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DR RANIA GABR.  Discuss the congenital anomalies related to the heart development.

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2  Discuss the congenital anomalies related to the heart development.

3  Atrial Septal defects:  Septum Primum Defect: Defect in the interatrial septum Due to absence of the septum Primum (Patent foramen ovale)

4  Septum Secondum Defect: Defect in the interatrial septum Due to absence of the septum Secondum (Patent foramen Secondum)

5  Complete absence of the interatrial septum (Core Triloculare Biventriculare): There is complete absence of both septum primum and septum secondum. i.e. there is a common atrium.

6  Patent osteum primum:  The foramen primum may fail to close inspite of formation of the foramen secondum.  This will cause disturbance in the valvular mechanism of the interatrial septum.

7  Patent foramen ovale:  Mentioned before

8  Persistent atrioventricular canal:  The A-V cushions and the septum intermedium fail to develop.  The A-V canal remains divided into rt and lt parts.  There is usually:  1- Patent foramen primum  2- IV septal defect  3- Abnormalities in the leaflets of the valves guarding the A-V canal.

9  Ventricular Septal defects: Usually in the membranous part

10 Tetralogy of Fallot: Four co-occurring heart defects: Pulmonary stenosis Right ventricular hypertrophy Ventricular septal defect Overriding aorta (dextroposition)


12  Eisenmenger's syndrome: Characteristics of Eisenmenger's syndrome summarized as: persistent truncus arteriosus ventricular septal defect left-right ventricular shunt right ventricle hypertrophy

13  Congenital Aortic valve stenosis:  Occurs due to fusion of the cusps of the aortic valve.  Very narrow aortic orifice will cause Lt ventricular hypertrophy.  Regurge of blood from the aorta to the left ventricle will increase the lt ventr. Hypertrophy.

14  Congenital Aortic valve atresia:  Under developed lt ventricle  Narrow ascending aorta  Patent ductus arteriosus to carry the blood into the aorta

15  Pulmonary atresia  The pulmonary artery is underdeveloped, the right ventricle very small.The condition is also sometimes referred to as hypoplastic right heart.

16  Transposition of the great arteries:  Most common cyanotic neonatal heart defect Failure of aorticopulmonary septum to take a spiraling course Fatal without PDA, ASD, & VSD


18  Ectopia Cordis:  The heart is bulging outside the chest due to wide separation in the 2 parts of the sternum

19  Dextrocardia:  The heart and great vessels are reversed as in mirror image  It might be a separate condition or part of Situs inversus

20  Situs inversus

21 “ The End ” Thank you

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