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Published byJoy Harrington Modified over 9 years ago
Interpreting Feedback from Baseline tests- Whole School and Individual Student Data CEM CONFERENCE EXETER Geoff Davies Day 1 Session 2 27 th February 2013
Using Baseline Data for Teaching and Learning Informing professional judgement Begging Questions Supporting teachers Starting conversations Starting a diagnostic process in some cases How able is this year group? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this cohort? How did individuals perform?
Bands, percentiles, standardised scores… Standardised scores D C B A 105203014090958070996050 Percentiles: 2575
National Quartile Ability Bands
Band Profile Graph: all MidYIS cohort Checking this graph each year will give you an immediate overview of your intake. A school with a ‘completely average’ intake would have 25% of pupils within each band. Band DBand A
Independent schools only 2011-12
A Grammar School present year 11 (5 th year) YELLIS BANDS
Alis: year 12 students, two baseline profiles for the same school Nationally, 25% in each band Comments and potential implications?
Band A Band D Comments?
What do the sections of the MIDYIS test measure? The Vocabulary component of the test is generally an important element for most subjects. For English, History and some Foreign Languages it is the best. However the Vocabulary score is perhaps the most culturally linked of all the scores. Those who have not been exposed to vocabulary-rich talk or a wide variety of reading material or whose first language is not English are unlikely to have developed as high a vocabulary score as they would have developed in a different environment. Maths Score The Maths score is well correlated with most subjects but is particularly important when predicting Maths, Statistics, ICT, Design Technology and Economics. The Maths section has been designed with the emphasis on speed and fluency, rather than knowledge of Maths. Like the Vocabulary score, the Maths score is a good predictor of later academic performance. Vocabulary Score
Non-Verbal Score The Non-Verbal score is composed of the three sub tests: Cross- Sections, Block Counting and Pictures. The Non-verbal score is important when predicting Maths, Science, Design Technology Geography, Art and Drama. It provides a measure of the pupil’s ability in 3-D visualisation, spatial aptitude, pattern recognition and logical thinking. It can give an insight in to the developed ability for pupils for whom English is a second language
Skills Score In the Proof Reading section pupils are asked to spot mistakes in the spelling, punctuation and grammar of a passage of text. eg mis-spelling of words like ‘there’ and ‘their’. The PSA (Perceptual speed and accuracy) section asks pupils to look for matches between a sequence of symbols on the left and a number of possible choices on the right. Given enough time most pupils would probably get the answers correct but we are measuring how quickly pupils can find a correct match. An interesting result from our work with the Deaf and Hearing Impaired community shows that on average, Hearing Impaired pupils score well above the national average on the PSA section of the test. The PSA section allows speed to be demonstrated free from the demands of memory. The Proof Reading and PSA tests are tests for the modern world, and are designed to measure fluency and speed. They rely on a pupil’s scanning and skimming skills, skills that are desirable in examination situations.
16 Individual Pupil Records: Show pupils’ strengths and weakness of different sections of the baseline test Bands A,B,C, & D (quartiles) Scores are standardised to have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 Tables and graphs which include error bars Stanines and percentiles Confidence limits
Top of confidence limit Bottom of confidence limit IPRs (Individual Pupil Record Sheets) An exercise for you on this later!!
On another day, with 95% certainty, the score of 100.6 (+/- 1.1 x 2) would not be higher than 100.6 + 2.2 = 102.8 would not be lower than 100.6 – 2.2 = 98.4 How might this information be useful?
2009 VocabularyMathsNon-VerbalSkillsOverall ScoreBandScoreBandScoreBandScoreBand ScoreBand Pupil 01122A125A116A107B 126A Pupil 02105B110A127A95C 108B Pupil 03105B93C110B89D 99C Pupil 0491C116A130A115A 103B Pupil 05111A144A122A103B 129A Pupil 06107B112A85D97C 109B Pupil 07115A106B100C86D 112A Pupil 08141A137A132A135A 143A Pupil 09104B92C105B109B 98C Pupil 1099C119A114A99C 109B Pupil 11108B126A130A140A 118A Pupil 12106B123A120A105B 116A Pupil 13103B96C103B104B 99C Pupil 14108B110B112A108B 110A Pupil 1595C104B103B122A 99C Some pupil data MIDYIS
A relatively lower vocabulary score might indicate a difficulty which: could contribute to under-performance in most, if not all subjects might lead to ‘stressful situations’ may lead to further investigation and subsequent pupil support
A relatively low maths score might indicate potential weaknesses in subject areas which require: numerical skills logical thinking skills such as sequencing CONVERSELY: a high maths score but a low vocab/reading score…….
