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Aim: How did the social reforms of the 1800s create progress for American society? Do Now: 1. Define reform. 2. List 3 social problems that exist around.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How did the social reforms of the 1800s create progress for American society? Do Now: 1. Define reform. 2. List 3 social problems that exist around."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How did the social reforms of the 1800s create progress for American society? Do Now: 1. Define reform. 2. List 3 social problems that exist around the world. Example: World Hunger. HW: Finish Worksheet.

2 Transcendentalism Relationship between man and nature Promote self-reliance, self-discipline, self- reflection Reject modern conveniences Henry David Thoreau: author of “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” ▫Lived in the woods alone for two years to find himself


4 Utopian Communities Free of greed, violence, and sin Movement led by Shakers ▫Confession ▫Gender Equality ▫Celibacy


6 Temperance Movement Led by American Temperance Union Public drunkenness was common in the early 1800s. Alcohol abuse was widespread, especially in the West and among urban workers.

7 Temperance Movement Reformers blamed alcohol for: ▫Crime ▫Poverty ▫Break up of families ▫Abuse ▫Insanity

8 Coffee Breaks Alcohol abuse was widespread during this time. Employers often paid part of workers’ wages in rum or whiskey. Workers took rum breaks similar to today’s coffee breaks!!

9 Reaction to Temperance Movement Many states passed prohibition laws but were repealed several years later due to protests

10 Summary Do you believe the government should have the right to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol? Explain.

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