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Bioethics and Biolaw Maciej Kowalczyk. A bit of history… Bioethics- Greek bios- life; ethos- behavior Introduced in 1927 by Fritz Jahr in article about.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioethics and Biolaw Maciej Kowalczyk. A bit of history… Bioethics- Greek bios- life; ethos- behavior Introduced in 1927 by Fritz Jahr in article about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioethics and Biolaw Maciej Kowalczyk

2 A bit of history… Bioethics- Greek bios- life; ethos- behavior Introduced in 1927 by Fritz Jahr in article about “biethical imperative” 1970- American biochemist Van Rensselaer Potter “global ethics” Nazi experiments during World War II- need of expanding biolaw and bioethics

3 Development of the field… Technological advances posed novel questions British philosophy- moving away from positivism and emotivism, development of theories of ethics and their application 1970s- emerging of bioethical think tasks and academic bioethics programs: Hasting Center Hasting Center Kennedy Institute of Ethics Kennedy Institute of Ethics

4 … Principles of Biomedical Ethics - first American textbook on bioethics Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Brazil- Brazil- Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

5 The materia of the field Boundaries of life- abortion euthanasia Surrogacy The allocation of scarce health care resources The right to refuser medical care The scope of bioethics can expand with biotechnology Human experimentation- one of the first areas adressed by modern bioethicists The National Commision for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research

6 Belmont Report- 1979 AutonomyBeneficencejustice Non- maleficence Human dignity Sanctity of life

7 Relationship between Bioethics and Biolaw Issue of Western philosophy Matter of several contemporary legal philosophers In last years re- emerging of bioethical and biolaw discussion Ambiguity od term “bioethics”- wide meaning and narrow meaning

8 … UNESCO Declarations relating to “bioethics” Blurring of the distinction of ethics and law Ethics and Law interact and overlap with one another but remain different normative systems. Ethics and Law pursue different goals


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