A relatively high non-verbal score might indicate potential strengths in subject areas which require: 3d, and 3d into 2d, visualisation Spatial awareness Understanding images in 2d representing 3d Extracting information from visual images Science, D and T, Art, Geography…… and vice versa
A relatively low skills score might indicate potential weaknesses such as: Speed of processing/working Potential underperformance in test/examination conditions Poor written work (SPG etc.) and vice versa
Skills: Proof Reading
Skills: Perceptual Speed and Accuracy
SEN use of MIDYIS test results Analysis of baseline test individual skill profiles to indicate potential areas of learning difficulties e.g. If the two lowest scores are the vocabulary and skills section and are, or close to being, statistically significant (see IPR) Then the student might be dyslexic....... Follow-up with appropriate diagnostic tests…..
Scores over 130 – top 2% nationally Scores over 126 – top 5% nationally Scores over 120 – top 10% nationally Scores over 110 – top 25% nationally Using national baseline test scores to Identify Gifted Pupils
Using MidYIS IPRs to Inform Teaching and Learning The IPR on its own simply tells us about the relative performances of the pupil on the separate sections of the test, where the pupil is strong, where performance has been significantly above or below national averages or where the pupil has significantly outperformed in one section or another. It is when the IPR is placed in the hands of a teacher who knows that pupil that it becomes a powerful tool. It is what teachers know about individual pupils: what has happened in the past, how they respond to given situations and how they work in the teacher’s specific subject that inform the interpretation of the IPR If the IPR data from MidYIS, the teacher’s personal and subject specific knowledge and experiences regarding the pupil can be shared, then there becomes a much more powerful instrument for supporting pupils’ learning needs.
Some pupils will display an IPR pattern with significant differences between one or two components of the MidYIS Test. These can be the most interesting and possibly the most challenging pupils for mainstream classroom teachers. Scenarios and anecdotal findings Handout Page 3
A SELECTION OF MIDYIS SCORES FOR ‘WATERLOO ROAD’ !! VocabularyMaths Non VerbalSkills MidYIS Score St. ScoreBandSt. ScoreBandSt. ScoreBandSt. ScoreBandSt. ScoreBand SurnameSex AF81D110B108B112A94C BF128A107B105B94C120A CM106B121A103B90D114A DF107B84D96C107B96C EM C90D130A91C92C FF86D D120A74D84D GF100B115A80D103B108B HF121A96C114A86D111A IM92C100C96C123A95C JM100C105B100C99C102B KM128A132A114A131A133A LM76D70D74D73D71D What do I need to know/do to teach this (difficult) class of twelve pupils Why would this be a very challenging class to teach? These are real anonymous scores from a number of schools around the UK 3
Vocabulary scores significantly lower than other component scores Second language? Deprived areas? Difficulty accessing curriculum.? Targeted help does work. Seen in nearly all schools. Worth further diagnosis. Could potentially affect performance in all subjects Vocabulary scores significantly higher than other component scores Good communicators. Get on. Put Maths problems in words? Mathematics significantly higher than other scores From Far East? Done entrance tests? Primary experience? Mathematics significantly lower than other scores Primary experience. Use words and diagrams? Sometimes difficult to change attitude..Difficultiess with logical thinking and skills such as sequencing Low Mathematics scores with High Non-verbal Scores Use diagrams. Confidence building often needed Pupils with non-verbal scores different from others – High Non-verbal Scores Frustration? Behaviour problems? Don’t do as well as good communicators or numerate pupils? Good at 3D and 3D to 2D visualisation and spatial awareness. Good at extracting information from visual images Pupils with non verbal scores different from others – Low Non-verbal Scores Peak at GCSE? A level ? Pupils with low Skills scores Exams a difficulty after good coursework? Suggests slow speed of processing. High Skills Scores Do well in exams compared with classwork? The Average Pupil They do exist! High scores throughout Above a score of 130 puts the pupil in the top 2% nationally Low scores throughout Below a score of 70 puts the pupil in the bottom 2% nationally 3
Sharing data with colleagues: e.g. baseline test data
The code: j: reduces size k: infills m: inverts
Sharing the baseline Information within School Using your MIS systems Baseline test data can be useful to indicate reasons for student learning difficulties and may go some way to explain lack of progress, flag up causes for underachievement and even behaviour problems. for all teachers and support staff. It can help to support professional judgement and give a better understanding of the progress students make at school and their potential later performance. to refer to for pupil reviews, writing reports, meeting parents, monitoring progress and interim assessments.
