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International Financial Reporting Standards The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter, not necessarily those of the IASC Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "International Financial Reporting Standards The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter, not necessarily those of the IASC Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Financial Reporting Standards The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter, not necessarily those of the IASC Foundation or the IASB IASC Foundation Financial Instruments: Classification and Measurement 1-4 September 2009 September 2009 2008 IASC Foundation | 30 Cannon Street | London EC4M 6XH | UK |

2 Timetable One project – three phases 2008 IASC Foundation | 30 Cannon Street | London EC4M 6XH | UK | 2 Project phaseExposure DraftFinalisation 1. Classification and Measurement July 2009In time for 2009 year end financial statements 2. Impairment methodology October 2009In 2010 3. Hedge accountingDecember 2009In 2010 * The above is in addition to a project on derecognition of financial instruments. ED Derecognition was published in March 2009.

3 2009 IASC Foundation | 30 Cannon Street | London EC4M 6XH | UK | 3 Classification and Measurement Overview of proposed approach Fair Value (no impairment) Amortised cost (one impairment method) Managed on a contractual yield basis Basic loan features + FVO for accounting mismatch All other instruments: Equities Derivatives Some hybrid contracts … Equities: OCI presentation available No reclassification

4 Classification and Measurement Amortised cost criterion Basic loan features –Contractual terms that give rise to cash flow amounts that represent both principle and interest –Interest represents consideration for: – time value of money –credit risk Managed on a contractual yield basis –Business model is to manage and evaluate based on collection or payment of contractual cash flows generated when holding or issuing the instrument –Not an instrument by instrument approach to classification

5 Classification and Measurement Other features of proposed approach Embedded derivatives –For hybrid contracts with financial hosts > Entire hybrid contract assessed using proposed classification and measurement model –For hybrid contracts with non-financial hosts > Existing IAS 39 requirements retained Fair value option –Retained to address accounting mismatches

6 2008 IASC Foundation | 30 Cannon Street | London EC4M 6XH | UK | 6 Classification and Measurement OCI presentation option Scope – investments in equity instruments not held for trading Other features: –option available instrument by instrument on initial recognition –no recycling, impairment or change in presentation –dividends also recognised in OCI

7 Summary of key changes to IAS 39 IAS 39Proposed approach ClassificationMany categories each with different measurement, presentation and impairment methods Two measurement bases: Amortised cost (one impairment method) and Fair Value. MeasurementIrrevocable option at initial recognition to present fair value changes of some equity instruments in OCI. ImpairmentDifferent impairment rules depending on category and instrument type Only debt instruments at amortised cost are tested for impairment. One impairment method. TaintingTainting rules for held to maturity investments No tainting rules for assets measured using amortised cost. ReclassificationSome reclassifications permitted/required No reclassifications. Business model approach. Embedded derivatives Bifurcation of embedded derivatives required in some cases No separation. Same classification approach (for hybrids with financial hosts) FVOAvailable if specific criteria are metAvailable for an accounting mismatch

8 2008 IASC Foundation | 30 Cannon Street | London EC4M 6XH | UK | 8 Classification and Measurement Approach proposed for transition –Generally fully retrospective, but some transition relief will be provided –Early adopters will be subject to disclosures in addition to IAS 8 disclosures Effective date –Any final proposals will be available for voluntary application for 2009 year end financial statements –Mandatory date for adoption – not before 1 January 2012 Comment deadline for exposure draft is 14 September 2009

9 Classification and Measurement FASB proposed approach All financial instruments within the scope of the project would be measured on balance sheet at fair value with changes in net income or other comprehensive income Fair value through net income –Default category. Includes all equity investments, derivatives & hybrid contracts that require separation. Fair value through OCI –Qualify if business strategy is to hold debt instruments with principle amounts for collection or payment(s) of contractual cash flows rather than to sell or settle the financial instruments with a third party –Current period interest & impairment recognised in P&L. –Other changes in fair value recognised in OCI. –Recycling on derecognition.

10 Classification and Measurement FASB FV-OCI presentation approach Balance sheet –present as separate line items in the balance sheet amortized cost and the necessary adjustment to arrive at fair value, and cumulative credit losses. Income/performance statement –One statement is mandatory with subtotals for net income and total comprehensive income. (EPS based on net income). –Net income to include interest and dividends, credit impairments, realized gains and losses. –OCI to include entire change in fair value for qualifying instruments.

11 Classification and Measurement FASB model other features Amortized cost option –Limited amortized cost option for certain financial liabilities (own debt) Embedded derivatives –Current bifurcation criteria for hybrid financial instruments would determine whether those instruments would be classified in FV-NI category or could be FV-OCI category. –Clearly closely related could be at FV-OCI –Not clearly closely related at FV-NI –Non-financial hybrids would continue to follow current guidance related to bifurcation

12 2008 IASC Foundation | 30 Cannon Street | London EC4M 6XH | UK | 12 Questions or comments? Expressions of individual views by members of the IASB and its staff are encouraged. The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter. Official positions of the IASB on accounting matters are determined only after extensive due process and deliberation.

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