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Steroids ZAC WILLIS. Natural Steroids  Sex Hormones – in males there is testosterone. In Females there is estradiol, a type of estrogen.  Corticosteroids.

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Presentation on theme: "Steroids ZAC WILLIS. Natural Steroids  Sex Hormones – in males there is testosterone. In Females there is estradiol, a type of estrogen.  Corticosteroids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steroids ZAC WILLIS

2 Natural Steroids  Sex Hormones – in males there is testosterone. In Females there is estradiol, a type of estrogen.  Corticosteroids – these hormones include cortisone and cortisol.  Sterols – most commonly know as cholesterol

3 Types of unnatural Steroids  Anadrol - improves stamina to train and increase in strength  Dianabol - effective and does not need a lot of accompanying changes in diet and exercise.  Equipoise - best used for the development of lean muscle.

4  Halotestin - get lean muscle mass and fat loss and aggression  Sustanon - fat loss from the muscles of the body.  Testosterone - produced in the testes of men and ovaries of the women.  Winstrol - used for cutting rather than weight gain and muscle gain.

5 The Pros  Improve physical appearance  Increase muscle mass  Increase strength and endurance  Train longer and frequently with unprecedented intensity  Boost sporting performance  Faster recuperation

6 The Cons/side effects  High Blood Pressure  Acne  Tremor/nausea/vomiting  Mood swings  Periodic bouts of uncontrollable anger (referred to as ‘roid rage’)

7 The Cons/side effects  Paranoia, delusions, depression leading to suicidal thoughts  Jaundice/liver damage  Urinary problems  Pain in the joints

8 “Roid Rage”

9  Doctors who do believe in the condition see it as a type of impulse control; roid ragers overreact to an event that normally wouldn't set them off.  The excessive amount of testosterone is what causes “roid rage”. These levels of testosterone may be useful at first but can become a problem later.  “roid rage” is when a steroid user will lose their temper over small and sometimes pointless things that usually wouldn’t matter.  This rage is usually only common in people that, prior to steroids usage are already extremely aggressive, hostile, and violent people.

10 Specifically men  Breast development  Testicular shrinkage / Sterility  Prostrate enlargement  Impotence or lack of libido  Experiencing pain when urinating  Male- pattern premature balding

11 Specifically women  Development of male characteristics such as facial hair, deep voice and excessive muscular growth  Reduction of breasts/Enlargement of the clitoris  Menstrual changes

12 Are they addictive?  Like many other substances, anabolic steroids are addictive. This means you can crave the drug, require more to get the same effect and have withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop taking them.  A person who is addicted to anabolic steroids will continue using them despite experiencing unpleasant physical side effects.

13 Steroids in Baseball

14 Famous Steroid Users  Barry Bonds – All time Home run leader in all of baseball (762)  All time single Season Home run leader (73)  Mark McGwire – Single season Home run leader with 70 until broken by Bonds  Sammy Sosa  Jose Conseco  1990’s was the steroid era.

15 Steroids Rules In MLB  First positive test result: 80 game suspension  Second positive test result: 162 game suspension (entire regular season)  Third positive test result: lifetime ban from MLB  All players are tested at the beginning of the season and then randomly selected throughout the season for more testing.

16 Barry Bonds

17 Sammy Sosa

18 Jose Conseco

19 Work cited  Anabolic-Steroids Anabolic-Steroids  abolic-steroids-benefits.htm abolic-steroids-benefits.htm  rage.htm rage.htm  abuse/Pages/Introduction.aspx abuse/Pages/Introduction.aspx

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