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RFA through Payment Charisse West – Kansas State University Eric Still – USDA NIFA Mark Poth – USDA - NIFA Bruce Mertz – USDA NIFA.

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Presentation on theme: "RFA through Payment Charisse West – Kansas State University Eric Still – USDA NIFA Mark Poth – USDA - NIFA Bruce Mertz – USDA NIFA."— Presentation transcript:

1 RFA through Payment Charisse West – Kansas State University Eric Still – USDA NIFA Mark Poth – USDA - NIFA Bruce Mertz – USDA NIFA

2 The National Institute of Food and Agriculture NIFA's unique mission is to advance knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities by supporting research, education, and extension programs in the Land-Grant University System and other partner organizations. researcheducationextension

3 NIFA's two key mechanisms for accomplishing its mission of "advancing knowledge“ are: National program leadership. We help states identify and meet research, extension, and education priorities in areas of public concern that affect agricultural producers, small business owners, youth and families, and others.National program leadership Federal assistance. We provide annual formula grants to land-grant universities and competitively granted funds to researchers in land-grant and other universities.Federal assistance

4 RFA through Payment Begins with the Appropriation Process Presidents Budget House Version Senate Version Final Approved Version

5 RFA Development: The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Combines aspects of National Research Initiative (NRI) and Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS) Effective FY 2009 (October 1, 2008) Authorizes funding for fundamental research, applied research, education, extension, and integrated projects Funding FY 2011: $264 million (up ~$2 million)

6 AFRI Stakeholder Input for RFAs Scientific Organizations NGOs (APLU, NAS, etc.) Congress (legislation and budget language) President (Office of Science and Technology Policy, OMB) and Secretary of Agriculture National Agricultural Research Education and Economics Advisory Board Federal agency (coordination) Open Stakeholder workshops & listening sessions

7 Six focal areas: Global Food Security and Hunger Climate Change Sustainable Bioenergy Childhood Obesity Food Safety Foundational Science

8 NIFA Fellowships Program RFA Anticipated release in Summer, 2011 Pre-doctoral fellowships: $75,000 for two years of support (stipend, tuition, fees, fringe, travel) Post-doctoral fellowships: $130,000 for 2 years of support (primarily salary, but also supplies, travel, etc.) Projects to focus on Challenge Areas Eligibility: U.S. citizens, nationals, and green card holders

9 AFRI Foundational Programs RFA 1.Plant health and production & plant products 2.Animal health and production & animal products 3.Food safety, nutrition, and health 4.Renewable energy, natural resources, and environment 5.Agriculture systems an technology 6.Agriculture economics and rural communities Grants for research projects only – awards generally $300- 500k in total

10 AFRI RFA Steps 1.Drafted by a team of National Program Leaders 2.Reviewed by program staff 3.Policy staff review for legislative compliance (possibly by USDA General Council as well) 4.NIFA Director review 5.Office of the Secretary review 6.Return to step 2 for any issues raised at steps 3 through 5 7.Posted on

11 Recipient Grant Office Roles Read RFAs Help investigators decide – to apply or not apply?? Work with PDs/PIs to prepare Budgets Review Proposal Content Ensure all proposal attachments are pdfs

12 Recipient Grant Office Roles Line up proper registrations: DUNS, FEIN and CCR If possible, ensure all compliance issues are met prior to submission (IACUC, IRB, NEPA) Sign off and Submit Proposal to Typically 4 to 6 weeks to get application in order

13 National Program Leaders Accept Proposals from Proposals must be Submitted before DEADLINE Select Peer Review Panel Dates/Members Diverse Group Experts in their field Make funding recommendations to Deputy Administrator

14 Preparing Required Award Documents Panel Recommendations Applicant Award Negotiation National Program Leader (NPL) Recommendations Recommended Award Data (RAD)

15 Awards Management Division (AMD) Conducts Administrative Review Verifies Required Documents Allowable/Reasonable Costs Additional Information/Clarification – Authorized Representative Forwards to Authorized Departmental Officer for Signature Ensures compliance with policy, regulations, and legislation Notifies Recipient – PD and AR via email

16 Financial Operations Division- FOD NIFA utilizes the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system to distribute grants to grantee institutions throughout the United States. ASAP is a web-based electronic grants payment and information system developed by the Financial Management Services (FMS) under the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond ASAP allow grantee institutions receiving federal grants to draw down funds from accounts pre-authorized by NIFA. ASAP receives payment requests and transmits payment to either the Federal Reserve Bank or the U.S. Treasury for deposit into the grantee’s bank account.

17 Financial Operations Division-FOD Notification is sent to AR (Authorized Representative) on how to access the ASAP system. Will verify the enrollment status of the Recipient in ASAP. Will verify and enroll NEW Recipients in ASAP based on the Duns# (Duns and Bradstreet) and EIN# (Employer Identification Number) listed on the SF-424. Once the Grantee is enrolled successfully, Treasury ASAP customer service representative will email the User ID to the AR (Authorized Representative listed on the SF-424). The password will be mailed to the address provided on the SF-424

18 Financial Operations Division-FOD The Grantee has 45 days to complete each step of the following enrollment categories in ASAP. Initiates RO and POC Point of Contact Names Organization Officials Head of Organization Approves Official Authorization Officials Defines Recipient Profile Authorizing Official Defines Recipient Organizations Users Financial Official Defines Banking Information If the Recipient fails to complete all steps, the enrollment status will be rejected in ASAP and funds will be delayed.

19 Financial Operations Division-FOD FOD creates the account in ASAP for authorization FOD authorizes the account and load the money on the account in ASAP The Certifying Officer reviews and approves the authorization and certifies the funds in ASAP. At this point, the funds are available to the Recipient for withdrawal. Funds should be available to the Recipient no later than 30 days after the Award date.

20 Financial Operations Division-FOD Financial Operations Division ASAP Customer Service Telephone: 202-401-4527 Hour of Operation M-F 7:30am to 4pm Categories:  Payment Status  Return Funds

21 Post Award Management – AMD Role –No-Cost Extension –Release of Funds –Budget Changes –Project Director Changes –Reporting –Close Out

22 Financial Reporting Old SF269 has been replaced by SF425 Financial reports should be submitted ANNUALLY to AMD: preferred method is email at: Questions concerning administrative matters should be directed to the administrative contact in block 14 of the Award Face Sheet

23 Post Award Evaluation Site Visits PD Meetings Technical Reporting Financial reporting

24 Offices of Responsibility RFAs – OGFM Policy Awards – OGFM Awards Management Division (AMB) Application Review/Processing – Program Offices Payments/Funding of Awards – OGFM Financial Operations Division (FOD) Ask your Administrative Point of Contact

25 Resources NIFA Website:, Applicant Resources: Grantor Resources:

26 Questions?

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