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Exodus & Wandering in the Wilderness

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1 Exodus & Wandering in the Wilderness
Lesson 6 Exodus 15-18

2 To All Generations God – “I AM WHO I AM”
John 8: … before Abraham was, I AM Hebrews 11:24-26 – Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he looked to the reward

3 To All Generations Korban Pesakh – Heb. Paschal Lamb or
Passover Lamb – Eng.

4 To All Generations Passover & Feast of Unleaven Bread
Behold! The Lamb of God… John 1 Lord’s Supper During Passover Bread (unleavened) - Christ’s body Blood of lamb on doorway; Fruit of vine – Christ’s blood Firstborn sacrificed (or redeemed) – Christ was God’s firstborn, our Passover Lamb The Worthy slain Lamb Rev. 5

5 To All Generations Passover & Feast of Unleaven Bread
For no uncircumcised person shall eat it. Exodus 12:48 In Him you were circumcised with the circumcision made without hands… buried with him in baptism Col. 2:11-12 Who is to partake of the Lord’s Supper?

6 To All Generations Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 13:13,16,22
See the salvation of the Lord… The children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground… 1 Cor. 10:1-2

7 To All Generations Bread from God & Drinking from the Rock
Exodus 16-17:7 Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you Strike the rock, water will come out of it 1 Cor. 10:3-4

8 Journey to Sinai Bitter Water Made Sweet 15:22-25
Moses led Israel from Red Sea into Desert of Shur Three days travel without finding water Come to Marah but water is bitter The people grumble against Moses

9 Journey to Sinai Bitter Water Made Sweet (cont.) 15:22-25
Moses cries out to the Lord Lord shows Moses a tree Moses throws tree into the water and it is made sweet Lord makes decree and law for them, for there He tested them

10 Journey to Sinai Protection From Diseases 15:25-26 If you: Then I:
Listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God Do what is right in His sight Pay attention to His commandments and keep His statutes Then I: Will not bring on any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord that heals you

11 Journey to Sinai Murmuring for Food 15:27-16:3
Next they come to Elim where there are 12 springs and 70 palms trees & camp by the water Leave Elim and come to the Wilderness of Sin 15th day of the 2nd month = 30 day of exodus Whole community grumbles against Moses and Aaron

12 Journey to Sinai Murmuring for Food (cont.) 15:27-16:3
If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt, there we sat around pots of meat and had bread to be filled But you have brought into the desert to starve the whole assembly to death

13 Journey to Sinai Meat & Bread Promised 16:4-11
Lord to Moses - Behold I will rain down bread from heaven for you People are to go and gather each day, only for that day… 6th day 2x as much The Lord was testing them to see if they would follow His instructions

14 Journey to Sinai Meat & Bread Promised (cont.) 16:4-11
Moses & Aaron – In the evening you will know the Lord brought you from Egypt, in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord, because He heard your grumbling You are not grumbling against us, but against the Lord

15 Journey to Sinai Quail & Bread Sent 16:12-21
As Aaron was talking Israelites looked toward the desert and saw the glory of the Lord appearing in a cloud Quail come and cover the camp In the morning a layer of dew; then, thin flakes like frost “What is it?”

16 Journey to Sinai Quail & Bread Sent (cont.) 16:12-21
Moses – it is the bread the Lord has given Each one gather as much as he needs, an omer (~2 quarts) for each person in his tent Israelites gathered, some a little, some much; measured out

17 Journey to Sinai Quail & Bread Sent (cont.) 16:12-21
Moses – No one is to keep any of it until the morning Some hoarded, but the leftover was worm infested and stank; Moses was angry Each morning everyone gathered as needed, but when the sun grew hot the bread melted away

18 Journey to Sinai Sabbath Rest Instituted 16:22-30
6th day gathered twice as much, 2 omers each Reported to Moses by leaders Lord commands tomorrow is a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord Bake/boil and save what is left until morning Saved without spoiling and could be eaten

19 Journey to Sinai Sabbath Rest Instituted (cont.) 16:22-30
None was to be found on the Sabbath Nevertheless some went out to gather Lord to Moses – How long will you (Israelites) refuse to keep my instructions and commandments? Seventh day is a day of rest, no one to go out

20 Journey to Sinai Manna Kept for Memorial 16:31-36
Israelites called the bread “manna” White like coriander seed, tasted like wafers made with honey Moses – Lord commands an omer of manna be kept for generations to come Aaron laid it up before the Testimony Manna eaten for 40 years

21 Journey to Sinai Water from Rock 17:1-7
Israelites set out from Desert of Sin, come to Rephidim No water there, the people quarrel with Moses; Give us water to drink… you’ve brought us out to die of thirst Why do you put God to the test (tempt the Lord)?

22 Journey to Sinai Water from Rock (cont.) 17:1-7
Moses to Lord – What am I to do with these people, they are ready to stone me? Lord directs Moses to go ahead with elders of people, take staff he had struck Nile with and at Horeb strike the rock for water will come So Moses did and called place Massah and Meribah (testing and quarreling)

23 Journey to Sinai Defeat of Amalekites 17:8-13
Amalekites attack Israelites Moses to Joshua – Choose some men and go fight, I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands Joshua sets out to fight Amalekites Moses, Aaron, and Hur go to top of hill

24 Journey to Sinai Defeat of Amalekites (cont.) 17:8-13
As long as Moses holds up hands, Israel prevails over Amalekites But when he lowers his hands, Amalekites prevail Aaron and Hur place stone for Moses to sit upon and hold up his hands on each side Hands steady until sunset and Joshua wins

25 Journey to Sinai Amalek to be destroyed 17:14-16
Lord to Moses – Write this in a book to be remembered and make sure Joshua hears that God would completely blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven Moses builds alter called “The Lord is my Banner” The Lord will be at war with Amalekites from generation to generation

26 Journey to Sinai Reunion of Moses & Jethro 18:1-12
Jethro had heard everything the Lord had done for Moses Moses had sent Zipporah and sons back to Midian Gershom = I have been a stranger in a foreign land Eliezer = The God of my father was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh

27 Journey to Sinai Reunion of Moses & Jethro (cont.) 18:1-12
Jethro, Zipporah, and sons come to Moses Moses bows and greets Jethro, tells all that has happened Jethro worships God, brought a burnt offering and other sacrifices Aaron and elders come to eat bread before God

28 Journey to Sinai Jethro Suggests Judges 18:13-27
Next day Moses sits to serve as judge before people, people are around Moses from morning til evening Jethro questions why Moses is doing such Suggests Moses is wearing himself out, too much to handle alone Teach them the decrees and laws, show them the way to live, and the duties to perform

29 Journey to Sinai Jethro Suggests Judges (cont.) 18:13-27
Select capable men as judges of 1000’s, 100’s, 50’s, & 10’s They will judge the small matters, you will judge the greater If you do this, and God so commands, you will be able to endure and the people will go home in peace So Moses did; and Jethro departs


31 People Joseph Pharaoh midwives Moses Pharoah’s daughter Amram Jochebed
Miriam Reuel Zipporah Jethro Gershom Eliezer Aaron Levi Gershon, Kohath, & Merari

32 People Korah Nadab & Abihu Eleazar Ithamar Phinehas elders foremen
Magicians Joshua Hur Amalek

33 Places Egypt Pithom Rameses Nile Midian Horeb Land of C, H, A, P, H, J
Goshen Wilderness (3-days) Succoth Etham Red Sea Desert of Shur Marah

34 Places Elim Desert of Sin Rephidim Massah and Meribah

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