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Hiring Graduate Assistants and Fellows April 2015 Janet Katie LaToya King

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1 Hiring Graduate Assistants and Fellows April 2015 Janet Katie LaToya King

2 Academic Personnel Web Site Please visit the Academic Personnel web site for additional information, forms, etc. ger- resources/recruitmen t-staffing/academic- personnel/ ger- resources/recruitmen t-staffing/academic- personnel/

3 Includes information, relevant links, and forms for Graduate Assistants as well as Pre- and Post-Docs

4 Post-doctoral Fellows are… Not Students – already have the degree! Non-employees – paid through additional pay Pre-doctoral Fellows are… Students – must be registered with required number of hours (biweekly or lump sum appointment) Non-employees – paid through additional pay Graduate Assistants are… Students – must be registered with required number of hours (per FTE totals) Employees – will have a job row in job data Members of a bargaining unit (GAU) – minimum salaries set by GAU, Provost, and Grad School Definitions

5 FYI There are three categories of Academic Personnel that are often confused: –Pre-Doctoral Fellows –Post-Doctoral Fellows –Post-Doctoral Associates—or “Post Docs” We will discuss these categories today! Attend “Guide to Faculty Appointments, Recruitment, and Hiring for UF Administrators” for more information

6 ALWAYS ASK!!! When you are asked to enter an ePaf for a Graduate Fellow, always ask … If yes: Graduate Assistant If no: Pre-Doc Fellow

7 Graduate Assistants

8 Graduate Appointment Where does appointment process fit in? Integral part of the Admissions process –Students with funding must receive a letter of admission with specific information Student accepts Hiring process starts with information sent BEFORE the start of the term Student arrives and department ensures that all paperwork has been signed.

9 Letter of Admission/Appointment Contract between student and department Must include all items in template –cannot be modified –Current sample appointment letter and admission letter at: staffing/academic-personnel/graduate-assistants/ –No longer can use Provisional Letters of Admission

10 Hiring Process Starts with Letter of Admission/Letter of Appointment for Graduate Assistants and Fellows Ends when appointment is terminated – termination date is to be at the end of the semester

11 Hiring Process Ensure that departmental staff is aware of a GA or Fellow hire so that appointments/payments are done on a timely basis. Communication between faculty and departmental staff is very important Late hire dates are to be approved by Graduate School and Human Resource Services – through the petition process Graduate School determines if tuition waiver is appropriate

12 Requirements: UFID and Classification Verify student’s UFID –Duplicate ID’s? Social Security match? Check student’s classification –Appointments require 7, 8, or 9 7 – Less than 36 hours earned towards graduate degree 8 – 36 hours earned or student already has master’s degree 9 – Graduate student who has been admitted to doctoral candidacy

13 Eligibility Students must be properly registered and qualified to hold a Graduate Assistant appointment in a unit or for a Fellowship payment See Grad School Catalog website at:

14 Requirements: GPA Check GPA –Overall GPA 3.0 or higher –Petition Graduate School if below 3.0 What is a petition and how do I do it?

15 Petitions Petitions allow exceptions to eligibility requirements –Should include a description of situation and request assistantship/Fellowship and/or tuition payment be maintained –Should be approved by graduate coordinator and college Dean first –Submitted to Graduate School –Petitions approved on case-by-case basis NOTE: Don’t forget to include name and UFID of student

16 Requirements: FTE Check FTE totals US citizens –Up to 1.0 FTE »Over 1.0 FTE requires Request for Approval of Additional University Compensation (HR 600) form ( mp.pdf) mp.pdf –Over.80 FTE subject to FICA (by Tax Services) –Waiver looks at total FTE of GA appointments only Foreign nationals –F1-J1 Visa – FTE total.50 for all jobs for Fall and Spring semesters (may reach 1.0 in Summer or when classes are not in session) –W-9 – treat like US citizen

17 Requirements: Tuition Payments Additional requirements for tuition payment –Must be appointed as Graduate Assistant or Fellow (with Letter of Appointment and funding distribution) –Must be employed at least.25 FTE and stay employed according to applicable semester dates –Fellowship funding of $4000 or more for the semester

18 Requirements: Appointment Changes When an appointment changes –Rate change Requires change in duties or responsibilities Note: indicate change in duties or responsibilities in ePAF comments box; keep copy of old and new job duties and responsibilities on file in department –Change in FTE FTE changes must have corresponding and proportional change in salary up or down, unless duties or responsibilities change

19 Requirements: Appointment Changes When an appointment changes –Change in title Need appropriate student classification Reminder: teaching titles require international students (from non-English speaking countries) to pass the Test for Spoken English (TSE)

20 Requirements: Multiple Appointments When hiring a Graduate Assistant with multiple appointments –Same college – pay rates must be same, unless duties or responsibilities differ –Different colleges – pay rates can be different

21 Terminations Failure to maintain eligibility will result in termination of Graduate Assistant appointment –Tuition and/or full fees will back out after termination (regardless of when student becomes ineligible within semester) When a student terminates (during a semester) –Indicate in ePAF comments section that copy of letter from student ending his/her appointment is on file in department Reminder: Regular GA terminations should be dated one day after semester end date or Letter of Appointment will become inactive

