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Barriers for Men In Nursing Education and Nursing Practice David Hudson, MSN, RN.

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1 Barriers for Men In Nursing Education and Nursing Practice David Hudson, MSN, RN

2 Synopsis of Barriers Gender Stereotypes Feminist Perspective of Nursing Workplace Relationships Intimacy Lack of Role Models Perception of Lower Salary Discrimination Communication Differences

3 Hodes (2005) Stereotyping is top barrier to choosing nursing as a career Nursing viewed as a “female” profession Lack of role models Lack of guidance during high school

4 Hodes (cont.) Students experienced difficulties with education; minority gender Viewed as “muscle” by female colleagues Communication issues and problems with female colleagues

5 Hodes (cont.) Misrepresentation 1-Male nurses are gay 2-Nursing is a female profession 3-Men are not caring Men are dissuaded from becoming nurses

6 Harding (2007) Persistent stereotype of the gay male nurse Actual meeting of homophobia Protection of heterosexuality by heterosexual male nurses

7 Harding (cont.) Study reported that the majority of nurses (men) identified as heterosexual Public view is that most male nurses are homosexual

8 O’Lynn (2007) Gender itself is a barrier People shape gendered constructions to be congruent with shared gender meanings and these constructions are considered to be normal Feminine paradigm in nursing education

9 O’Lynn (cont.) Lack of role models Isolation Gender biased language Differential treatment Different communication styles Issues with touch and caring

10 James & Cinelli (2003) Men and women communicate differently -Inconsistent verbal/non-verbal messages -Personal bias -Distraction -Age -Culture

11 Beamer & Varner (2008) Speech patterns Men tend to interrupt more frequently Men are more direct in the delivery of the message

12 Evans (1997) Stereotypical female traits -Nurturing -Caring -Dependence -Submission Stereotypical male traits -Strength -Aggression -Dominance -Self-control -Objectivity

13 Evans (cont.) Masculine/feminine traits and roles are incompatible Men in “power roles” “so long as men in nursing feel a need to separate them from women, they will continue to designate certain issues to be feminine and will continue to need certain activities for “men only.”

14 O’Lynn (2007) Men in nursing education programs feel uncomfortable with touch and the concept of caring Students feel angry with faculty for not addressing these issues and concerns

15 Duffin (2006) Men in nursing feel isolated Feel embarrassed because they are not trained to provide intimate care for female clients Develop strategies to “blot out gender”; focus on the task not the person

16 Burton & Misener (2007) Media portrayal of nurses perpetuates stereotypes Nurses in the media portrayed as female Those portrayed as male have negative stereotype Physician “wanna be”; failed medical school Portrayed as gay or effeminate

17 Kelly, Shoemaker & Steele (1996) Nursing is feminine profession Isolation Self-doubt Poor guidance in high school Being a nurse perceived as “unmanly” 1/3 of men questioned about their sexuality

18 Porter-O’Grady (2007) “Reverse discrimination” within nursing leadership Subordinate to physicians 2 nd class Salary disparity between nursing & other professions

19 Brady & Serrod (2003) Some male nursing students have come to believe that nursing is a new way of thinking in that they must not only learn to think and practice like a nurse, they must also learn to think and practice or act like women.

20 Ellis, Meeker & Hyde (2006) Very few role models Perceived as lazy and underachievers Do not have intelligence to attend medical school Assumption of homosexuality Considered to be Power Hungry

21 References Beamer, L. and Varner, I. (2008). The Role of Language in Intercultural Business Communication. Intercultural Communication: In the Global Workplace. 4 th Ed. McGraw-Hill: Boston. Bell-Scriber, M. (2008). Warming the nursing education climate for traditional-age learners who are male. Nursing Education Research. 29(3). pp. 143-150. Brady, M, and Sherrod, D. (2003). Retaining men in nursing programs designed for women. Faculty Forum. 42(4). pp. 159-162. Duffin, C. (2006). Lack of Training in Intimate Care Adds to Male Nurses’ Isolation. Nursing Standard. 20(52). p. 10. Ellis, D.M., Meeker, B., and Hyde B. (2006). Exploring men’s perceived educational experiences in a baccalaureate program. Research Briefs. 45(12). pp. 523-526. Evans, J. (1997). Men in Nursing: Issues of Gender Segregation and Hidden Advantage. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 26. Pp. 226-231.

22 References Evans, J. (2002). Cautious Caregivers: Gender Stereotypes and the Sexualization of Men Nurses’ Touch. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 40(4). Pp. 441-448. Genua, J., (2005). The vision of male nurses: Roles, barriers and stereotypes. Interactions. pp. 4-7. Harding, T. (2007). The Construction of Men Who are Nurses as Gay. Journal of Advanced Nursing. August, 2007. pp. 639-641. Hodes, B. (2005). Men in Nursing Study. Bernard Hodes Group. James, T. and Cinelli, B. (2003). Exploring Gender-Based Communication Styles. Journal of School Health. 73(1). pp. 41-42. Kelly, N., Shoemaker, M., and Steele, T. (1996). The experience of being a male student nurse. Journal of Nursing Education. 35(4). pp. 170-174. Nero, C. (2004). Black Queer Identity, Imaginative Rationality, and the Language of Home. Our Voices: Essays in Culture, Ethnicity, and Communication. (4 th Ed.). Roxbury Publishing Company: Los Angeles, California. O’Lynn, C. (2004). Gender-based barriers for male students in nursing education programs: Prevalence and perceived importance. Journal of Nursing Education. 43(5). pp. 229-236. O’Lynn, C. (2007). Gender-based barriers for male students in nursing education programs. Men in Nursing: History, Challenges and Opportunities. pp. 169-187. Springer Publishing: New York.

23 Referneces O’Lynn, C. (2007). History of Men in Nursing: A Review. Men in Nursing: History Challenges and Opportunities. pp. 5-41. Springer Publishing: New York. Porter-O’Grady, T. (2007). Reverse Discrimination in Nursing Leadership: Hitting the Concrete Ceiling. Men in Nursing: History, Challenges and Opportunities. pp. 143- 151. Springer Publishing: New York. Yoshimura, C. and Hayden, S. (2007). The Effects of Gender on Communication and Workplace Relations. Men in Nursing: History, Challenges and Opportunities. pp. 103-120. Springer Publishing: New York

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