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Published byJoleen Amanda Washington Modified over 9 years ago
Descriptive Cataloging Using RDA Other Elements of Manifestations and Items Describing Carriers Describing Content Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division Library of Congress 2014 Module 5 1
2 Acknowledgements This course is the result of collaboration between Tim Carlton, Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division, Library of Congress Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, Ph. D., Dept. of Library & Information Science, Catholic University of America It has been adapted from training developed by Barbara Tillett and Judith Kuhagen, Library of Congress Policy and Standards Division, and other Library of Congress staff COIN gratefully acknowledges PSD’s permission to adapt the material for the present purpose
3 About This Material This training material has been created for a primary audience of Library of Congress staff. Other audiences are welcome to adapt and utilize it as they see fit. However, it should be understood that it reflects LC policies, and should not be interpreted to either prohibit or require specific practices for other libraries or organizations.
4 Learning Objectives oFollow-up on Manifestations oOther Elements of Manifestations and Item oDescribing Carriers oDescribing Content
5 Unit 1: Follow-up on Manifestations oDiscussion of Exercise 1
6 Discussion of Exercise 1 oEmphasis on “LC Core” elements oDiscuss ‘cataloger judgment’ to make other decisions
Unit 1: Other Elements of Manifestations and Items Where are the Instructions? Terms of availability Contact information Restrictions on access Restrictions on use Uniform Resource Locator Other characteristics 7
Where are the Instructions? Chapter 4: Providing Acquisition and Access Information The elements covered include those used to obtain or access a resource Availability Contacts Restrictions 8
Terms of Availability (4.2) Scope = “the conditions under which the publisher, distributor, etc., will normally supply a resource or the price of a resource” Price, or Other terms, if not for sale £6.99/$11.99 Free to students of the college But … LC-PCC PS “Generally do not provide prices or other availability information” MARC 020 $c 9
Contact Information (4.3) Scope = “information about an organization, etc., from which a resource may be obtained” Record contact information for a publisher, distributor, etc., if considered to be important for acquisition or access Examples Alabama Department of Archives and History.624 Washington Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36130-0100 10
Restrictions on Access (4.4) Scope = “limitations placed on access to a resource” Record as specifically as possible; include the nature and duration of the restriction. The absence of restrictions may be noted if considered to be important Access restricted to subscribers via username and password or IP address authentication MARC 506 11
Restrictions on Use (4.5) CORE ELEMENT for LC The core requirement is generally limited to the non-General Collections at LC Scope = “limitations placed on uses such as reproduction, publication, exhibition, etc.” Record as specifically as possible; include the nature and duration of the restriction. This film is restricted to classroom use MARC 540 12
Uniform Resource Locator (4.6) CORE ELEMENT for LC Scope = “the address of a remote access resource” LC-PCC PS – “If there is more than one Uniform Resource Locator for the resource, record all” MARC 856 13
Other Characteristics Sound resources (3.16) Moving image resources (3.17, 3.18) Electronic resources (digital files) (3.19) Cartographic resources (3.11, 3.19, 7.4, 7.25, 7.26) Music resources (7.13, 7.20, 7.21) 14
Unit 3: Describing Carriers Where are the Instructions? Content, Media, and Carrier Types Extent Dimensions 15
Where are the Instructions? oChapter 3: Describing Carriers oChapter 6: Identifying Works and Expressions oWe will not discuss specific elements for special formats (films, maps, etc.) oNumerous examples in RDA and in MARC documentation oPrimary focus on: LC core elements User task: Select 16
Content, Media, and Carrier Types Three RDA elements Content type RDA 6.9 MARC 336 Media type RDA 3.2 MARC 337 Carrier type RDA 3.3 MARC 338 Content relates to Expression Section 2, Chapter 6 Media/Carrier relate to Manifestation Section 1, Chapter 3 17
Content, Media, and Carrier Types – Structure for Recording In each of the MARC fields for these elements (336-338): $a [term] $b [code] $2 rdaconten t or rdamedia or rdacarrier $3 materials specified - give if appropriate 18
