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Kevin Kline, SQL Sentry Director of Engineering Services, Microsoft SQL Server MVP since 2003 Twitter, Facebook, KEKline.

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin Kline, SQL Sentry Director of Engineering Services, Microsoft SQL Server MVP since 2003 Twitter, Facebook, KEKline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin Kline, SQL Sentry Director of Engineering Services, Microsoft SQL Server MVP since 2003 Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn @ KEKline Website:, http://ForITPros.com

2 Free Plan Explorer download: Free query tuning consultations: Free new ebook (regularly $10) to attendees. Send request to SQL Server educational videos, scripts, and slides: http://SQLSentry.TVhttp://SQLSentry.TV Tuning blog: Monthly eNews tips and tricks:

3 ACID properties of Transactions o Atomic o Consism tent o Isolated o Durable Speed, scalability, and performance; Maximize hardware Competitive features

4 Talk nerdy to me, baby!

5 Relational Engine Optimizer Query Executor Cmd Parser Storage Engine Trans- action Manager Buffer Manager Access Methods Protocol Layer SNI Data File T- Log Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache SQL Server Network Interface TDS Language Event SELECT ? Query Tree Query Plan OLE DB ?

6 1 Cash Register = 1 Scheduler Users are assigned to a thread Uh oh! The out of soda! No problem. Step aside… More syrup for the sodas! Goes to the waiting, i.e. “suspended queue” Yeah! I’m next in line!

7 Relational Engine Optimizer Query Executor Cmd Parser Storage Engine Trans-action Manager: Log & Lock Mgr Trans-action Manager: Log & Lock Mgr Buffer Manager Access Methods Protocol Layer SNI Data File(s) T- Log Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache SQL Server Network Interface TDS Language Event SQL OS ? Query Tree Query Plan OLE DB Data Write ? Check Point Lazywriter Latches Locks Async_Network_IO SOS_Scheduler_Yield Pagelatch_x, Latch_x, Resource_Semaphore LCK_x, LCK_M_x Writelog, Logbuffer PageIOLatch_x, Async_IO_Completion, IO_Completion

8 Windows Memory, 64-bit Two otherwise identical servers 16gb of RAM Limitations of 32- bit: /3gb switch opens more RAM AWE needed to utilize anything above 4gb on The “give & take” dichotomy Buffer Pool - - - - - - Plan Cache (no restrictions) - - - - - - Special caches: Sort Cache, Hashing Cache, etc…xxx - - - - - - Data Cache (no restrictions) Buffer Pool - - - - - - Plan Cache (no restrictions) - - - - - - Special caches: Sort Cache, Hashing Cache, etc…xxx - - - - - - Data Cache (no restrictions) Windows Memory, 32-bit Buffer Pool - - - - - - Plan Cache (only RAM under the 4GB AWE threshold can only be used for Plan Cache) - - - - - - Special caches: Sort Cache, Hashing Cache, etc…xxx - - - - - - Data Cache (any RAM available to the instance can be used for Data Cache, but RAM over the 4GB AWE threshold can be used only for Data Cache) Buffer Pool - - - - - - Plan Cache (only RAM under the 4GB AWE threshold can only be used for Plan Cache) - - - - - - Special caches: Sort Cache, Hashing Cache, etc…xxx - - - - - - Data Cache (any RAM available to the instance can be used for Data Cache, but RAM over the 4GB AWE threshold can be used only for Data Cache)

9 How long does a page of data or a block of code stay in cache? Uses a LRU algorithm Usually performed by the lazy- writer, but can also be done by any worker thread after scheduling its own I/O

10 getord Memory finduser sp_1sp_4 16 16 7 2 2 3 3 0 2 7 1 5 6 4 0 1 14 15 13 12 What about buffer cache?

11 Relational Engine Optimizer Query Executor Cmd Parser Storage Engine Transaction Manager: Log & Lock Mgr Buffer Manager Access Methods Protocol Layer SNI Data File T- Log Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache SQL Server Network Interface TDS Language Event INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE ? Query Tree Query Plan OLE DB Data Write ? Oooh! So dirty! CheckPoint Lazywriter

12 Relational Engine Optimizer Query Executor Cmd Parser Storage Engine Trans-action Manager: Log & Lock Mgr Trans-action Manager: Log & Lock Mgr Buffer Manager Access Methods Protocol Layer SNI Data File(s) T- Log Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache Buffer Pool - - - - - - Data Cache - - - - - - Plan Cache SQL Server Network Interface TDS Language Event SQL OS ? Query Tree Query Plan OLE DB Data Write ? Check Point Lazywriter Latches Locks

13 Understanding the internals is as important as any other bit of info you might have Remember: ACID!!! key components of the relational engine? key components of the storage engine? Key areas of cache? Key areas of the transaction manager? What two processes conduct writes? More info?

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