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The Global Enterprise Mobility Community

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Enterprise Mobility Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Enterprise Mobility Community

2 Enterprise Mobility In Action – making it happen Wednesday 30 May 2012 14:30 – 15:30 (GMT)

3 Sharon Clancy Editor-in-Chief, Enterprise Mobility Network

4 14:30-14:35 Welcome & introductions by Sharon Clancy 14:35 -15:10 Sharon Clancy to conduct interview with guest speakers : - There are many ways a mobility rollout can go wrong - how can you avoid the pitfalls and get it right first time? 15:10-15:25 Q & A session 15:25-15:30 Closing remarks

5 Julie Purves, Founder and CEO, B2M Solutions Julian Niblett, Head of Operations Development Transformation, Boots Nigel Owens, Senior VP Worldwide Sales, General Manager EMEA, Motion Computing Simon Gale, CTO - Workplace Services UKI, IBM Tim Hamilton- Davies, Owner, M-Netics Dennis Castor, Director, Global Client Managed Services, Psion

6 1.Focus on business processes, not technology :- * What’s the business case? * What do you want to achieve? * Will you need to change any processes ?

7 2.Keep it simple and under control:- * Don’t be too ambitious in scope * Engage your workers * Identify a project champion * Invest in training * Make time for a strong pilot rollout

8 3.Profile mobile worker groups: - * Data needs will differ * Devices will vary: one size doesn’t fit all

9 4.Fit-for-purpose:- * Don’t make the device choice first * Match devices with applications * Future-proofing your solution

10 5.Total cost of ownership:- * MDM: an essential tool, not an optional extra * Potential hidden costs * Financing

11 Any Questions?

12 Closing Remarks

13 Thank You!

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