Content, Media, and Carrier Types – Controlled Vocabularies Closed lists If more than one term is appropriate, two choices: Pick the term representing the predominant or most substantial content/media/carrier Give all: repeat field If no term is appropriate: record “other” and notify the LC Policy and Standards Division 19
Content Type (6.9) CORE ELEMENT Scope = “ … the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived” Terms from Table 6.1 MARC 336 Examples: performed music still image text 20
Media Type (3.2) CORE ELEMENT for LC/PCC Scope = “… the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource” Terms from Table 3.1 MARC 337 Examples: audio computer microform unmediated 21
Carrier Type (3.3) CORE ELEMENT “ … the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required … ” Terms listed in MARC 338 Examples: audio disc computer disc microfiche volume videodisc 22
MARC 336 - 338 Fields – Example For a book: 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier 23
MARC 336 - 338 Fields – Use of Voyager Templates 24
Extent (3.4) CORE IF the resource is complete or the total extent is known Scope = “The number and type of units and/or subunits making up a resource” Unit = e.g., a volume Subunit = e.g., a page of a volume Sources: evidence presented by the resource itself MARC 300 $a 25
Extent of Text (3.4.5) 26
Extent of Text – Single Volume with Numbered Pages ( Record the extent in terms of pages, leaves, or columns, as appropriate If the volume consists of multiple sequences, record each sequence Record the last numbered page, leaf, or column in each sequence and follow it with the appropriate term 327 pages 321 leaves xvii, 323 pages 27 pages, 300 leaves 27 Record without abbreviations
Extent of Text – Single Volume with Unnumbered Pages ( Use one of the following methods: a) Record the exact number of pages, leaves, or columns, if readily ascertainable 93 unnumbered pages b) If the number is not readily ascertainable, record an estimated number of pages approximately 600 pages c) Record 1 volume (unpaged) 1 volume (unpaged) LC-PCC PS: usually follow method c) 28
Extent of Text – Complicated or Irregular Paging ( Use one of the following methods: a) Record the total number of pages [etc.] … followed by “in various pagings”, [etc.] 1000 pages in various pagings b) Record the number of pages [etc.] in the main sequences … and add the total number of the remaining variously numbered or unnumbered sequences 560, 223 pages, 217 variously numbered pages c) Record 1 volume (various pagings) I volume (various pagings) LC-PCC PS: usually follow method c) 29
Extent of Text – Leaves or Pages of Plates ( Plate = “A leaf containing illustrative content, with or without explanatory text, that does not form part of either the preliminary or the main sequence of pages or leaves” “If the leaves or pages of plates in a resource are not included in the numbering for a sequence … record the number of leaves or pages of plates at the end of the sequence … ” whether the plates are found together or distributed throughout the resource 246 pages, 32 pages of plates 30
Dimensions (3.5) CORE ELEMENT for LC for resources other than serials and online electronic resources Scope = “Measurements of the carrier or carriers and/or the container” Unless instructed otherwise, record in centimeters rounded up to the next whole centimeter and use the metric symbol cm MARC 300 $c 31
Dimensions – Selected Specific Carriers Volumes ( Record the height of the volume 22 cm If the volume measures less than 10 centimeters, record the height in millimeters and use the metric symbol mm 75 mm If the width of the volume is either less than half the height or greater than the height, record the height × width 20 × 8 cm 32
Dimensions – Selected Specific Carriers Cassettes ( Separate instructions for Audiocassettes, Computer cassettes, Film and videocassettes, etc. Discs ( Record the diameter of discs in inches Microfiches ( Record the height × width of the fiche Reels ( Separate instructions for different types 33
Dimensions – Examples for Carriers Other Than Volumes 16 mm (film/videocassette) 12 in. (disc) 25 × 35 cm (map) 35 mm (microfilm) 11 × 15 cm (microfiche) 5 × 5 cm (photographic slide) 34
MARC 300$a, 336 - 338 – Examples On this slide and the next several slides are examples showing: Extent (300 $a) Content Type (336) Media Type (337) Carrier Type (338) 35
MARC 300$a, 336 – 338 – Examples Book 300 $a 123 pages, 28 unnumbered pages 336 $a text $b txt $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $b n $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $b nc $2 rdacarrier Music CD 300 $a 1 audio disc {or: 1 CD} 336 $a performed music $2 rdacontent 337 $a audio $2 rdamedia 338 $a audio disc $2 rdacarrier Remember that $b is optional 36
