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Sydney SpaceNet 2014 Iver Cairns (Network Leader), Eleanor Bruce (Deputy NL), & Node Leaders J. Bland-Hawthorn, D. Ivers, M. Lenzen, D. Muller, I. Odeh,

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Presentation on theme: "Sydney SpaceNet 2014 Iver Cairns (Network Leader), Eleanor Bruce (Deputy NL), & Node Leaders J. Bland-Hawthorn, D. Ivers, M. Lenzen, D. Muller, I. Odeh,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sydney SpaceNet 2014 Iver Cairns (Network Leader), Eleanor Bruce (Deputy NL), & Node Leaders J. Bland-Hawthorn, D. Ivers, M. Lenzen, D. Muller, I. Odeh, S. Sukkarieh, X. Wu.

2 Sydney SpaceNet Vision: Link, extend, and leverage the University's existing space-related capabilities with Space Industry & Government  (i) USyd national player, (ii) national benefits Foci: Earth Observations from Space (EOS) & related scientific, engineering, agriculture, environmental, food security & economic issues (sustainability, tech, safeguarding) Themes: - (1) instruments, spacecraft, & robotics –(2) advanced EOS-focus geophysical & environmental models –(3) better use of Space-derived data (e.g., EOS, GIS, GNSS, and triple-bottom-line accounting / space weather / hazards). Build Community: cross-Faculty & university, industry, Govt Industry links & development, including startups (e.g., delta-V) Modify national environment: sats in space, Centres, legislation

3 SpaceNet People / Management Aspects Dr Eleanor Bruce (Geosciences) is the new Deputy Network Leader. Active SpaceNet program will proceed in 2015 while Iver is on SSP in the USA. SpaceNet renewed by University for 2015 with requested budget.

4 Community Building / National 8 SpaceNet Lunch & Tea events – robotics  space industry  Chinese grasslands. Clear engagement with industry... Paris, Peter,... 3 Workshops – national attention from EOS community  reports Media stories: CeBIT, Space Angels, delta-V, aurora....

5 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Quantitative assessment of the relative role of climate change and human activities in grassland degradation: Application of a satellite tracking system Inakwu O.A. Odeh With Professor J Li and Team from Nanjing University Department of Environmental Sciences Presentation for the Space SyReN (University of Sydney); November 18, 2014

6 Community Building / National II CeBIT ICT tradeshow: –Created delta-V –Strong engagement / PR CRC / Industry Transform. Hub / Growth Centre discussions... UNSW... International EOS figures (e.g., A. Skidmore, Twente) approaching SpaceNet Space Act  likely joint approach to modify... Nascent funding proposals

7 Theme I: Spacecraft, instruments, systems... i-INSPIRE – being re-integrated for full testing Revised Nanospec and new Radiation Counter ready Looking for new launch & associated funding c-INSPIRE – cubesat version next highest priority: –First Aust sole-uni spacecraft – Govt & industry wants us (& Aust) put run on board QB50 spacecraft (INSPIRE-2) just passed Critical Design Review (CDR)... 2015 / 2016 launch Longterm plan & funding needs identified.

8 Radiation Counter for i-INSPIRE (leader Joe Khachan) < 14 g, about 3 x 2 x 1 cm Counts radiation... also helps constrain orbit & location DSTO interested in adding this to Buccaneer

9 Spacecraft, instruments, systems... Plasma thruster (Joe Khachan – David Dall vital) –Invention documents agreed & signed with DSTO –DSTO license agreement close to being signed –Uni has agreed to support patent application

10 Theme II. Better EOS-focused Geophysical & Environmental Models Dietmar Muller: ARC Research Hub for Basin GEodyNamics and Evolution of SedImentary Systems (GENESIS) –Industry Transformation Hub on petrogeology –Research... See Dietmar’s Research Bite Hagen Schulte en den Baumen et al.: Economic costs & trade affects of Space Weather events – Natural Haz. & Earth System Sci. 2014

11 Industry Links - delta V

12 ROADMAP TO SPACE Accelerating Australia’s Commercial Space 2.0 Industry Oct 2014

13 delta-V Founding Groups Supporters Founding Partners SponsorsPartners

14 delta-V Cubesat Platform Vision Validating payloads & businesses is a key problem. We will create a “Reference Platform” for vehicle, launch, and flights. 2. Frequent launch / deploy [At least quarterly, commercial timescale] 1. Standardized multi-tenant payload platform [Designed for low-risk, high-reliability across a wide range of missions] 3. Spaceflight Mission operations [Member of, contributor to International CubeSat groundstation network]

15 Industry Links - delta V MoU signed Corporate structure under discussion Active engagement with venture capitalists & industry (Nanoracks.. re vision & funds required Offer of $500,000 to fund first launch – in play... Some NSW Dept T & I matching funds... New Commonwealth scheme ? History? 1 st time Aust space entity approached by international company to do a beyond LEO comms project.... Feasibility study currently.

16 Future (2015) Workshop on Coastal / Marine EOS for Feb 2015. Program of Workshops & Lunch / Tea events will be developed – please volunteer. Build, support, & expand the SpaceNet community. Very exciting time –Develop & launch of EOS-focused space projects & technology: c-INSPIRE, QB50, thruster,... 1 st Australian sole-University spacecraft & 1 st in 14 yrs? –Identify better EOS data uses & instruments. –Delta-V... funds, Space Industry 2.0... –Engagement with industry – Growth Center, comms, EOS sensors / software / uses, robots, future cubesats...

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