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NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Civil and Mechanical Systems (CMS) Commitment To Excellence Strategic Plan for CMS DRAFT Ken P. Chong, PhD, PE Interim Division.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Civil and Mechanical Systems (CMS) Commitment To Excellence Strategic Plan for CMS DRAFT Ken P. Chong, PhD, PE Interim Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Civil and Mechanical Systems (CMS) Commitment To Excellence Strategic Plan for CMS DRAFT Ken P. Chong, PhD, PE Interim Division Director A. Galip Ulsoy, Ph.D. Former Division Director Division of Civil and Mechanical Systems

2 Outline of DRAFT Report l Executive Summary l Introduction l Background l Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Processes l Frontiers of CE & ME Research l People and Organization l Recommendations l Appendices l CMS Data l CoV 2004 l CMS Retreats l NEES Partnership l Solicited vs Unsolicited

3 IntroductionIntroduction Introduction l Civil and mechanical engineering – contributed significant benefits to society during 20 th Century l For the 21 st Century, CMS enables research progress in advanced materials, micro- and nano- scale systems, intelligent civil and mechanical systems, biomechanics and biomedical devices, hazards mitigation, and many other areas Background l During 2003-2004 CMS conducted strategic planning activities to develop a shared vision, a clear statement of mission, specific common goals and actions; to capture emerging opportunities; and to improve processes and organization. l CoV March 2004 l Retreats December 2003 and August 2004 l Others (Workshops, Reports, Meetings, Celebrations, etc.)

4 CMS Vision, Mission We envision CMS as the acknowledged leader in advancing the frontiers of civil and mechanical engineering research, innovation and learning, in partnership with the civil and mechanical engineering community, and in service to society and the Nation. The Mission of CMS is: l to expand the foundation of fundamental knowledge for the engineering profession in application to mechanical systems and the constructed environment, l To support the transmittal of that knowledge to new generations, and l to support the rapid development and deployment of research to reduce risks induced by natural and technological hazards.

5 CMS Goals, Objectives, Values, Processes The Report also lists Shared Values, and specific Objectives under the Goals of People, Ideas, Tools and Organizational Excellence. Also lists CMS Processes for continuous improvement: l Proposal Processes l Personnel Processes l Administrative & Budget l Reporting & Communications

6 CMS Research Frontiers BETTER ECONOMY, e.g., Energy and Environment –Energy independence –Hydrogen economy –Sustainable Development Advanced Materials –Smart Materials –Material Design and Nanoscale –Environmentally Benign Materials –High Durability Infrastructure Materials Complex Systems –Intelligent Civil and Mechanical Systems –Simulation Based Engineering Science –Cyberinfrastructure (NEES) 50 nm Nano structured materials

7 CMS Research Frontiers BETTER HEALTH, e.g., Infrastructure Systems for Water & Sewage –Leakage, In-Situ Robotic Repair –Lead Contamination Biomechanical Devices and Medical Instrumentation –Mobility Assistance for Elderly –Wearable Biosensors –Biomedical Implants Converging Technologies –Nano, bio, info and cogno Bending of Carbon Nanotubes Effect of Osteoporosis on Bone

8 CMS Research Frontiers IMPROVED SECURITY AND SAFETY, e.g., Hazard Prevention, Mitigation and Response –Earthquakes, Wind Storms (Hurricanes and Tornados), Tsunamis, Wild Fires, Floods, Landslides and Terror Attacks –Fire Safety –Structural Health Monitoring Transportation Safety –Infrastructure Information Technologies –Vehicle Active Safety Systems Defense, Military and Space Systems –MEMS and micro satellites –Self-Repair and Maintenance Collecting Structural Damage Data at WTC Post 9/11 Southern California earthquakes and two permanently instrumented sites

9 CMS Priority Areas: Investigator Initiated Research Investigator initiated (i.e., unsolicited) research has gone from over 80% to less than 50% of the CMS portfolio. NSF is unique among funding agencies for its emphasis on merit-based investigator-initiated research. High-impact discovery at the frontiers is often associated with investigator-initiated research, e.g., MRI CAD

10 CMS Priority Areas: NEES Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) MREFC project, FY00 - FY04, $82M World-class experimental facilities and a cyberinfrastructure to support earthquake engineering research NAE study, NRC report, NEES brochure Operations, FY05 through FY14, $20M/yr funds NEES Consortium Inc. NEES Research solicitation $10M per year; developing partnerships

11 CMS Priority Areas - Others ADDITIONAL PRIORITY AREAS: Nano and Bio Mechanics Approximately 40% of 400 mechanics/materials related proposals are now in the nano and bio mechanics area Intelligent Civil and Mechanical Systems Significant growth in proposals in areas such as mechatronics, smart structures, structural health monitoring, sensing and sensor networks, etc. Hazard Mitigation and Response for Critical Infrastructure Protection A major focus in CMS for over 25 years. Learning from earthquakes, Hazards Center, Post 9/11 Research Symposium, Recent Tsunami Simulation Based Engineering Science Multi-scale, multi-phenomenon computational modeling/analysis. Held workshop 4/04, and formed blue ribbon panel.

12 CMS Organization Chart * Albert Kobayashi is directing 1630 from 4/05 to 6/05; Adnan Akay will come in as DD in 7/05 Proposal pressures in emerging areas such as nanomechanics, biomechanics, mechatronics and smart structures.

13 DRAFT Recommendations 1. Leadership and communications in research and education for civil and mechanical engineering systems. In partnership with the CMS research and education community, articulate the benefits to society of research in the rapidly evolving fields of civil and mechanical systems through divisional workshops to identify emerging research opportunities and curricular innovation in CE and ME; organization of CMS programs into clusters identified with broad and forward-looking themes; summer institutes to train faculty in rapidly emerging areas; career enhancement workshops for junior CE and ME faculty, especially from underrepresented groups. 2003 Workshop for Young Engineering Educators from Underrepresented Groups in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Norma Jean Mattei, (CMS-0305673)

14 DRAFT Recommendations 2. Priorities for CMS research. Strengthen investigator- initiated research for high-impact discoveries; innovative research utilizing the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation cyberinfrastructure; nano- and bio- mechanics of materials; intelligent civil and mechanical systems; simulation- based engineering science; hazard mitigation and response for critical infrastructure protection. Medical Applications of Polymers This research focuses on the surface, mechanical and chemical properties of polymers with or without plasma treatment. Komvopoulos CMS-0095156 Bypass Catheter Balloon Angioplasty Procedure

15 DRAFT Recommendations 3. Proposal loads and success rates. Make the case for increased funding, take measures to limit the increasing numbers of proposals; develop research partnerships for NEES utilization; develop mutually beneficial partnerships with other funding agencies; ongoing continuous improvement of all administrative processes.

16 DRAFT Recommendations 4. Assessment. Carry out longitudinal studies to identify NSF role in seminal developments in CE and ME over the past few decades; regular evaluations of all programs and solicitations; objective surveys of research communities served by CMS; award a CMS (or ENG) prize of national stature to recognize most significant outcomes of CMS funded research. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Paul C. Lauterbur, SUNY Stonybrook CMS - 8008629 Funded by the CMS in the early 1980’s to refine nuclear magnetic resonance into a routine diagnostic technique. In 2002, about 22,000 MRI machines were in use worldwide, and more than 60 million MRI examinations were performed. For this contribution, Prof. Paul Lauterbur, now with University of Illinois, was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Medicine

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