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1/39 Tools to “Think With” UW Knowledge Works: A Content Management System in Teaching and Learning Aaron Louie, Information Architect William Washington,

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Presentation on theme: "1/39 Tools to “Think With” UW Knowledge Works: A Content Management System in Teaching and Learning Aaron Louie, Information Architect William Washington,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1/39 Tools to “Think With” UW Knowledge Works: A Content Management System in Teaching and Learning Aaron Louie, Information Architect William Washington, User-Centered Designer

2 2/39 Is the web still a place where people broaden themselves, à la the idea of an information commons? Does the average user actually use the tools developed through our body of knowledge and practice?

3 3/39 Outline I.Introduction to UW KnowledgeWorks II.Learning by contributing to the web III.Research & theory informing design IV.Conclusion

4 4/39 Part I Introduction to UW KnowledgeWorks

5 5/39 How UWKW Began Arthritis Source development

6 6/39 How UWKW Began The Arthritis Source

7 7/39 How UWKW Began UWKW prototyped Learning opportunities emerged CMS in the classroom LIS theory research Needs analysis at UW Arthritis Source development

8 8/39 UW KnowledgeWorks Creating Reflecting Sharing Publishing Public Website Authoring, Sharing, and Adminstration Workspace Authoring, Sharing, and Administration Workspace

9 9/39 TemplatePublished Article Web-based Articles Articles are generated using a template and responses to the template prompts

10 10/39 Template Builder An instructor or student can design a template Pages Sections Prompts

11 11/39 Categories for Organization

12 12/39 Sharing, Reviewing, Commenting, Editing, & Publishing

13 13/39 Customizable Roles & Permissions

14 14/39 Multiple Search Strategies Query Parsing Browse by Categories Advanced Search Drill-down Menus

15 15/39 Part II Learning by contributing to the web

16 16/39 CMS in Three Learning Environments Architecture: UW BaSiC Initiative Law and Information: Honors: Digital Tools for Study Abroad

17 17/39 Learning Opportunities Authentic learning Analyzing and thinking deeply about structure of knowledge in domain Creating knowledge-building communities

18 18/39 UW College of Architecture: BaSiC Initiative Opportunities for authentic learning

19 19/39 UW College of Architecture: BaSiC Initiative Opportunities for authentic learning

20 20/39 UW Law School, iSchool, Washington Council on Public Legal Education: A tool for students to “think with”

21 21/39 UW Law School, Ischool, Washington Council on Public Legal Education: Thinking deeply about the structure of a domain

22 22/39 UW Honors Program: Digital Tools for Study Abroad Opportunities for knowledge- building communities

23 23/39 UW Honors Program: Digital Tools for Study Abroad Opportunities for knowledge- building communities

24 24/39 Learning Opportunities Revisited Authentic learning Analyzing and thinking deeply about structure of knowledge in domain Creating knowledge-building communities

25 25/39 Part III Research & Theory Informing Design

26 26/39 Research & Theory Informing Design Knowledge Organization Information Retrieval Content Management Information Commons

27 27/39 Knowledge Organization Theory –Thesaurofacets (J. Aitchison, et al.) –Information Architecture (L. Rosenfeld, P. Morville)

28 28/39 Knowledge Organization UWKW Features –Controlled vocabulary –Categorization –Query parsing –Browsing, faceted navigation, wayfinding –Category searching

29 29/39 Information Retrieval Theory –Multiple Search Strategies (R. Fidel) –Query Expansion (E. Efthimiadis)

30 30/39 Information Retrieval UWKW Features –Browsing, faceted navigation, wayfinding –Parsed simple keyword searching –Advanced metadata searching –Category searching

31 31/39 Content Management Theory –Content Management Systems (R. Boiko) Collection Management Publishing

32 32/39 Content Management UWKW Features –File management, editing –Roles, permissions, workflow –Publishing

33 33/39 Information Commons Theory –Metaphor of the Commons (D. Bollier) Openness & feedback Shared decision making Diversity Equity Sociability

34 34/39 Information Commons UWKW Features –Personal & community content spaces –Sharing, commenting, reviewing –Roles, permissions, workflow

35 35/39 Part IV Conclusions

36 36/39 Are people using tools developed with LIS knowledge and practice? With UWKW as case study, then yes Move UWKW from prototype to wider use at UW LIS theory & research informed: –Design process –Features –Guidelines for use

37 37/39 Implications for LIS field Study information behavior in teaching and learning Explore knowledge representation as a tool for learning Translate research findings into design heuristics

38 38/39 Q & A

39 39/39 References Kwasnik, B.H. The role of classification in knowledge representation and discovery. Library Trends. 48(1), 22-47, 1999. J. Aitchison, A. Gilchrist, and D. Bawden. Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual. Aslib, London, fourth edition, 2000. Rosenfeld, L. and Morville, P. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. Cambridge: O'Reilly, 2002. Fidel, R. Searchers' selection of search keys: III. Searching styles. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 42(7):515- 527, 1991. Efthimiadis, E.N. "User choices: A new yardstick for the evaluation of ranking algorithms for interactive query expansion." Information Processing and Management, 31(4), 605-620, 1995. B. Boiko. Content Management Bible. New York, NY: Hungry Minds, 2002. D. Bollier. Why we must talk about the information commons. From June 2002.

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