HANDOUT 1 pages 1 and 2
2013 Current Year7 2009 Current Year 11 2012 Current Year 8 2008 Current Year 12 2011 Current Year 9 2007 Current Year 13 2010 Current Year 10 2006 Last year’s Year 13 YearBand ABand BBand CBand D 201314263623 201222213126 201118243128 201024232824 200919292824 200817342425 200723262723 200618242632 OVERALLMIDYIS VOCABULARY YearBand ABand BBand CBand D 201319342818 201225203717 201125242625 201028232721 200923222927 2008302125 200730262320 200619 3032 Percentage of pupils falling into each MidYIS Band over time 1
MATHS YearBand ABand BBand CBand D 201312183931 201217212635 201112213433 2010212029 200923222629 200816193628 200719232928 2006241829 NON VERBAL YearBand ABand BBand CBand D 201329352215 201235332111 201119352719 201024323311 200934243111 200821313018 200728372213 200625342515 Scores Standardised on a Nationally Representative Sample of Schools 1
YearBand ABand BBand CBand D 201318271342 201221262429 201124 1932 201030262321 200926 2919 200821 2730 200723253121 200612253429 SKILLS PROOF READING Year Band A Band B Band C Band D 201314151952 201217192638 201114202244 201020242729 200921291831 200814252833 200714352724 200611223532 Year Band A Band B Band C Band D 201331221730 20123023 24 201133232519 201036222319 2009322422 200823 2430 200726292223 200616243229 PERCEPTUAL SPEED AND ACCURACY 2
1) Some teachers feel that the intake into the school has changed in the past few years. If so in which areas is the intake stronger or weaker? 2)Look at the breakdown of the individual test components for last year’s year 11. (2008 entry). What do you notice? a) Achievements in a core subject at GCSE in 2012 were below what had been achieved in previous years. Can you suggest which subject it was? b) Why would you expect better results at GCSE in this subject this year. c) This subject faces challenges in at least two further entry cohorts. Which are they? Suggest a strategy that they might follow. 3) What factors could explain the discrepancy between scores in the individual components and also in those scores from year to year? Is there anything that can be done about it? 4) Why do you think that the discrepancies between the score components can be vastly different between schools. Which scores are particularly high compared to the whole national cohort for this school. 2
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Handout 1 Page 4 and 5
Exercise What are the Strengths and weaknesses of this A/AS level student? To use the IPR (Individual pupil record) familiarise yourself with the terms standard score, band, stanine, percentile and confidence band a)Which AS/A level subjects might be avoided? ------------------------------------- b) This student chose English, Film Studies, Music Technology and Psychology. Is this a good choice? Do you foresee any problems?--------------------
NameOverallVocabMathsNon Verbal AverageA Level subjects chosen St.ScoreBandSt.ScoreBandSt.ScoreBandSt.ScoreBand GCSE A78D49D99B92Cna biologymathsbusiness art B94C115A85D104Bna biology businesspsychologyenglish C88D97C85D104B5.6 historypsychologyenglishmedia D101B107B97C80D5.9 businesshistoryenglishdrama E104B87D112A116Ana biologyphysicsmaths business F81D47D103B111Bna mathsfurthermathsbusiness G93C113A84D113Ana biologybusinessfrenchgeography H97C111A89D99C7 artenglishpsychologyreligiousst. I87D68D100B109B5.4 mathsgeographyfrenchmusic J105B67D124A85D6.1 mathsfurthermathspsychologyeconomi cs K96C71D110A97Cna biologymathsartenglish L92C60D111A97Cna mathshistoryreligiousst.english You are given data relating to an institution where students completed the ALIS computer adaptive test. They are chosen because they show significant differences between the various parts of the test. Remember scores are standardised around 100. a) Are there any apparent mismatches between the subjects being followed and this data? b) What support can be given to those students who have particular weaknesses in Vocabulary or Mathematics ? c) How might predictions made for these students be tempered in the light of the inconsistencies in the test components and missing average GCSE points scores?
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