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How to write a Thesis proposal. What we will learn today? To answer why we should write a thesis? Define the protocol and proposal Describe the component.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a Thesis proposal. What we will learn today? To answer why we should write a thesis? Define the protocol and proposal Describe the component."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a Thesis proposal

2 What we will learn today? To answer why we should write a thesis? Define the protocol and proposal Describe the component of protocol and proposal Enumerate the steps of proposal writing Bridge the gap to start research and thesis writing

3 Theoretical aspects

4 What is a research? Theoretically -  An intellectual investigation to discover and interpret human knowledge A scientific research  Systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of information/data to solve a problem First thing first

5 Why it is a prerequisite for fellowship, masters and PhD programs ? To use this excellent learning experience as a tool for ‘learning to learn’ To familiarize the student with the steps of research, To promote critical and analytical thinking To provide an experience in scientific writing and To contribute to knowledge.


7 Stages in a research work 1.Planning I.Problem identification II.Knowledge building about the problem III.Search for an un answered question and selection of a question/Research question IV.Problem statement/ Formulation of hypothesis V.Finding the objectives and Preparing the instrument VI.Methodology/Study design selection VII.Proposal writing, Ethical clearance and funding issue 2.Data collection 3.Data processing-analysis, interpretation, drawing of inferences 4.Writing reports/ thesis/dissertation 5.Article publication/ presentation in seminar

8 Steps for thesis works Step 1- Start literature review Step 2 – Start working with guide/Supervisor Step 3 – Preparation, submission and approval of the proposal (all these must be completed within 1/4 th of the total time) Step 4 – Start data collection Step 5 – Start data management and start report writing Step 6 – Continue to finish report writing ( must be completed within 2/3 rd of total time) Step 7 – Revision and correction of the report Step 8 – Final correction, editing and submission (must be within 5/6 th of total time) Step 10 -- Writing thesis derived articles Step 11 – Defending the thesis Step 12 – Finalizing and submission for the university

9 Protocol vs. proposal Protocol – A document describing a route map – For the purpose, rationale, objectives, methodology and scientific plan of research work Proposal – A document written for obtaining fund and contains- – Protocol – Budget – Other administrative and supportive informations

10 To Whom ? Academic advisor- Protocol A financial authority – Proposal Committee – Protocol/proposal – IRB Ethical committee Scientific committee

11 Why proposal ? To develop a focused project There must be a theme The theme must have an academic value There must be an empirical evidence in the proposal

12 What for ? To explain – What you want to study, How you will study this topic, Why this topic needs to be studied, When you intend to do this work, Where your study will take place?

13 General advice Keep a notebook to write down relevant thoughts Compose different parts in different files/index cards Start with more “clear cut” sections first

14 Specific advice Be prepared to revise! Think – it is beginning of your thesis/dissertation Proposal is not to limit ideas, but to help think practically

15 Selection of a theme Don’t be overenthusiastic – Don’t select completely new theme This is the job of expert/outstanding student This is a learning project – So be careful to select the topic

16 Essential fundamental criteria Academic value – Relevance to academic community Confers or refute any existing theory Clarify existing knowledge An insight of undiscovered area External validity – The level of generalizability of the anticipated result

17 Internal validity Argumentation – Academic love to debate Inductive reasoning – to arrive at a theory Deductive analysis – to conclude on specific fact Critical literature review is very essential

18 The real work How to work for Thesis proposal?

19 Tips For Preparing the Proposal Give plenty of time – A good proposal needs around six months to prepare Complete a thorough literature review Communicate with your guide /supervisor Talk with the experts

20 Elements of a protocol (A large fraction can be used for final thesis) Title page/ Cover page Abstract Table of contents(optional) Introduction Problem/thesis statement – Background – Rationale – Implications of research Research question/hypothesis Objectives Review of literature Approach/methods Preliminary/expected results and discussion List of references Work plan including time table Appendix

21 Step 1 Start literature search and review To select the problem To build up knowledge on the related issues To discuss with the supervisor/seniors /colleagues Selection and working with the title

22 Step 2 Working with the Guide Mind maps on – Development of the research instrument – Planning for pretesting – Development of protocol/proposal draft – Time line for submission for protocol/proposal

23 Step 3 Selection and working with the working title Select an working title – Please do some exercise – 10 m

24 Start writing

25 Page Considerations Title Page and Abstract is not numbered. Introduction starts on a separate page, and is numbered page 1. Body not exceeding 20 pages

26 Title page Title – Brief, concise, complete, unequivocal, self explanatory Investigators particulars – Name, qualification, course name, department and institute Supervisors particulars – Name, qualifications, position, institution Write the title in Title case or CAPITALIZE


28 Abstract page A brief introduction on the issue – Purpose – Make a problem statement – Aims and objectives A summary of how you are going to solve the issue – Methodology/Study design A possible implication of result – Expected out-come and – Contribution of the study to the field Should be within ~200 words

29 Table of contents (Optional) List of all headings and subheadings with page numbers Indent subheadings

30 Introduction A short summary of the major questions behind and try to capture readers interest Sets the context for the proposed project Explain the background ;starting from a broad picture narrowing in on your research question Review what is known about your research topic as far as it is relevant to your thesis Cite relevant references

31 Problem Statement (Thesis statement) Background- – A state of gap, uncertainty or dissatisfaction with present knowledge is identified Rational- – Establish that it is important to have the solution Implication – Clearly and precisely state how the result help to advance our knowledge Cite relevant references

32 Thesis statement – Last couple of sentences of problem statement that will eventually helps in formulating- Research question or hypothesis and Aims and objectives

33 Literature review It is the research on research Describe, summarize, evaluate and clarify the informations so far known on the problem Build up theories on the problem Formulate the instruments and methods

34 Approach/methods Overall description of your approach, materials, and procedures – What methods will be used? – How will data be collected and analyzed? – What materials will be used? include calculations, technique, procedure, equipment, and calibration graphs Limitations, assumptions, and range of validity Citations (limited to data sources and for more complete descriptions of procedures) Do not include results and discussion

35 Appendix Instruments Flow diagram with time frame Budget and resources required Administrative supportive documents

36 Ethical clearance Patient consent form Declaration of conflict of interest Figures and tables


38 Thesis work (plan) Activities in relation with time July’ 11Aug’ 11Sept’ 11Oct’ 11Nov’ 11Dec. 11Jan.’ 12Feb.’ 12Mar’ 12Apr.’ 12May’ 12Jun.12 Literature review Writing Research proposal Development of research instrument Data collection Data entry and analysis Report writing and editing Submission of report

39 Last but not the least Check grammar Check spelling Be careful on spell checker Simple wording better Make smaller sentence Try to write as you speak ! Avoid unfamiliar word Avoid confusing phrasing Think ! – You are writing for the examiners Work till you are self confident and satisfied


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