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BSc Information Technology Management for Business Professor Nikolay Mehandjiev Programme Director Melanie Crank Undergraduate Services.

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Presentation on theme: "BSc Information Technology Management for Business Professor Nikolay Mehandjiev Programme Director Melanie Crank Undergraduate Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSc Information Technology Management for Business Professor Nikolay Mehandjiev Programme Director Melanie Crank Undergraduate Services

2 Congratulations!

3 Now the hard work starts

4 … the hard work will be worth it in the end

5 Who are Undergraduate Services?  Professional Support Services;  Undergraduate Office – D20  Assessment & Student Support Office – D14  Admissions Office – via D20 M

6 The Basics

7 Your Arrival Pack  Welcome Week Timetable;  Teaching Timetables – lectures and Academic Advisor seminars;  Seminars via the student system;  Student Peer Mentor information;  Personal development plan documents;  Health & Safety course information. M

8 Timetable Your timetable will be different each week. You are responsible for checking your personal timetable on the Student System and making sure that you are in the right place at the right time. M

9 Where to find information  My Manchester  Student System (Campus Solutions)  Online Undergraduate Handbook Online Undergraduate Handbook  Blackboard M

10 Role of Blackboard  All courses have a space in the Virtual Learning Environment (Blackboard) – You must frequently consult the Blackboard space for all of your courses – The resources on Blackboard are not a substitute for attending teaching sessions.

11 IT Information  IT Account  Register via the Student System  Note your University of Manchester email address  Storage – p-drive 200mb of space  Printing, £20 print credit  PC labs  Student Group Study Room – C11  Wi-Fi – eduroam  IT Support – M

12 Communication from Undergraduate Services  e-Bulletin every fortnight  emails  Facebook  Twitter  Texts  Online Undergraduate Student Handbook  Blackboard  Notice boards  Plasma screens M

13 If you’ve got any questions on what we’ve covered so far, please come and ask Take a break

14 Who are you ? On the piece of paper you have been given: Draw a picture that describes yourself in a creative way; for example hobbies, jobs, interests. Anything that can describe you is good; Write your name on the other side.

15 The Programme

16 ITMB Background Research revealed:  Poor visibility of IT project status  Lack of management control over projects costing UK a quarter of a billion £s each year;  Projects frequently go over budget. Typical overspend between 10% and 20%;  Increased complexity of IT projects – typical company running 29 projects;  Typical IT budget between £1m and £5m.

17 Use of Technology in Context ITMB learning outcomes Technology People Organisations Business Innovate Promote Predict Implement

18 BUSINESS At the end of the Programme students should:  Have demonstrated that they have mastered basic business disciplines and courtesies, demonstrating timeliness, focus when faced with distractions, and ability to complete tasks to a deadline with high quality.  Have demonstrated a mastery of basic business functions and organisational structures, including a sound understanding of modern business working practices, covering work in the office, at home and on the move.  Be able to take apart non-obvious business problems, structure the problem, collect relevant information, consider options and make recommendations.  Be able to use basic predictive modelling techniques and system thinking to predict future performance and propose system improvements.  Be able to construct a basic investment case for a multi-year initiative of uncertain outcome.  Be able to sell a moderately complex technology-oriented solution demonstrating understanding of business need, using open questions and summarising skills, and demonstrating basic negotiating skills.  Have gained and demonstrated competence in business and data analysis.

19 TECHNOLOGY At the end of the Programme students should:  Have demonstrated a good understanding of system architecture.  Gain and be able to demonstrate competence up to Level 3 (APPLY) of the SFIA framework in Database design (DBDS).  Gain and be able to demonstrate competence up to Level 3 (APPLY) of the SFIA framework in Programming/Software Development (PROG).  Have demonstrated the ability to collaborate with other people through the use of groupware systems.  Gain understanding of Management and Operations (COPS).  Be aware of how to roll out a system in a customer friendly way.  Be aware of HCI and ergonomic issues in system design.  Have acquired technology competence in two chosen fields up to Level 4 (ENABLE) of the seven level SFIA framework.

20 PERSONAL AND INTER-PERSONAL At the end of the Programme students should:  Be able to make concise, engaging and well-structured presentations, arguments and explanations of varying lengths by using various media  Understand their personal preferences, styles, strengths and weaknesses and be able to demonstrate how they use this knowledge to more effectively complete challenging business assignments.  Understand how to gain insight into the preferences, motivations, strengths and weaknesses of other people and demonstrate how they use these insights to work more effectively with others in team situations; motivate others to work more effectively in group situations.  Be competent in influencing and persuading others constructively, understanding the implications of defensive behaviour and personal strategies to overcome it; demonstrating knowledge of the taught techniques and the ability to use them effectively in realistic situations.

21 PERSONAL AND INTER-PERSONAL CONTINUED At the end of the Programme students should:  Have learnt how to deal with setbacks, misfortunes and hiatuses in ways that strengthen their positive attitude, and develop their self-reliance and ability to self-start on their own initiative.  Be able to give and receive direct feedback constructively; demonstrate how they incorporate it into learning and future action.  Be fluent written and verbal communicators, able to articulate complex issues, taking into account the audience viewpoint and have demonstrated competence in this.  Be able to manage their own course and life long learning.

