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SWEDEN Welcome to Linköping University -- 2014 秋季入学硕士专业申请 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SWEDEN Welcome to Linköping University -- 2014 秋季入学硕士专业申请 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWEDEN Welcome to Linköping University -- 2014 秋季入学硕士专业申请 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 1

2 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 2 Outline General Education in Sweden; Introduction to Linköping University; Introduction to Linköping’s Industrial Region and Career Opportunities; Application procedure and Admission requirements.

3 General Educational Structure in Sweden Bachelor degrees Professional degrees Master degrees PhD degrees Licentiate degrees Basic level (1st level) Bachelor’s degree (3 years) Advanced Level (2nd level) Master’s degree (2 years) Research level (3rd level) Licentiate degree (2 years) PhD degree (4 years) 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 3

4 2013-10-11 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 4 Stockholm Sweden 40 HE institutions 15 full universities 350,000 students

5 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden5 Linköping University 瑞典林雪平大学 27,000 students 10 % international 4,000 employees 65 % academic positions 500 int’l partnerships Over 20 master’s programmes in English Public university Founded in 1976

6 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 6 A Broad Comprehensive University Four faculties Arts and Sciences (Humanities and Social science) Educational Sciences Medicine and Health Sciences Institute of Technology 14 multidisciplinary departments A strong tradition of interdisciplinary and innovation

7 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 7 Top 50, universities younger than 50 years QS &(THE) Top 150 in Engineering and Computer Science (ARWU& QS) Top 300-400 by ARWU, QS and THE (that is top 3%, globaly) Ranking

8 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 8 Why LiU: Campus Life Close collaboration with the business world Independent thinking is encouraged Open climate with a strong focus on team work Laboratories – hands-on learning Graduate research schools

9 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 9 Why LiU: Campus Life Garanteed accommodation Orientation Day International student associations Study resources online Career Service Work while studying is possible 1st in English Proficiency Index

10 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 10 1 st Out of 200 Universities in the International Student Barometer 2011 for Student Satisfaction ”Overall, how satisfied are you with all aspects of your University experience?”

11 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 11 LiU Alumni all over the World Huawei, Stanford University, Ericsson, Intel, Tetrapak, Nokia, SAAB

12 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 12 Linköping, Sweden 瑞典林雪平市 150.000 inhabitants - A center for culture and education since the 11th century

13 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 13 Center of aviation and high tech, the engineers city Linköping, Sweden 瑞典林雪平市

14 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 14 World-Class Competences  Mobile Broadband  Image processing & visualization  Automotive Safety  Software & Systems Development 260 companies Adjunct to LiU main campus Mjärdevi Science Park

15 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 15 Career Opportunities Work permit after graduation (under discussion) Science parks Ericsson, SAAB Aerospace industry Clean-tech industry PhD-studies

16 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 16 A Comprehensive University - over 20 international master programs Aeronautical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Communication Systems Computer Science Electronics Engineering Energy and Environmental Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics Mechanical Engineering Statistics and Data Mining Science for Sustainable Development Applied Ethology and Animal Biology Ecology and the Environment Experimental and Medical Biosciences Materials Science and Nanotechnology Organic Synthesis/Medicinal Chemistry Adult Learning and Global Change (one year) Outdoor Environmental Education and Outdoor Life (one year) Applied Ethics (one year) Business Administration - Strategy and Management in International Organisations Child studies (one/two years) Gender studies - Intersectionality and Change (one/two years) International and European Relations

17 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 17 Application and Scholarships Application period 16 October – 15 January Tuition fees: RMB 95,000 – 140,000 per year Scholarships LiU International Scholarship Swedish Institute Study Scholarship

18 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 18 University Admissions in Sweden National application process to master's programmes in Sweden Managed by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) in cooperation with Sweden's universities and university colleges Application website

19 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 19 Convenient Electronic Application and Process create a user account search for courses and programmes fill out and send in application pay application fee, if required submit documents follow application receive and print out Notification of Selection Results reply to any offers of admission

20 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 20 Application Information 4 programmes Application fee Documents & paid fee the application will be processed Key dates Deadlines Scholarships

21 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 21 Entrance Requirements Four years bachelor’s degree Independent colleges: completed degree Self study examinations: 20-25 courses + thesis Proficiency in English TOEFL score of at least 90/20- Internet-based test IELTS score of at least 6.5/5.5 Specific requirements for the programme

22 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 22 Documentation Requirements Academic documents: issued through and certified by a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office or equivalent of the institution certified copies graduation and degree certificate, transcript students in the final year: ToR+official document stating that the student is likely to be awarded the degree by the start of the Swedish programme

23 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 23 LiU Requirements Specific requirements: specific to the programme engineering programmes: mathematics Grades required: over 75%

24 2013-10-28 A short introduction to Linköping University, Sweden 24 Welcome to

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