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Moon Section 19-2. Motions of the Moon  Moon rotation = 27.3 days  Moon revolution = 27.3 days  Therefore, the same side of the Moon always faces.

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Presentation on theme: "Moon Section 19-2. Motions of the Moon  Moon rotation = 27.3 days  Moon revolution = 27.3 days  Therefore, the same side of the Moon always faces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moon Section 19-2


3 Motions of the Moon  Moon rotation = 27.3 days  Moon revolution = 27.3 days  Therefore, the same side of the Moon always faces Earth.




7 Phases of the Moon  The different shapes of the Moon as seen from Earth  Depends on how much of the sun-side of the Moon faces Earth


9 Shapes of the Moon  Crescent – small sliver  Quarter – literally ¼ of the moon  Gibbous – not quite round (humpbacked)  Full – completely visible  New – not visible, all dark

10 Moon-phase Vocab  WAXING  In this ½ of the cycle, the visible part of the moon is getting bigger.  It is building up, like a “waxy build-up”  WANING  In this ½ of the cycle, the visible part of the moon is getting smaller  It is “waning” away

11 We see: ?


13 Phases of the Moon

14 The Lunar Cycle One full cycle of the moon = 29.5 days.

15 Eclipses  When the moon’s shadow hits Earth or...  When Earth’s shadow hits the Moon

16 Solar Eclipse  Moon is between Earth and Sun  Moon’s shadow on Earth blocks out Sun

17 Solar Eclipse  TOTAL Solar Eclipse occurs in the UMBRA  The Umbra is the darkest part of the moon’s shadow.

18 Solar Eclipse  PARTIAL Solar Eclipse occurs in the PENUMBRA  The Penumbra is the larger and less dark part of the moon’s shadow.

19 Total Solar Eclipse

20 Partial Solar Eclipse

21 Lunar Eclipse  Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon  Occurs only at full moon  Moon will look red

22 Lunar Eclipse

23 Next Eclipses 2008  2008 Feb 07: Annular Solar Eclipse 2008 Feb 07: Annular Solar Eclipse  2008 Feb 21: Total Lunar Eclipse 2008 Feb 21: Total Lunar Eclipse  2008 Aug 01: Total Solar Eclipse 2008 Aug 01: Total Solar Eclipse  2008 Aug 16: Partial Lunar Eclipse 2008 Aug 16: Partial Lunar Eclipse 2009  2009 Jan 26: Annular Solar Eclipse 2009 Jan 26: Annular Solar Eclipse  2009 Feb 09: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2009 Feb 09: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse  2009 Jul 07: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2009 Jul 07: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse  2009 Jul 22: Total Solar Eclipse 2009 Jul 22: Total Solar Eclipse  2009 Aug 06: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2009 Aug 06: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse  2009 Dec 31: Partial Lunar Eclipse 2009 Dec 31: Partial Lunar Eclipse

24 Tides  Caused by the gravitational pull of Moon on Earth  2 tide cycles per day

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