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Information Skills for first year Geographers Sue Bird Bodleian Subject Specialist Librarian Geography October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Skills for first year Geographers Sue Bird Bodleian Subject Specialist Librarian Geography October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Skills for first year Geographers Sue Bird Bodleian Subject Specialist Librarian Geography October 2013

2 Today’s session Using SOLO Finding items on reading lists Citation and plagiarism Subject searching –Reference books –SCOPUS –WoK

3 SOLO Searches the library catalogue, e-journals, e- books, etc. Use it as a starting point for all searches Links from many web pages including libraries home page Or go direct to


5 Search for a book Sheppard & Barnes (2000) A companion to economic geography: Blackwell Carolyn Merchant (2004) Reinventing Eden: Routledge


7 Search for a book Soja, E.W. (1971) The political organization of space. Association of American Geographers Resource Paper.

8 Title: The political organization of space Further information: Edward W. Soja. Publisher Details: Washington : Association of American Geographers, Commission on College Geography Publication Date: 1971 Format: 54 p : ill. ; 28 cm. Language: English Author: Edward W. SojaEdward W. Soja Subjects: Political geography ; Territoriality (Zoology)Political geographyTerritoriality (Zoology) Identifier: ISBN: 0892910550 ;ISBN: 9780892910557 Related Titles: Series: Resource paper (Association of American Geographers. Commission on College Geography) ; no. 8

9 Search for a periodical O’Brien, K. (2011) Responding to environmental change: A new age for human geography? Progress in Human Geography 35(4) 542-549. Amin A and N Thrift (2005) 'What's Left: Just the Future', Antipode, 37, 2, 220-238



12 O’Brien, K.(2011) Responding to environmental change: A new age for human geography? Progress in Human Geography 35(4) 542-549.

13 Reading List Tips What you need to look up on SOLO should be indicated somehow Italics or underlining, etc. (Antipode, Global geomorphology ) Remember that explanatory text could be inserted between the elements of the reference.

14 Book?, Chapter?, Article? - TIPS Books – Year only Chapters – Use the word “IN” Articles- Many more numbers for volume, part (or issue), pages.

15 Tutors are not infallible ! Errors will (& do) creep in: BEWARE: Misspellings & typos e.g. Pomerantz(2009) Theory, Culture & Society 26 July-August, 9-10, 32-51. Correct: Pomeranz (2009) Theory, Culture & Society 26, 7-8, 32-51.

16 Exercises Try exercise 1 Available via WebLearn or presentations Geography Geography first year practical: Information skills (Michaelmas Term) »SlidesSlides »Journal abbreviations listJournal abbreviations list »Exercise: Question sheetQuestion sheet

17 Citation and Plagiarism Note the statement on the OUCE web site: Avoid trouble by getting into good habits now – always record your source, and the date you found it Learn to cite references in a standard way – e.g. the Harvard system Useful guide available in Blackwells £1 Software is available to manage references – e.g. RefWorks



20 On-Line Resources The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism / Colin Neville 2 nd. ed. (2010) Open University Press Available as an e-book via SOLO, then E.B.L. & you will need to use your Single-Sign-On to access the text.

21 Reference Management RefWorks Can be accessed via SOLO or OxLIP+ (Right Hand box on 1 st page) More details next year!

22 GUIDE to RESOURCES Geography Libguide

23 Reference works If you wanted to find a general introduction to the topic of Gaia, where might you look? Or give a definition of exogenesis


25 International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Oxford Reference Online Oxford Scholarship Online SAGE Reference Online Sage Research Methods Online





30 Subject Searching To find information about a topic, rather than a specific reference, use a database that indexes articles – e.g.: –SCOPUS –Web of Knowledge (WoK) / Web of Science (WoS)

31 Suggested Essay Topic Find some articles to illustrate important episodes in the history of geomorphology. Which have been the most influential?

32 SCOPUS Scopus -- abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. With over 19,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers, including 325 book series. 46 million records: 25 million records with references back to 1996 (of which 78% include references). 21 million records pre-1996 which go back as far as 1823. 4.8 million conference papers from proceedings and journals.





37 Export

38 Web of Knowledge Similar but not the same Also known as Web of Science




42 Are there any other sources ? Well there is Google Scholar Rough & ready Can’t order your search Can’t amend or refine your search Remember it is a Search Engine not a database – no human is involved

43 Exercise 2 Now try these: 1. Find some articles on the drying up or desertification of the Aral Sea 2. Find a reference to a book review of Nick Middleton’s book “Global Casino”

44 Biographical Resources You have been asked to give the vote of thanks to Andrew Goudie who is coming to speak to the Herbertson Society. Where might you start to look for information about him? What hobby does he have outside his geographical interests?

45 & of the ones that are listed I’ve chosen : Who's Who and Who Was Who Debrett's People of Today




49 You can always ask a librarian Good luck with your Studies

50 Information Skills for first year Geographers Your feedback is greatly appreciated Please complete a short survey @

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