22 GA Paperwork Submit through GatorStart or via ePAF fax imaging (if foreign national) –I-9 with supporting documents (tutorial available at –W-4 with copy of social security card or ITIN # –4-in-1 form (HR50 – includes Loyalty Oath, Intellectual Property Agreement, Veteran Survey/Ethnicity and Race Form) –Selective Service registration (US male 18-25) –Direct Deposit Form (with voided check) Notes: For employees active in system (job data), indicate in ePAF that up-to-date paperwork is on file Loyalty Oath and Intellectual Property Agreement should be notarized

23 GA Paperwork Additional required paperwork for Foreign Nationals –I-20 (F1 Visa) or DS-2019 (J1 Visa) –Foreign National Information Form (Windstar / PTWIF) and attachments –Foreign Nationals without Social Security card must apply at Social Security Administration (temporary SS# from Tax Services if needed) –I-94 (front and back if old style) –Confirm TSE score for GA job code with teaching, if applicable

24 Points to Remember All Graduate Assistant appointments need a LOA (excludes lump sum payments) All Pre-doc Fellow appointments need a LOA (excludes lump sums) Letter of Appointment duration can range from a single semester to one full year

25 Points to Remember Enter LOAs at least two business days prior to fee payment deadline (or earlier for GatorGradCare) LOA not processed by cancellation day (approximately 2 weeks after fee deadline) result in student registration being dropped and a late registration fee being applied The last day for waivers to run automatically is the day classes end for semester

26 Common Letter of Appointment Problems Multiple LOAs for same appointment Incorrect Dates No funding indicated Empl Rcd # saved incorrectly (invalid) Note: No change can be made after the last day of classes. The Letter of Appointment system does not process waivers after the last day of the classes. All corrections made to a Letter of Appointment after the system has closed must be completed manually through the Provost Office using the proper Journal ID form. Please contact Ms. Rita Steff ( if you have any questions.

27 Letter of Appointment Reports Reports available to assist departments or colleges in identifying errors –Navigation: Enterprise Reporting>Access Reporting>Human Resources Information>Workforce Information>Letter of Appointment – Waivers –Includes information related to funding, GPA, link to current job, missing Letter of Appointment, etc. Note: For an individual student’s information on Letter of Appointment status, funding, etc., look under Workforce Administration > UF Grad Letters of Appointment > UF Grad Waiver Status

28 Fellows

29 New Hires All paperwork for Fellows to be submitted with ePAF through document fax imaging Required paperwork for new hires –Fellowship Memorandum of Understanding* –Direct Deposit Form –Four in One Form –C&G forms (if NIH grant) *Fellowship MOU available at

30 Additional required paperwork for Foreign Nationals new hires –I-20 (F1 Visa) or DS-2019 (J1 Visa) –Foreign National Information Form and attachments (Fellowship Windstar) –W-8 Ben or W-9 from Tax Services –I-94 Departments complete and send the forms to Tax Services. When received back, attach to ePAF through fax imaging New Hires

31 Terminations No required paperwork for terminations The Change Employment Status ePAF should be prepared only after the final payment to a Fellow has been made to protect the waiver payment To stop a fellowship payment prior to the end of the goal amount, contact Academic Personnel at 352-392-2477 for assistance

32 Never Ever Never Never Click this box if you are hiring or terminating a fellowship

33 New Earnings & Reason Codes Select the appropriate: Earnings codes for Fellowships: FEL = US Citizen/ Permanent Resident N15 = Foreign National Reason codes for Fellowships: Post-Doc Fellow Training Grant Post-Doc Fellowship Pre-Doc Fellow Training Grant Pre-Doc Fellowship Reminder: It is important to use the correct earnings code for foreign students. Using an incorrect earnings code can cause the student to owe money at the end of the year!

34 Bi-weekly Payment Example Bi-weekly payment –Total pay for the appointment = $2000 –Payment is $2000 ÷ 26.1* pay periods = $76.63 (round-up) –Enter for each payment Earnings amount = $76.63 Goal amount = $2000 * this may change according to the number of pay periods within the Fellow appointment

35 Lump Sum Payment Example Lump Sum Payment (LSP) –Total pay for the appointment = $2000 –Lump sum payment = $2000 –Enter as one time payment Earnings amount = $2000 Goal amount = $2000

36 Late Payment Entries Facts: –Fellowships are paid through Additional Pay and not Payroll Processing, therefore; –Fellowships do NOT retro-pay to a previous pay period. If you enter a biweekly payment with a previous pay period effective date you will need to: –Do an LSP Catch-Up Payment; OR –Recalculate payments starting with current pay period.

37 Catch-up Payment Example Today is 2/5/15 but the fellowship began 1/1/15. Total Stipend is $5000 for the Spring semester. 2 ePafs must be entered 1.Your One-time Catch-up will be for 1/1/15 – 2/12/15 Earnings Amt: $1,597.93 (for 3.1 pay periods) Goal Amt: $1,597.93 2.Your next (Add’l Pay) ePaf is effective 2/13/15. Earnings Amt: $515.46 ($5000 / 9.7 pps) Goal Amt: $3,402.07 ($5000 – One-time pymt)

38 Resources College Dean’s Office Graduate School –Dr. Rhonda Moraca, Ast Dean Human Resource Services –Academic Personnel Office – Recruitment and Staffing Instruction guides found at – toolkits/ toolkits/ Training Classes –Pro318: Hiring Graduate Assistants and Fellows

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