming writing and editing responsibilities.

12 The Masthead/Editorial  ART OR CREATIVE DIRECTOR Oversees the visual look of the publication, including the format design, art production, cover ideas and graphics that illustrate each article.

13 The Masthead/Editorial  PHOTO DIRECTOR/EDITOR Oversees the assignment and selection of photos in a magazine.

14 The Masthead/Editorial  ASSOCIATE EDITOR Writes and/or edits features, covers and represents the publication at industry events.

15 The Masthead/Editorial  SECTION EDITOR An editor specifically assigned to a major editorial department (such as Features, News and Reviews).

16 The Masthead/Editorial  PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Oversees production and manufacturing of a magazine, sets budgets, manages production personnel and may be responsible for purchasing paper and negotiating with the printer.

17 The Masthead/Editorial  ASSISTANT EDITOR Senior editorial staff assistant who handles routine work, research, writing/editing "front of the book" or "back of the book" departments and may write/edit features.

18 The Masthead/Editorial  COPY EDITOR A magazine staff member who edits copy for accuracy, style, grammar, and spelling.

19 The Masthead/Editorial  FACT CHECKER/RESEARCHER Editorial staff position in charge of verifying factual statements contained in copy before it is published.

20 The Masthead/Editorial  EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Support staff for the editorial department.; entry-level job.

21 The Masthead/Editorial  PHOTO ASSISTANT Support staff for the photo department; entry-level job.

22 The Masthead/Editorial  CONTRIBUTING EDITOR An editor or writer who contributes to a magazine's efforts but is not on staff.

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