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Graduate Student Government Philanthropy committee Last update: February 2014 If you want to add resources, contact:

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1 Graduate Student Government Philanthropy committee Last update: February 2014 If you want to add resources, contact:

2  Shaw House- home for youth  136 Union St Bangor 207-941-2874  Bangor Area Homeless Shelter- adults  263 Main St. Bangor 207-947-0092  Ann’s House- Women/Children  207-990-2870 ext. 122

3  Abundant Life Church Food Pantry Location: Texas Ave. Bangor Me. 04401 Days and Hours: Tues. 1 to 2 pm. Contact: Terry McKenzie 207-945-5577  Bangor Rescue Mission – Food Pantry and Thrift shop Location: 126 Third St. Bangor Me. 04401 Days and Hours: Mon- Fri. 9:30 to 4 pm (Wed. is their big day but open daily) Contact: Peter Webb 207-942-4161

4  Eastern Maine Aids Network – Food Pantry Location: 370 Harlow St. Bangor, Me. 04401 Days and Hours: Mon_ Fri. 8 am -5 pm Contact: Patsy Murphy 207-990-3626  Ecumenical Food Cupboard (Hammond St. Congregational Church) Location: 28 High St. Bangor, Me. 04401 Days and Hours: Mon. – Wed. & Fri. 10 am – 12 pm Contact Betty Brown 207- 942 4381 and 941-2151 (  Only serves Bangor community

5  Manna Inc. Food Pantry Location 629 Main St., Bangor Me. 04401 Days and Hours: Mon. Wed. & Fri. 3 to 4 pm for Pantry. Mon. through Fri. for Kitchen. 4:30 to 5:30 Contact: Bill Rae 207- 990-2870  Salvation Army Location: 65 South Park, Bangor Me. 04401 Days and Hours: Mon. - Fri. lunch 11:45 – 1:00 Contact: 207-941-2993

6  Crossroads Food Pantry  Location: 2 Wood St. Old town, Me. 04468  Days and Hours: Mon. 10:30 – 3 pm Mon-Fri.  Contact: Brenda Davis 207-817-6025  Indian Township Food Pantry  Location: One Bridge Road. (Kateri Center) Indian Isle  Days and Hours: 1 st Fri. of the month, 9 to 12pm  Contact: Natasha Charley 207-817-7492

7  Hirundo Wildlife Sanctuary  phone call 207-944-9259 - email  River clean-up  2 nd week of May? More details to come  Camp /Sunshine  Mike Katz, Campus Director: You can also call the office and request an application at 207-655-3800.

8  Hope House- healthcare/counseling for homeless  Well Springs half way homes men/women  Needs monetary donations  Welcome to Housing- Chris Olsen ( part of Bangor homeless shelter)

9  Umaine Greens  Like on Facebook for more information  Terrell House- Community Gardening   Old Town Animal Orphanage  71 Airport Rd (207) 827-8777  Bangor Humane Society  693 Mt. Hope Rd (207) 942- 8902  Ronald McDonald House  (207)-942-9003

10  Black Bear Mentor Program  Old Town Elementary  Leonard Middle School  Lewis Libby School  Old Town Recreation Center  Contact Anne McKay or Roosevelt Boone (207)581-1786  Civic Passage Projects  Bangor Humane Society  Habitat for Humanity  Hands of Hope  Eastern Area Agency on Aging  Maine Audubon

11  Black Bear Exchange  Mon 8-12, Wed 12-4:30, Fri 8- 4:30 contact Lisa Morin (207) 581-4194  Red Cross Blood Drives  Umaine Cares  National make a difference day  Maine Day  Conservation/Culture Partner Program   This is the actual website for Bodwell

12  Challenger Learning Center  850.645.7827.  Orono Commons  Center for Science

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