MARC 300$a, 336 - 338 – Examples DVD 300 $a 1 DVD {or: 1 videodisc} 336 $a two-dimensional moving image $2 rdacontent 337 $a video $2 rdamedia 338 $a videodisc $2 rdacarrier Online PDF 300 $a 1 online resource (39 pages) 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a computer $2 rdamedia 338 $a online resource $2 rdacarrier 37
MARC 300$a, 336 - 338 – Examples Website (with maps, text, and photographs) 300 $a 1 online resource 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 336 $a cartographic image $2 rdacontent 336 $a still image $2 rdacontent 337 $a computer $2 rdamedia 338 $a online resource $2 rdacarrier 38 Oral history CD: 300 $a 1 CD 336 $a spoken word $2 rdacontent 337 $a audio $2 rdamedia 338 $a audio disc $2 rdacarrier
MARC 300$a, 336 - 338 – Examples Approach 1 – 300 $e 300 $a 244 pages... + $e 1 CD 336 $3 book $a text $2 rdacontent 336 $3 CD $a spoken word $2 rdacontent 337 $3 book $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 337 $3 CD $a audio $2 rdamedia 338 $3 book $a volume $2 rdacarrier 338 $3 CD $ audio disc $2 rdacarrier Approach 2 - Instead of $e, repeat 300 field 300 $a 244 pages... 300 $a 1 CD... Approach 3 - Instead of $e, provide a note 500 $a Accompanied by a CD. * The use of $3 in the 336-338 fields is optional 39 Book with accompanying CD of lecture
MARC 300$a, 336 - 338 – Examples Score: 300 $a 1 vocal score (xii, 300 pages) 336 $a notated music $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier Map: 300 $a 1 map 336 $a cartographic image $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a sheet $2 rdacarrier 40
Exercise on Carriers Exercise #2Describing Carriers 41
Unit 4: Describing Content Content Recorded in the MARC 300 Field General Guidelines on Describing Content Content -- Attributes of the Work Content -- Attributes of the Expression 42
Content Recorded in the MARC 300 Field Because these elements are related to content, they are covered in RDA Chapter 7, not Chapter 3 Duration (7.22) Illustrative Content (7.15) Colour Content (7.17) 300 field is a mix of carrier data and content data 43
Content – 300 Field Duration (7.22) CORE ELEMENT for LC Scope = “Playing time, running time, etc., of the content of a resource” If stated on the resource, readily ascertainable, or can be approximated Use abbreviations per RDA App. B.5.3 MARC 300 $a 300 $a 1 audio disc (45 min.) 300 $a 1 DVD (2 hr., 15 min.) 44
Content – 300 Field Illustrative Content (7.15) CORE ELEMENT for LC for resources intended for children Scope = “content designed to illustrate the primary content of a resource” Take from any source Record illustration or illustrations LC “generally” does not follow the alternative to record specific terms (e.g., charts, maps, portraits, forms, plans, etc.) MARC 300 $b and 008/18 45
Content – 300 Field Illustrative Content Do not use abbreviations illustrations (not “ill.”) color (not “col.”) sound (not “sd.”) silent (not “si.”) 46
Content – 300 field Colour Content (7.17) Scope = “the presence of colour, tone, etc. in the content” Take from the resource itself “other than black and white or shades of grey” LC-PCC PS use spelling “ color ” MARC 300 $b color (illustrations are in color) some color (some of the illustrations are in color) chiefly color (most of the illustrations are in color)
General Guidelines on Describing Content RDA Chapter 7 Sources Take information used to describe content from the resource itself In certain cases the information may be taken from sources outside the resource Divided into Attributes of the Work and Attributes of the Expression This distinction is not always intuitive, but it is clearly delineated in the Toolkit 48
Content – Attributes of the Work 7.2 – 7.9 Delineated by legend in RDA Toolkit: Attributes of the Work 49
Content -- Attributes of the Work Nature of the Content (7.2) Scope = “the specific character of the primary content of a resource” Record if considered important for identification or selection MARC 500, and 008/24 as applicable Singspiel in two acts Cross-cultural survey 50
Content -- Attributes of the Work Coverage of the Content (7.3) Scope = “the chronological or geographic coverage of the content of a resource” Record if considered important for identification or selection MARC 500 or 522 Based on 1981 statistics Shows all of western Europe and some of eastern Europe 51
Content -- Attributes of the Work Coordinates of Cartographic Content (7.4) CORE ELEMENT for LC for longitude and latitude Scope = “a mathematical system for identifying the area covered by the cartographic content of a resource” Not covered in this class 52