22 BSc ITMB Learning Outcomes PROJECT At the end of the Programme students should:  Be able to construct a project plan for a multi-threaded project, and demonstrate that they can manage a risk register and lead a project review meeting.  Be able to manage a risk register.  Be able to manage a small project, including the rescheduling for deviations and handling review meetings.  Understand those quality issues concerned with project implementation. oicesprogrammestructures/Programmespecifications.aspx

23 Your Programme 1 year = 120 credits Semester 1 – 4 x 10 credit compulsory courses  BMAN10641Human Computer Interaction  BMAN10701 Business Database Design and Development  BMAN10671 Business Application Design and Development 1  BMAN10621M Fundamentals of Financial Reporting Semester 2 - 4 x 10 credit compulsory courses  BMAN10632M Fundamentals of Management Accounting  BMAN10652 The Nature of Information Systems  COMP19512 Introduction to Computer Systems  COMP19612 Business Application Design and Development 2

24 Your Programme Semester 1 and 2 – 3 x full year compulsory courses:  BMAN10680 Guru Lectures and Professional Development (10 credits)  BMAN10690 Integrative Team Project (20 credits)  BMAN10780 Business & Management Skills (10 credits) mmestructures/Programmestructures.aspx mmestructures/Programmestructures.aspx.

25 Need extra help with maths? There are extra drop in maths surgeries each semester for students who want more help. Look out for details in the e-Bulletin

26 Options in Year 2 and 3  Information about course choices and programme structures is available in the online undergraduate handbook  You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary pre-requisites and co-requisites for the courses you want to take  Options talks will be held towards the end of semester 2

27 Assessment and Progression

28 Assessment: What to Expect  Semester 1 exams take place in January  Semester 2 exams take place in May/June  Some courses are assessed by exam only, some by coursework and exams and some by coursework only. It is your responsibility to check your coursework deadlines and your exam dates, times and venues.

29 Progression Year 1 Receive a mark below 40% in more than 40 credits = compensation and REASSESSMENT Year 2 Pass everything (40%+ in 120 credits) Pass 40%+ in at least 80 credits and a “compensatable mark” (30-39%) in a maximum of 40 credits If you fail any course below 30% = REASSESSMENT You can be reassessed in courses up to a maximum of 80 credits

30 Resits Resits take place in August in Manchester Resits are for progression only. They are not a second chance to get a better mark If you fail resits you may be allowed to take additional courses in your second year, may have to retake exams and wait a year to join the second year, or be excluded from the university

31 Degree Weightings  First year – need to pass to proceed to second year – Marks do not count towards degree classification, but do appear on a transcript of marks. – Marks may be important when applying for internships/work experience ITMB without IE  Level 2 = 33%  Level 3 = 67% ITMB with IE  Level 2 = 30%  Industrial Experience = 10%  Level 3 = 60%

32 Prizes There are several prizes for high achieving students at the end of each year.  Recognition of achievement  Useful for your CV

33 Expectations of you Expectations

34 In coming to MBS you have not bought a degree. You are paying for the opportunity to earn one.

35 Approaches to teaching and learning  University teaching is different from school/college – Some very large lectures – Some small group seminars/workshops – A range of teaching styles – Lecturers, senior lecturers, professors, graduate teaching assistants (GTAs), seminar leaders  You are expected to be an independent learner  You are responsible for your own learning

36 Attendance and Engagement You are expected to attend all scheduled teaching session (lectures, seminars, labs, workshops etc) You are expected to engage in all scheduled teaching session (lectures, seminars, labs, workshops etc) You are expected to avoid any behaviour that would interfere with the learning and engagement of others. Seminar attendance will be monitored, and spot checks may be conducted in lectures.

37 Academic Advisors  Every student will be assigned an academic advisor  An academic advisor is a member of staff who you will get to know over your first year, and who will remain with you throughout your time on the programme.  You will meet your academic advisor every fortnight as part of the Business and Management Skills course (BMAN10780)  Your academic advisor will provide you with: – A point of contact regarding academic issues – Support in developing a personal development plan (PDP) – Feedback on your progress – A reference should you need one for a job, internship or further study

38 Feedback Feedback is developmental and should enable you to enhance your knowledge and understanding, personal qualities and intellectual, transferable and practical skills.  Informal advice and discussion during a lecture, seminar, workshop or lab.  Online exercises and quizzes delivered through the course Blackboard space  Responses to your emails and questions from a member of staff, including feedback provided to a group via an online discussion forum  Specific course related feedback sessions  Written and/or verbal comments on assessed or non assessed coursework  Written and/or verbal comments after you have given a group or individual presentation  Generic feedback posted on Blackboard regarding overall examination performance  Group and individual discussions/meetings with your Academic Advisor  Discussions and meetings with your Programme Director

39 Feedback  Academic staff aim to provide feedback which is: – Prompt – Individual – Constructive – Related to progression – Related to the learning outcomes of the course unit

40 Office hours  Office hours are times when academic staff are available to meet students  Academic staff should display their office hours on their door.

41 And finally…

42 Student Representatives Student representatives are the voice of the students on MBS committees  Staff-student liaison Committee  ITMB Programme Committee  Student Rep Focus Groups Nomination forms are available from D20 Deadline 4 October Meet current reps at the Student Fair

43 Contacts for the ITMB Programme  Undergraduate Office (D20 MBS East) – Email:  Assessment and Student Support Centre (D14 MBS East) – Email:  Professor Nikolay Mehandjiev, Programme Director (3.24 MBS West) – Email:

44 Good luck for the forthcoming year(s)

45 Any questions?

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