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School Data Analysis Leslie Acree, EDU 6015 Trevecca Nazarene University.

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1 School Data Analysis Leslie Acree, EDU 6015 Trevecca Nazarene University

2 South Gibson Co. High School Home of the Hornets Based on 2012 School Report Card Data SGC is a new school that opened in 2009. Built for 525 students; 2012 data shows 555 students Fall 2012 shows 625 in building.

3 South Gibson County Students

4 Economically Disadvantaged

5  SGC has 45 teachers with their average teaching experience being approx. 8 years.  98.1% of courses are taught by Highly Qualified Teachers  Rate of teacher turnover seems high, though % is unknown.  Max. # of students per course is 35 for core subjects, 25 for CTE, computer apps Teacher Demographics

6  Areas of Strength include:  Safe and Orderly Environment with limited interruptions on student learning  High expectations are communicated within the building  Staff is committed to creating a rigorous, relevant environment SGC’s Strengths

7  Safe School  Vandalism is rare  Minimal violence  Students actively involved in learning process  Students are recognized for achievement frequently  Nurse’s Clinic on site  Parents are involved in the child’s education for the most part.  ICU Program and Peer Tutoring have been implemented and evaluated regularly to provide the best help for students to show mastery.  Report Card shows no detectable decline in Value- Added.

8 Staff and administration are working towards creating a school that is mission-driven, rigorous, and relevant Administration responds to communication. Staff is committed to fulfilling the school’s mission Community understands and supports the school Leadership "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” - Henry Ford

9 SubgroupState % P/ASGC % P/A All70 White7671 Econ. Disadvantaged5771 English II Test Demographics  Graph shows only subgroups recorded on the school report card which could account for a discrepancy from percentages on previous slide where total number of students were calculated.

10 Algebra I Demographics  Econ. Disadvantaged was not calculated by the state because SGC did not meet baseline requirement. SubgroupState % P/ASGC % P/A All4951 White5452 Econ. Disadvantaged3729*

11  Building needs to meet needs of students at current capacity.  Parental involvement needs to improve  Community buy-in needs to include more than athletics Areas of Growth:

12  As student population increases, so will #’s in subgroups that will eventually count towards AYP (SPED and African Americans)  Are interventions working as we move forward?  Progressive grading  Reading intervention  Power standards  Academic vocabulary within all subjects  What new interventions do we need to put in place to meet even higher goals?  Technology improvements/building capacity Concerns moving forward…

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