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Improving the quality of life with Medical Grade Platform, Personal Monitoring and Alarming System.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the quality of life with Medical Grade Platform, Personal Monitoring and Alarming System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the quality of life with Medical Grade Platform, Personal Monitoring and Alarming System

2 Interdisciplinary Expert Team 2 Gadi Kan-Tor Co-Founder & Co-CEO Yoav Kan-Tor Co-Founder & Developer Shy Hefetz Co-Founder & CTO Chanan London Co-CEO Roy Talman R&D Engineer Prof’ Moshe Philip, A World Leading Diabetes Expert

3 Introducing Hypo-Sense Night-Sense first product: A "watch-like“, noninvasive, medical device, Detects Onset Sleep Hypoglycemia episode, continuously and autonomously using the body’s physiological alarms

4 The Hypoglycemia and the Need Possible Causes Nutrition Activity New drug Disease Insulin Previous Hypo events After Effect Coma, Death (2%-10% of Type 1) Damages to internal organs Increased risk for future events The Episode Duration 0.5H - 2H and longer Physiological & Neurological Symptoms Severe Treatment costs ~ $4,000

5 The Need in Numbers World Wide Insulin Users 100M Total5M Will die Severe Hypo Episodes per Day 160K 100K During Sleep Severe Hypo Events p/Patient p/year Type1/Type2 1.3/0.4 0.7/0.2 During Sleep 5

6 Sleeping diabetic patient at home Docking station Cloud based data storage and a learning module of the system Internet connection Emergency centers Clinics and doctors Caregivers, Parents or family members The Hypo-Sense is placed on the patient’s wrist The Solution – The Night-Sense Alert System Local Alert Bluetooth Smart Alert Options

7 The Hypo-Sense A wristband medical device:  A designated set of co-located sensors,  Proprietary algorithm, machine learning, personally calibrated 7 Physiological sensor Consumable unit Patient interface

8 The Hypo-Sense Detection & Alert Process Heart rate, HRV Respiratory GSR (Sweat levels and stress) Motion (tremors, seizures) Muscle activity Skin & ambient temp Machine learning Detection Algorithm Personally calibrated Local Alert Wireless Alert Data upload to Cloud 8 Physiological responses to hypoglycemia Detecting Hypoglycemic episode Alert

9 Hypo-Sense Key Benefits Non-Invasive Medical Grade Continuous Cost effective 9

10 All Around Value Proposition Patients & families Hypo alert Sense of security Preemptive Doctors & Care Givers Untroubled sleep Recording of events Treatment flexibility Insurers Prevents hospitalizations Improved service Treatment costs reduction 10

11 Marketing Positioning Addressing trends within rapidly growing markets Digital Health Home Medical care Preventive Care Wearable technologies IoT Big Data USA “Obama Care” The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

12 How is it solved today? 12 Check Blood Glucose Level SMBG: Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose devices –  Pricking Device, Patient intervention CGMs: Continuous Glucose Monitoring –  Expensive, invasive and highly intrusive

13 13 Hypo-Sense - First clinical study Performed in the Schneider medical center, supervised by Prof. Moshe Philip Protocol approved by Hospital Ethics committee, ministry of health and registered in the NIH Successfully completed the protocol on all sessions, measured the parameters from the wrist Post session analysis identified symptoms of hypoglycemia episodes

14 System Patent - PCT (10/2013), US 4/2015, EU 5/2015 “COMFORTABLE AND PERSONALIZED MONITORING DEVICE, SYSTEM, AND METHOD FOR DETECTING PHYSIOLOGICAL HEALTH RISKS” Unique view on hypoglycemia 1 st time ever that the specific combination of physiological parameters were measured during hypoglycemia. Additional patents based on innovative results from the clinical study 14 Intellectual Property

15 15 Thank you Thanks for listening!

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