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Ralph Toyama Hawaii Library Association Annual Conference December 6, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Ralph Toyama Hawaii Library Association Annual Conference December 6, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ralph Toyama Hawaii Library Association Annual Conference December 6, 2014

2 Hawaii Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security Workshop October 21-23, 2013 Hawaii Convention Center

3  Representatives of government and non- government disaster response agencies and organizations  Representatives of community organizations without traditional disaster response roles

4  Emergency planners recognize that government and NGOs alone cannot serve all needs during a major disaster  Neighbors have always been willing to help neighbors  Recognition that members of the community who can be a resource in disaster recovery should be brought into the planning process

5  Community Resiliency  Mass Care and Vulnerable Populations  Cyber Security for Everyone Programs still mostly focused on interests of disaster planners and responders.

6  Groups built on shared interests, culture, sports, hobbies, religious affiliations, etc.  Businesses willing to make their equipment, facilities, and personnel available in a disaster  Community volunteers, prepared and trained to respond, who can also play a role in planning, and participate in outreach and education

7  Government planners are aware of resources in the community, have relationships with and support community groups.  Members of the community take an active role in assessing and mitigating hazards, and preparing to help themselves and others in an emergency.

8  Prepare to address our specific collection care needs.  Share our expertise in recovering storm- damaged materials.

9  Prepare ourselves to respond to disasters CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training  Provide emergency preparation information  Be prepared to give guidance to patrons during an emergency

10  Be a source of recovery information  Allow use of facilities for relief operations.  Provide access to computers, printing, WiFi.  Be a place of refuge. Offer respite and distraction.

11 Contact emergency planners in your area to let them know what services you are willing to offer.

12 My report on the Hawaii Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security Workshop 2013 is available at:


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