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CHARIOT RACING BY: Bryce Hopkins. The Origin  The earliest finding of a chariot race occurs in Homer's description of the funeral of Patroclus. These.

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Presentation on theme: "CHARIOT RACING BY: Bryce Hopkins. The Origin  The earliest finding of a chariot race occurs in Homer's description of the funeral of Patroclus. These."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHARIOT RACING BY: Bryce Hopkins

2 The Origin  The earliest finding of a chariot race occurs in Homer's description of the funeral of Patroclus. These races were a famous feature of the ancient Olympic Games and other games connected with Greek religious festivals.

3 TeamsTeamsTeamsTeams The Chariot Races were run with teams The Chariot Races were run with teams There was blue, green, yellow and red There was blue, green, yellow and red Citizens would bet secretly which helped Chariot Racing’s popularity Citizens would bet secretly which helped Chariot Racing’s popularity The winner would be the first done with three laps and then the team would get the glory The winner would be the first done with three laps and then the team would get the glory

4 Horses Romans used special methods to train their chariot horses so they could go for long distances at higher speeds. This is done commonly in eventing and endurance, where great stamina is required.

5 Construction Chariots intended for racing purposes were designed of the lightest possible construction. They would be made of bent wood, wickerwork, and woven leather. This resulted in a vehicle weighing only around 50 kg (100-110 lbs.) that was very different from the popular characteristic of today. Chariots intended for racing purposes were designed of the lightest possible construction. They would be made of bent wood, wickerwork, and woven leather. This resulted in a vehicle weighing only around 50 kg (100-110 lbs.) that was very different from the popular characteristic of today.

6 Circus Maximus Contained 300,000 Spectators Built in 6th century BC Had lap counters, two designs, a dolphin and an egg From 700 BC to the fall of Rome at 1453 AD 600x200 ft

7 Chariot Racers The Roman charioteers wore helmets and other protective clothing, and they wrapped the reins around their arms, which meant that they were liable to be dragged around the circuit. What with crashes, blood spilt and gambling, the Romans considered a day at the chariot races as time enjoyably spent. Feelings often ran high - in Constantinople in AD 352 there was rioting that went on for three days and 30,000 were killed when the troops were called in.

8 Why the Popularity? People have always been enthralled by competitive sports. Man to man combat or group performances have always attracted a large audience. Chariot racing fits this interest level and its drama widely thrilled the common people of the ancient Roman Empire. People have always been enthralled by competitive sports. Man to man combat or group performances have always attracted a large audience. Chariot racing fits this interest level and its drama widely thrilled the common people of the ancient Roman Empire.

9 Questions What year did chariot racing start and what happened to end it? What year did chariot racing start and what happened to end it? 700 BC to the fall of Rome 700 BC to the fall of Rome Give two reasons why was chariot Racing so popular in Rome. Give two reasons why was chariot Racing so popular in Rome. Because the populace loved man-to-man combat, gladiator fights, and Chariot Racing was a step down from that. Because the populace loved man-to-man combat, gladiator fights, and Chariot Racing was a step down from that. How heavy were the chariots, approximately, and why were they that light? How heavy were the chariots, approximately, and why were they that light? Chariots were about 50 kg and were that light for more speed and less strain on the horses. Chariots were about 50 kg and were that light for more speed and less strain on the horses.

10 Bibliography roject/racing.html roject/racing.html ory/making_history/makhist10_p rog5c.shtml ory/making_history/makhist10_p rog5c.shtml

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