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Forum for Young Canadians Be a Voice! Be Part of it!

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Presentation on theme: "Forum for Young Canadians Be a Voice! Be Part of it!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forum for Young Canadians Be a Voice! Be Part of it!

2 About the Foundation: The Foundation for the Study of Processes of Government in Canada is a non-profit registered charitable organization founded in 1975. Its goal is to foster an understanding among young Canadians of the role and function of Canada 's government, while promoting awareness of the meaning of Canadian citizenship. Forum is the Foundation’s flagship program.

3 Forum for Young Canadians - What: Established in 1975 as a bilingual, non-partisan educational experience for Canadian high school and Cégep (Quebec) students; Approximately 315 students from across the country selected to participate each year; Leadership and academic adventure that immerses students in the exciting world of national politics and public affairs; Meet and interact with political leaders (ask them tough questions!); Participate in simulations and debates; Learn how you can influence public policy.

4 Forum is one of the very few youth programs that still have a level of contact with the highest of dignitaries. Although it rarely happens, the Prime Ministers do try and meet with Forum participants. Forum students with Prime Minister Harper.

5 Forum for Young Canadians - Who: Responsible high school and CÉGEP students; Between the ages of 15 and 19; Based on: –Sound academic performance; –Social and leadership skills; –Extra curricular activities; –Interest in current national and community affairs –School’s recommendation/ nomination (Principal, Guidance Counselor, Teacher, etc.)

6 Forum for Young Canadians - Where: Held in Ottawa; Bus tour of Ottawa; Most seminars and simulations are held on Parliament Hill; Sit in the Members’ seats in the House of Commons and in the Senate; Visit Rideau Hall (home of the Governor General of Canada); Visit a national museum; Accommodations are in a hotel in downtown Ottawa.

7 Forum for Young Canadians - When: Three sessions to choose from: –February 22 to 27, 2015 –March 8 to 13, 2015 –March 22 to 27, 2015 Participants arrive on Sunday Return home on Friday

8 Forum for Young Canadians - Why: Develop a national network of new friends; Develop or advance leadership skills; Get involved and make a difference; A week away from home and school to learn hands-on; Looks great on a résumé or a college/university application; It’s FUN!!!

9 APPLY NOW! Still accepting applications, so apply (online) today! Don’t let cost be an issue – Fundraising is allowed and encouraged. Every pledge and donation you receive is eligible for an income tax receipt (with the exception of participants and immediate family members). Bursaries are available! For more information: – – –613-233-4086


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