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ITS Human Resources Staff 1/12/20091. Agenda Purpose and Content of Job Responsibilities Worksheet Purpose and Content of Job Responsibilities Worksheet.

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Presentation on theme: "ITS Human Resources Staff 1/12/20091. Agenda Purpose and Content of Job Responsibilities Worksheet Purpose and Content of Job Responsibilities Worksheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITS Human Resources Staff 1/12/20091

2 Agenda Purpose and Content of Job Responsibilities Worksheet Purpose and Content of Job Responsibilities Worksheet Process for Completion Process for Completion Instructions for Employees Instructions for Employees Time Line Time Line Questions? Questions? 1/12/20092

3 Purpose – Job Responsibilities Worksheet (JRW) Provides list of job duties and percentage of time spent on each duty Provides list of job duties and percentage of time spent on each duty Helps organize work assignments within unit Helps organize work assignments within unit Acts as a form of “agreement” between employee and supervisor regarding employee’s job responsibilities Acts as a form of “agreement” between employee and supervisor regarding employee’s job responsibilities 1/12/20093

4 JRW As Part of SRDP Process Job Responsibilities Worksheet Employee Input Form SRDP Review Goal Planning Development Action Plan 1/12/20094

5 Job Responsibilities Worksheet Use duties from job profiles as appropriate Use duties from job profiles as appropriate Describe each major area of responsibility Describe each major area of responsibility Assign percentages of no less than 5% Assign percentages of no less than 5% Elaborate on duties to explain the context Elaborate on duties to explain the context Examples Examples Instead of this – “Install software on client computers” Instead of this – “Install software on client computers” Elaborate like this – “ Install (what kind of) software on (what kind of) client computers for (what purpose) Elaborate like this – “ Install (what kind of) software on (what kind of) client computers for (what purpose) 1/12/20095

6 Essential Functions under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The position exists to perform the function The position exists to perform the function E.g. person is hired to proofread documents. The ability to proofread accurately is an essential function, because this is the reason that this position exists. E.g. person is hired to proofread documents. The ability to proofread accurately is an essential function, because this is the reason that this position exists. There are a limited number of other employees available to perform the function, or among whom the function can be distributed. There are a limited number of other employees available to perform the function, or among whom the function can be distributed. For example, it may be an essential function for a file clerk to answer the telephone if there are only three employees in a very busy office and each employee has to perform many different tasks. For example, it may be an essential function for a file clerk to answer the telephone if there are only three employees in a very busy office and each employee has to perform many different tasks. 1/12/20096

7 Essential Functions (continued) A function is highly specialized, and the person in the position is hired for special expertise or ability to perform it. A function is highly specialized, and the person in the position is hired for special expertise or ability to perform it. For example, a company wishes to expand its business with Japan. For a new sales position, in addition to sales experience, it requires a person who can communicate fluently in the Japanese language. Fluent communication in the Japanese language is an essential function of the job (EEOC, 1992). For example, a company wishes to expand its business with Japan. For a new sales position, in addition to sales experience, it requires a person who can communicate fluently in the Japanese language. Fluent communication in the Japanese language is an essential function of the job (EEOC, 1992). 1/12/20097

8 JRW Form and Profiles - InsideITS training-sessions training-sessions 1/12/20098

9 Process and Suggested Time Line for Completion of JRW Manager Manager identifies employee job category and levelManager identifies employee job category and level Manager provides instructions to employee by 2/09/09Manager provides instructions to employee by 2/09/09 Employee Employee reviews job category profile and JRW on Inside ITSEmployee reviews job category profile and JRW on Inside ITS Employee drafts description of current job duties on JRWEmployee drafts description of current job duties on JRW Employee assigns percentages, forwards to manager by 2/27/09Employee assigns percentages, forwards to manager by 2/27/09 Manager Manager reviews and revises JRW as neededManager reviews and revises JRW as needed Manager reviews any changes to JRW with employeeManager reviews any changes to JRW with employee Manager forwards JRW’s to Director by 3/16/09Manager forwards JRW’s to Director by 3/16/09 1/12/20099

10 Instructions for Employees Access responsibilities-worksheet-competency-training- sessions Access responsibilities-worksheet-competency-training- sessions responsibilities-worksheet-competency-training- sessions responsibilities-worksheet-competency-training- sessions Download Job Responsibilities Worksheet (JRW) Download Job Responsibilities Worksheet (JRW) Download appropriate job profile and level for your job category Download appropriate job profile and level for your job category Complete JRW and include any appropriate duties from job profile Complete JRW and include any appropriate duties from job profile Add any unique duties not included in profile and assign percentages Add any unique duties not included in profile and assign percentages Email completed JRW to immediate supervisor Email completed JRW to immediate supervisor 1/12/200910

11 Benefits to Employees Serves as a benchmark for future discussions of job duties Serves as a benchmark for future discussions of job duties Helps clarify roles and responsibilities within the unit Helps clarify roles and responsibilities within the unit Allows comparison across ITS divisions since it will be implemented ITS-wide Allows comparison across ITS divisions since it will be implemented ITS-wide Needed as party of University-wide effort Needed as party of University-wide effort 1/12/200911

12 Time Line with SRDP DateJRWSRDP February 9 Manager gives instructions to employee to begin JRW Manager asks employee to begin SRDP input form February 27 Employee gives draft of JRW to Manager March 9 Manager reviews JRW, edits as needed, and informs employee Employee gives completed SRDP input to manager March 16 Manager gives approved JRW to Director March 23 Manager gives completed SRDP to Director April 1 Director gives JRW to Sr. Director and HR Director gives SRDP to Sr. Director April 15 Sr. Director gives JRW to HR Sr. Director gives SRDP to HR 1/12/200912

13 Questions? 1/12/200913

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