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Taping for the Young Athlete ‘Just Roll With It’ Andrea Melanson, OTD, OTR/L, CKTP February 17, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Taping for the Young Athlete ‘Just Roll With It’ Andrea Melanson, OTD, OTR/L, CKTP February 17, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taping for the Young Athlete ‘Just Roll With It’ Andrea Melanson, OTD, OTR/L, CKTP February 17, 2012

2 Objectives Provide background and theory of kinesiotex taping Provide principles of kinesiotex taping Provide application techniques for the upper extremity in the young athlete

3 The ‘Hype’ Behind The Tape Kenzo Kase, DC Latex-free, polymer elastic wrapped in 100% cotton fibers Space, Movement, Cooling –Lifting of skin to allow increased blood flow, drainage of lymph system, increased area for neural and sensory receptors to influence healing: results in decreased pain/ease of movement KT in Pediatrics, 2010


5 Corrective Techniques Mechanical- utilizes the stretching qualities of the tape with inward pressure to provide for positional stimuli through the skin. Fascia Space- to create more space directly above the area of pain, inflammation, swelling, or edema. Ligament/Tendon Functional Lymphatic

6 Basic Concepts for Application Balance muscles and bring back to functional level for acute injuries and rehabilitation: insertion to origin Increase muscle function and address chronic conditions: origin to insertion Successful application dependent on two factors: proper evaluation of patient’s condition and proper application of the Kinesio® Taping Technique

7 Who is Kinesiotex Tape For? Used currently by ½ of the NFL, 2/3 of MLB, and 1/3 of MBA Other sports using KT include: tennis, golf, marathon runners 150,000 medical practitioners are certified in KT and use regularly in their practices KTAI, 2012

8 Sports Injuries in the Young Athlete Major differences in children vs. adults: –Trauma to child’s joints may cause a fracture of the epiphyseal growth plate –Length changes of the musclotendinous system do not always coincide with the child’s skeletal growth and are primary causes of strength and balance issues P. Martin, 2010

9 The Young Athlete Darrow, et al., 2009: –39% per 1000 athletic exposures considered severe –Most common injuries: knee (29%), ankle (12.3%), shoulder (10.9%) Adirim and Cheng, 2003: –1/3 of school-aged children will sustain a severe injury that is sports-related –Most common sites: knee, ankle, and elbow

10 Application of KT to UE Injuries AC joint strain: space correction technique Lateral epicondylitis (Little Leaguer’s Elbow): mechanical and space correction technique combined Labs

11 AC Joint Strain Application Instruct patient in upright posture for alignment Use 2 “I” cut-tape in a correction technique Tear backing from center and fold back Apply tape with full tension over the center of the acromion. Lay down edges with no tension May overlap with second piece




15 Lateral Epicondylitis Application Measure tape length from base of 2 nd /3 rd metacarpals to the lateral epicondyle Position wrist in flexion and forearm pronation: anchor base of “Y” tape to 2 nd /3 rd metacarpals Apply tails with paper-off tension around the medial and lateral margins of the extensor muscles

16 Lateral Epicondylitis App cont. Use a “I” piece of tape to lift the fascia and soft tissue over the area of pain Tear the tape backing in the center and fold back the edges. Apply over the area of pain with full tension in the center of the tape. Remember no tension at end of tape.



19 Research Taping to improve scapular mobility: no significant difference with/without tape (Cools et al., 2002) Taping improved pain from shoulder impingement syndrome (Host, 1995) Taping improved pain from lateral epicondylitis (Lee et al., 2010, Schneider et al., 2011, & Vicenzino et al., 2003).

20 References Adirim, T.A. and Cheng, T.L. (2003). Overview of injuries in the young athlete. Sports Medicine, 33(1), 75-81. Cools, A.M., Witvrouw, E.E., Danneels, L.A., Cambier, D.C. (2002). Does taping influence electromyographic muscle activity in the scapular rotators in health shoulders? Manual of Therapy, 7(3): 154-162. Darrow, C.J., Collins, C.L., Yard, E.E., and Comstock, R.D. (2009). Epidemiology of severe injuries among United States high school athletes: 2005-2007. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(9), 1798-1805.

21 References Host, H.H. (1995). Scapular taping in the treatment of anterior shoulder impingement. Physical Therapy, 75: 803-812 Kinesio Taping Method. (2010). Retrieved January 9, 2012, from http://www.kinesiotaping.com Martin,P. & Yasukawa, A. (2010, August). Advanced techniques and problem solving. Kinesio Taping in Pediatrics: KT3.

22 References Schneider, M., Rhea, M., and Bay, C. (2010). The effect of kinesio tex tape on muscular strength of the forearm extensors on collegiate tennis athletes. Kinesiotaping. Retrieved December 29, 2011, from Vicenzino, B., Brooksbank, J., Minto, J., Offord, S., Paungmali, A. (2003). Initial effects of elbow taping on pain-free grip strength and pressure pain threshold. Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy, July 33(7): 400-407.

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