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05th Oct. 2012 Government of Rajasthan Department of Women & Child Development.

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Presentation on theme: "05th Oct. 2012 Government of Rajasthan Department of Women & Child Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 05th Oct. 2012 Government of Rajasthan Department of Women & Child Development

2 Vision Establishing integrated delivery of services in a responsive, proactive, sustainable and continuous manner through convergent efforts, shared leadership and common accountability. We aim in making AWCs first point of contact for all kind of delivery of services related to Pre- School Education, Health and Nutrition & Empowerment of Women

3 IndicatorsStatus (Rajasthan) (2001)/ 2001-03 Current Status (Rajasthan) Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)445*318* Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)67*55*** Institutional Deliveries (ID) (%)32%# 70.4% ◊ Anemia among Women 48.5% ##53.1% # Anemia among Children 82.3% ##79.6% Underweight children(1-5 years)51%##36.8% # Complete immunization coverage26.5% # 53.8% ◊ Female Literacy rate44.34% @52.66%@@ Mean Age at marriage19.7 (AHS) Source: **SRS-2009, *SRS2007, ## NFHSII, #NFHS-III (2005), $ DLHS-III (07-08), Census2001@, ***SRS 2010, Census2011@@, ◊ Coverage Evaluation Survey UNICEF, SRS special bulletin on MMR 2007-2009 Situational Analysis

4 Main Programmes of the Department Child Development Women Empowerment  ICDS  Management of Malnutrition  Anganwari Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Programme. & Hygiene Programme.  Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights  Women Development Programme  Chief Minister’s 7 Point Programme for Women Empowerment  SABLA / Kishori Shakti Yojana  Mahila Sahayata Samiti  Self-Help Group Programme.  Gender Cell  Protection Cell  Rajasthan State Commission for Women


6 ICDS – Health & Nutrition Health & Nutrition – Pre-school EducationEducation – Human Resource & InfrastructureInfrastructure Committees under National Nutrition Policy – State Nutrition Council State Nutrition Council – State Level Inter-departmental Coordination Committee State Level Inter-departmental Coordination Committee – District Nutrition Council (DNC) District Nutrition Council (DNC) State Nutrition Plan of Action. Child Rights - Child Policy - Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights - Girl Child Policy Child Development & Rights of Children

7 Welfare & Empowerment of Women Social EmpowermentEmpowerment Economic Empowerment.Empowerment. Protection Gender Mainstreaming.

8 Present Status of ICDS (As on 31 st March, 12) Total Projects 304 Total Anganwari Centres 54915 Mini Anganwari Centres 6204 Total No. of SNP Beneficiaries 37.38 lac Total No. of Pre – School Beneficiaries 11.82 lac

9 Child malnutrition Impact of the above initiatives

10 Impact contd.

11 M&H DWCD Vitamin A MTC ANC IDD IFA Supplementation NHED Counseling Linkages with SSA KGBV PSE involvement by AWW Education PHED Drinking Water Supply Water Quality Surveillance and Monitoring PR & RD IEC Monitoring Coordination Community Mobilization Sanitation Development Partners IEC Capacity building Tools development Functional Convergence AWC near Jails/Orphanages/con struction/refugee sites SJE

12 Major Gaps Due to lack of awareness there is demand deficit. Inflation makes SNP production financially unviable. Mismatch of decentralization with micro nutrient fortification and local production requirement with sanitation and mechanized production. Lack of awareness and community participation in growth monitoring Malnutrition still not visualized as a fatal disease hampering growth & development. Education levels of AWWs. Movement of children to private schools. In urban AWCs lack of sufficient place for conducting PSE. Low rental and shortage of maintenance funds.

13 Interventions State Nutrition Plan of Action is being developed. SNP Quality control is being done at the State, District and Project level. Focused IEC campaign for awareness generation among the community Sensitization of PRI members for community basedbased monitoring. Cluster/ federation models are being tried out to meet out to overcome the existing problems in decentralised process of procurement of SNP. Growth monitoring in a campaign mode.

14 Financial Profile Name of Scheme YearCSS ProvisionState ProvisionTotal Provision Addl. Financial contribution ICDS (Gen.)2012-1341196.584577.4045773.98- SNP2012-1326081.3841962.9568044.3315881.57 Sabla2012-134641.417296.3711937.782654.96 Addl. Hono. To AWW/AWH 2012-13-----3041.65 Total71919.3756878.37128797.7421578.18

15 Initiatives of the State. InitiativesImplication (In Lac.) Sahayogini honorarium4861.04 Sathin honorarium1488.59 Insurance and Saving Scheme for AWW/AWH and Sahayogini 148.75 Pre School Education Teacher366.00 Maintenace of AWC’s500.00 Constrution of AWC building1867.36 Total9231.74

16 Staff Position Name of the post SanctionedIn position vacantRemarks Dy. Director 331518 DOP has been requested to post RAS. Promotion process is under progress. CDPOs/ ACDPOs 304 (175+129) 23173 Selection by RPSC is under progress./ Promotion process under progress. Lady supervisor 21971689508 Process of filling up posts is under progress.

17 12 th Plan Perspective Capacity building of local Self Govt. to make nutrition a priority agenda. Design and piloting of innovative multi-sectoral convergence models for synergistic action including community based care for underweight children. Community mobilization and action, through panchyat led models and partnerships with women’s SHGs, mothers committees and CBOs. Focus on preventive measures of malnutrition through educating and creating awareness. Using child growth as a driver of change. Affirmative action for the Girl Child. Ensuring continuum of care. Addressing child rights.

18 Support expected from GoI (2012-13) Budget of Rs.385 crore (@3.5 lac per AWC) for construction of 11000AWC buildings. Following is proposed:- – 90% cost to be shared by GoI. – Provision of construction of AWC building under NREGEA. – Dovetailing with BRGF scheme for construction of AWCs. Present rate of raw material of SNP is about 30% more than the prevailing norms of GoI. The additional burden has to be born by the State. This may be shared by GoI by 50%.Norms may be revised keeping in view changing consumer index. Additional human resource at the State level to strengthen the monitoring mechanism. Additional worker for conducting Pre-school education. Mobile AWCs for hard to reach and scattered area. Eradication of malnutrition in a mission mode. Upscaling SABLA and IGMSY. Special programme for out of school 6-11 years girls. Pre school be also under the ambit of RTE with provisioning to ICDS for strengthening it.


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