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Rohan Mahy draft-ietf-sip-join and Semantics of REFER.

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Presentation on theme: "Rohan Mahy draft-ietf-sip-join and Semantics of REFER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rohan Mahy draft-ietf-sip-join and Semantics of REFER

2 Join draft finished WGLC last week: ZERO comments — Does anyone care? No open issues Who’s read it? Who’s implemented it? Who’s planning to implement it? Join Header Status

3 RFC 3515 says it is OK to put almost any arbitrary URI in a Refer-To header arbitrary schemes specific SIP methods in or out of a dialog preloaded SIP headers What does that mean? How do I authorize this? Semantics of REFER

4 REFER in a dialog, Refer-To method=INVITE REFER outside dialog, Refer-To method=INVITE REFER with other methods: REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, MESSSAGE Nested REFERs Refer-To: (targeted to dialog) Refer-To: (not to a dialog) Refer-To: What semantics make sense? Transfer Click to Dial Move Sub Remote Transfer Fetch content Send Busy

5 Option 1: Send REFER on existing dialog Option 2: Use a separate GRUU per conversation. (This gets cumbersome very fast. Requires lots of target refresh requests.) Option 3: Use explicit Refer-To header parameters: Refer-To: ;call-id=123 ;remote-tag=abc;local-tag=xyz How do you put REFER requests in a context?

6 Most uses of REFER other than transfer are unlikely to work on today’s UAs Suggest that we define semantics of cohesive baskets of REFER functionality. Use option- tags to make sure these are supported. Propose that we add the explicit dialog parameters to Refer-To header Provide guidance: to what extent is remote call control, and remote UI invocation (app interaction) OK. How do we proceed?

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