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My Favorite Hobby is Playing Video Games

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Presentation on theme: "My Favorite Hobby is Playing Video Games"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Favorite Hobby is Playing Video Games
by Edwin Oh

2 Table Of Contents Introduction Definition Of Video Games ITS FUN
Helps With Concentration Relives Stress Games Played On Discs

3 Introduction My favorite hobby is playing video games because it relieves stress, its fun, and it helps me concentrate.

4 Definition of Video Games
Any of various games played using a microcomputer with a keyboard and often joysticks to manipulate changes or respond to the action or questions on the screen.

5 Its Fun! Games are fun because it is made for entertainment .The most fun games are made usually on consoles like the X Box 360 or PS3.

6 Helps Concentration! Games helps people concentrate because it makes you keep your mind off of unimportant things .It also created musical geniuses like Andy Samberg.

7 Relieves Stress Games relieves stress because it gives you entertainment and its fun like the PC. It is also a thing that most people do to have fun when they are bored.

8 FACT Games are played on discs which are played on a consoles like the Wii. The Wii is a motion played console for those noobs out there.

9 Credits Music Lonley Island Jizz In My Pantz Music Man Raul =)
Proof Reading Servant Yanni Moatamedi =0 Magic Man Neema Yousefi Teacher Mr. Frost XO Mr. Frost >>>>>>>>>>>

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