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The Health (Drinking Water ) Amendment Act 2007 Grading and Backflow Answers for Water Suppliers Diana Staveley AWT.

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Presentation on theme: "The Health (Drinking Water ) Amendment Act 2007 Grading and Backflow Answers for Water Suppliers Diana Staveley AWT."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Health (Drinking Water ) Amendment Act 2007 Grading and Backflow Answers for Water Suppliers Diana Staveley AWT

2 Water Supply Size

3 The Health (Drinking Water ) Amendment Act 2007 Sections 69S – 69ZC Adequate Supply Protect Source Wholesome Supply Drinking Water Standards PHRMP Backflow 69ZZZ

4 Clause 69ZZZ Backflow Prevention 1 July 2008 62 working days ago

5 69ZZZ Protecting water supplies from risk of backflow (1)Applies if considers a risk to networked system from contamination. (2)A network supplier may,- (a)(i) install backflow prevention on the network side of point of supply. (b)(i) property owner to reimburse supplier for installation, testing and maintenance.

6 69ZZZ Protecting water supplies from risk of backflow or (2)A network supplier may,- (b)(ii) allow the owner to install a backflow prevention system with a verifiable monitoring system. Does this mean BWoF? (b)(ii) property owner to repair or modify if not functioning adequately.

7 69ZZZ Protecting water supplies from risk of backflow (3)Backflows installer must take all reasonable steps not to compromise automatic sprinkler systems. automatic sprinkler systems

8 69ZZZ Protecting water supplies from risk backflow (4)A network supplier- (a) must test devices in its network annually at least. (b) must advise the TA of results (c) may require occupier to pay reasonable costs for testing.

9 Backflow Legislation Backflow prevention is required at the point of supply between the water supplier and its customer. Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Act Also internally in the building to protect the occupants. Building Act

10 Backflow Plan 1.Policy 2.Containment Protection 3.Device Register 4.Alignment with Building Consents 5.Risk Assessment 6.Survey and Upgrades

11 1.Backflow Policy Develop a Policy. NZWWA Code of Practice or Water Bylaw Water Bylaw a)Containment only Standards for connection.Standards for connection. b)Comprehensive combined with source protection. Building Act and a MOU with Building Control. c)Stepped/Staged Approach Transitional plan

12 2. Containment Protection New Connections. Standard Drawings and Installations.Standard Drawings Installations Minimum protection levels for connection sizes or risk based.connection sizes Ownership

13 3. Asset Register Data base of devices and test reports Link to customer data for charging Integrated with other databases ie Asset register, BWoF, GIS, tradewaste and health officers etc for change of use

14 4. Alignment with Building Consents Information flow and cross reference New buildings Device data from BC/BWoF process Most existing devices on property files Test reports may not be sent in Change of use consents Survey results

15 5. Risk Assessment PHRMP Ranking existing sites for upgrade Multiple criteria: known hazards from other data sources size of connection, type of water use, low pressure or high break area, ownership Paper survey Water Use form, database checks


17 How to Prepare and Develop a PHRMP for Drinking Water Suppliers


19 PHRMP Guide Distribution System– Backflow Prevention ref D2.4 Preventative Measures: Installation of one of the following backflow prevention devices depending on the level of risk to the supply: non-testable dual check valveVery Low Hazard testable double check valvetestable double check valveLow and Medium Hazard reduced pressure backflow prevention device reduced pressure backflow prevention device High Hazard air gap.air gap.All Annual inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices Develop guidelines in conjunction with local authority so that the supply engineer is informed of changes in the use of premises by the part of the authority concerned with the registration of building modifications.

20 PHRMP Guide Distribution System– Backflow Prevention ref D2.4 Checking preventive measures Signs that action is needed Reports by consumers of gross contamination of tapwater. Unexplained fluctuations in chemical and microbiological water quality. E. coli or coliforms detected in 100 mL water sample. Concentrations of targeted chemical determinands are more than 50% of their MAV.

21 PHRMP Guide Distribution System– Backflow Prevention ref D2.4 Corrective action Determine reasons for low system pressure and rectify if possible. Identify the premises from which backflow occurred and install appropriate device (see D2.4.2). Check on qualifications of staff undertaking connections. Repair/replace. Protect from future damage.

22 6. Survey and Upgrades Start with TA properties Pump Stations RPZs with no hose connections upstream WWTP VB on hoses safety showers on dedicated lines WTP backflow on clean in place systems and bores Pools, parks, depots and municipal buildings Device data known and annual tests up to date Hydrant Use Then do private properties

23 6. Survey and Upgrades Ranked list do one at a time Surveyor to determine risk, upgrade and liaise with customerSurveyor Follow up with correspondence If not done in time frame install and charge customer Inform Building Control Do next one

24 Practical Considerations Executive / Political buy in Resources skills, staff, funding etc Non-metered & rural connectionsrural connections Enforcement Education Links with Building Control Other water supply issues Low or ungraded supplies

25 Grading and the Act No reference to “The Public Health Grading of Community Water Supplies 2003” in the Act Must be on the Drinking Water Register where grades are published. Water supplier must comply with requests for information from the DWA Grading is undertaken at the request of the DWA.

26 MoH recommended Grades

27 Public Health Grading of Community Drinking-Water Supplies 2003 Q15: Indicate whether the legislative requirements relating to backflow are being implemented. 69ZZZ Protecting water supplies from risk of backflow 1 July 2008 69Z Duty to prepare and implement public health risk management planpublic health risk management plan

28 Q15: Backflow prevention

29 Q15: Backflow Prevention Grading Evidence List of back-flow device locations Back-flow survey reports Records of testing of back-flow devices

30 Drinking Water Assessors What to look for A policy and/or defined processes PHRMP A register of devices and test reports Surveying and upgrading of existing connections Upskilling in backflow for staff and contractorsUpskilling in backflow Contingency plans to deal with an event

31 Water Suppliers Where to get help NZWWA Backflow Code of Practice for Water Suppliers and the backflow special interest group. Diana Staveley

32 Air Gap

33 Stock Troughs

34 Marina Survey

35 Enforcement

36 Hydrants

37 Education

38 Double Check Device

39 Reduced Pressure Zone Device

40 Fire lines

41 Standard Connections

42 Water Supply Bylaw Extract (10)Backflow prevention (a)All new connections to the water supply including permit holders will be assessed for cross connections and contamination hazards and the appropriate backflow prevention required, as per the WSA backflow prevention policy. (b) The WSA may determine which existing customers pose cross connections risks to the water supply. Where, in the opinion of the WSA, there is a contamination hazard to the water supply the WSA or its agents may install the appropriate device on the network side of the point of supply and recover the costs from the customer. (c) The customer shall ensure that the backflow prevention requirements for within the building, as required by Building Act 2004 and clause G12 Water Supplies of the Building Regulations 1992, are complied with.

43 Standard Installations Double Check <50mm

44 Standard Installations100mm+

45 ABT / IQP / LBP

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