Content -- Attributes of the Work Intended Audience (7.7) CORE ELEMENT for LC for resources intended for children Scope = “the class of user for which the content of a resource is intended, or for whom the content is considered suitable” age group; educational level; type of disability; another categorization MARC 521 or 008/22 For children aged 7-9 For remedial reading programs 53
Content -- Attributes of the Work Dissertation or Thesis Information (7.9) CORE ELEMENT for LC/PCC Scope = “Information about a work presented as part of the formal requirements for an academic degree” degree; institution; year MARC 502 502 ## $b Ph.D. $c University of Toronto $d 1974 54
Content -- Attributes of the Work Dissertation or Thesis Information LC-PCC PS If the resource lacks a formal thesis statement … state its origin as a thesis in a general note (500) Include only the sub-elements (degree, institution, date) that are available LC does not often catalog theses or dissertations; LC staff will usually need to construct a 500 rather than a 502 500 ## $a Revision of the author’s thesis[…] 55
Content – Attributes of the Expression 7.10 – 7.28 Delineated by legend in the Toolkit Attributes of the Expression Remember: we already looked at 3 content-expression elements that are recorded in the 300 field Duration Illustrative content Colour content 56
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Summarization of the Content (7.10) CORE ELEMENT for LC for fiction intended for children For other situations: record if important Scope = “Abstract, summary, synopsis, etc. of the content of a resource” MARC 520 LC-PCC PS LC-created – no attribution External – in quotes; with attribution 57
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Language of the Content (7.12) CORE ELEMENT for LC Scope = “a language used to express the content of a resource” LC-PCC PS “… also supply the languages of other content (summaries, tables of contents, etc.) if it will assist identification and selection” MARC 008/35-37; MARC 041 and 546 (as applicable) Use form from MARC Code List for Languages 58
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Language of the Content – ‘Coreness’ The core requirement is often satisfied by coding the 008 field; a 041 or 546 is not necessarily required for every record 041 is used to code multiple languages present in the resource -- either with or without a translation being involved 546 is used to provide words to describe the languages of the content (and could be used for a single language, if considered helpful) 59 041 ## $a fre $a eng $a ita 546 ## $a Articles chiefly in French; one article each in English and Italian.
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Form of Notation (7.13) CORE ELEMENT for LC for some scripts and for form of musical notation Scope = “set of characters and/or symbols used to express the content of a resource” Various provisions in LC-PCC PS 7.13 MARC 546 546 ## $a Devanagari 546 ## $a Azerbaijani $b Cyrillic. 60
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Supplementary Content (7.16) CORE ELEMENT for LC for indexes and bibliographies in monographs For other situations: record if important Scope = “content (e.g., an index, a bibliography, an appendix) designed to supplement the primary content of a resource.” MARC fields 504 and 500 … 61
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Supplementary Content (LC-PCC PS If the resource has bibliographical citations in any form: 504 ## $a Includes bibliographical references. If there is a single bibliography, record the pagination: 504 ## $a Includes bibliographical references (pages 310-325). If the resource contains an index to its own contents: 500 ## $a Includes index. Bibliography and index notes may be combined: 504 ## $a Includes bibliographical references and index. 62
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Music Resources 3 CORE ELEMENTS for LC Form of musical notation (7.13.3) staff notation Format of notated music (7.20) vocal score Medium of performance of musical content (7.21) Reduction for clarinet and piano 63
Content -- Attributes of the Expression Cartographic Resources 4 CORE ELEMENTS for LC Horizontal scale (7.25.3) 1:36,000,000 Vertical scale (7.25.4) Vertical scale 1:96,000 Additional scale information (7.25.5) 1 in. to 3.95 miles Projection of cartographic content (7.26) conic equidistant projection 64
Exercise on Content Exercise #3Describing Content 65
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