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Education in Technology “Computers in the classrooms” Group 14: Ying Jia, Fernanda Escalante.

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1 Education in Technology “Computers in the classrooms” Group 14: Ying Jia, Fernanda Escalante

2 PRO ❏ Students gain word processing skills, typing skills. ❏ Help students learning from peers, form collaboration between students and students/ students and teacher, as they work together on projects ❏ Increases responsibility, independence ❏ Reinforce assistive tool in the instruction through different types of media: podcasts, video, multimedia, etc

3 CON ❏ Cost: Expensive Can be a distraction in the classroom ❏ Grammar and spell check taking away students’ critical thinking skills ❏ Decrease student’s skill of “face to face” interaction and communication data source: ersInTheBasicWritingClassroom ersInTheBasicWritingClassroom

4 Strategies for computer classrooms -It can be use as a tool for teachers and students -Makes group projects more accessible -Can be used for individual work or assessments

5 Strategies for computer classrooms (Con.) How to do it right? ❏ Have an instruction session ❏ Make sure students get some independent practice ❏ Be able to help to navigate the students throughout the whole project

6 Computers in the Classroom: How Teachers and Students Are Using Technology to Transform Learning -It is a Jossey-Bass and Apple Publication -Six remarkable stories about the introduction of computers to the classroom - Profound effect it had on students' lives. I -Informative and entertaining, -This book will expand your vision of how technology can be used to enhance classroom. Transform/dp/0787902624


8 Educational Websites for students from different ages -Interactive Sites for education -Starfall -Top 100 educational websites 2015 F2015/#

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