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Geography Warm-Ups.

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1 Geography Warm-Ups

2 Identify the Following Cities on a Map Based on Absolute Location
49° 14' N , 123° 6' W 34º 13' N, 77º 56' W 40°07' N, 74° W 8º 58' N, 79º 32' W What Do All of These Coordinates Have in Common?

3 Identify The Following Cities on a Map Based on Absolute Location
39 N and 116 W 57 degrees north, and 30 degrees east 30 degrees N, 32 degrees E 33° 25' S, 70° 33' W

4 Describe the Absolute and Relative Location of the Following Places
Meadowlark Middle School Your Home Your Friend’s House The Panther’s Stadium Top Sail Island

5 Rank the Following in Order From Largest to Smallest
The 7 Continents Russia, Peru, India, Belgium, Madagascar Illinois, Rhode Island, Texas, Indiana, Vermont Hungary, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Tajikistan The Pacific Ocean, The Indian, Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean, The Mediterranean Sea, The Red Sea, The Nile River, The Mississippi River

6 Rank The Following in Order From Largest to Smallest
Africa, Oregon, Russia, India, Costa Rica Chicago, Charlotte, Ashville, Switzerland, China Ireland, Great Britain, France, Albania, Romania Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Arizona, Washington A Family, A child, A City, A Town, A Boy Scout Troop

7 Rank the Following in Order From Largest to Smallest
Piedmont Region, Coastal Region, Mountain Region Atlantic Ocean, Lake Norman, Cape Fear River, Yadkin River, YMCA Swimming Pool NC State, Cape Fear Community College, Duke, UNCW, West High School Number of Students at a School, Number of Teachers at a School, Number of Phones at a School, Number of Bathrooms at a School, Number of Students Who Drive at A Middle School Number of People Who Own A Dog, Number of Families that Have Children, Number of Restaurants in Winston Salem, Number of People Who Own Horses, Number of People Who Own Cars

8 Name a city North of Charlotte, NC.
Name a city South of Greensboro, NC. Name a city East of Wilmington, NC. Name a city West of Raleigh, NC. Name a body of water that touches/passes through North Carolina. Name a mountain range that passes through North Carolina.

9 Name the 3 Regions of North Carolina
Name 5 Major Cities in North Carolina Name 3 Major Bodies of Water in North Carolina Name 5 Tourist Attractions in North Carolina Name Your Favorite Activity to Do or Place to See in North Carolina.

10 Name 3 Famous People From North Carolina
Name 2 Items that Originated in North Carolina Name 3 Wars That North Carolina was Involved In Name 3 States That Border North Carolina Name the Overall Climate Zone that North Carolina Falls Into

11 Name that State! Capital City: Sacramento Capital City: Topeka
Capital City: Phoenix Capital City: Springfield Capital City: Helena

12 Name That State! Capital City: Salt Lake City Capital City: Augusta
Capital City: Carson Capital City: Boise Capital City: Bismarck

13 Name That State! Capital City: Chyanne Capital City: Lansing
Capital City: Santa Fe Capital City: Des Moines Capital City: Montpelier

14 Name That State!

15 Name That State!

16 Name That State!

17 Name That State

18 Name That State!

19 Name That State!

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